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Everything posted by cheekychips

  1. Hurricane in Florida. Debby, go away.

  2. I love questing. Especially when the stories are somewhat engaging and suspenseful (Ritual of M, While Guthix Sleeps) however, I am not a fan of what I like to call "filler" quests. Quests that are filled with nothing but puzzles, no/weak storyline, and small "busywork" tasks that involve running back and forth. -cough- Elemental Workshop -cough-
  3. Always wanted to give the Max Payne Trilogy a go, maybe I will now
  4. Happy birthday to me. Florida's awesome

    1. Blake



      Also, happy cake day.

    2. Jake


      Make sure GLADOS isn't invited.

  5. Did he like... capture his soul? Did... did anyone see that?
  6. I enjoyed the "where are you going where have you been reference." Yes. I bets its men excite me Talos
  7. cheekychips

    Work it gurrrrlz! ;p

    David, I love you
  8. Off to Florida, oh boy oh boy

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. cheekychips


      Do you throw beads at people there?

    3. Blake


      Yes. Also go swimming then take my clothes off.

    4. Jake


      I prefer walking along the beach and creeping people out.

  9. cheekychips

    Citadel Statue Idea

    I'm with Blexun. Because I'm with Blexun.
  10. Well guys, its that time! I'll try my best to get on when I can, see ya all later!
  11. I thought it was June 10th or so.. God I'm really losing track of time..

  12. Baird's story if I've heard correctly, idk though
  13. I couldnt come because... well... yeah!
  14. I will never stop hoping that one day, when my doorbell rings, it'll be Secretariat at the door.

    1. Blake


      duh duh dua dahd uddh udhd audhda duah udha duah

  15. Agreed, F2P wars pull more people and are all around more simple
  16. If I'm not on a plane i'll definitely be there
  17. If theres a greater chance to get it... Then its not rare.. but they say its rare.. and I.. who.. what.?
  18. Hello? Is it me you're looking for?

  19. Not sure what to skill. Guess I'll go for herblore again

    1. Blake


      We should hang br0

  20. Very interesting, thank you so much for your service.
  21. Happens to me all the time. The church is picky with those marriage annulments.
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