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Everything posted by cheekychips

  1. I was playing blitz the league on n64 recently and laughing my ass off.
  2. I've actually wanted to pick up a good football game for a while now, the last one i had was from 2005. Maybe this will be it.
  3. If you have a DELL, integrating a new graphics card is awful. They are not upgrade friendly, take it from me. I tried to install an expensive card into my dell once, but I ended up having to cut into parts of the computer and get a better power source. Its really not worth the headache, thats only if you have a dell though.
  4. Actually agree with 99% of this. I disagree with the way you spelled "eighth" in the beginning however.
  5. Cant unsee Maxi pads on the ball..
  6. I'd begin to take the names of the people I turn into doors, and hoard them in my basement.
  7. Its a great day for America, everybody

    1. Blake


      We've been in the IP Chat thing a long time and not once have we've made a "WHO'S THAT AT THE DOOR" joke when the doorbell goes off.

    2. cheekychips



    3. David


      Man O' War > Secretariat > Seabiscuit

  8. Darn i really wanted to come to this Busy day unfortunately
  9. cheekychips

    Over Encumbered

    1 pound? Thats a heavy flower
  10. Chaos Dwarf Battlefield Trip Date: Monday, May 7th Location: We will mass in Keldagrim bank, world TBD Notes: Hoping for a dpick drop Time Chart Daylight Saving Time [table] [th]Time Zone[/th] [th]UTC/GMT Relative[/th] [th]Event Time[/th] 10:00 P.M. [/td] 9:00 P.M. [/td] 5:00 P.M. [/td] 4:00 P.M. [/td] 3:00 P.M. [/td] 2:00 P.M. [/td] [/table][table][th][/th][/table] If your timezone is not included in the chart, this link may help: Time Zone Converter [*]Select "Use The Following Date/Time:" [*]Set the date to that of the event. [*]Set the time to that of the event. [*]Select your Timezone and then click "Convert".
  11. Is it wrong if Bonnie Tyler has been on the radio for 2 minutes now, and I havent changed the channel? And started singing along?

  12. I definitely agree with you, something like this would've added a ton of depth and kept me interested in the civil war storyline.
  13. At my parents house. Free food.

    1. Blake


      Leaving parents house. No more free food.

  14. The worst is when people post pictures of babies with birth defects for sympathy likes. Then post a comment about liking them for 2000 friends.
  15. Blex, that exact same thing happened to me when i was 14. Stop copies me.
  16. cheekychips

    The Dragonborn Comes

    Lol! Never even thought of how perverted that sounded
  17. i just collected a ton of dwarven ingots from dungeons or melted down dwarven parts, made tons of dwarven bows. profit.
  18. Runespan Trip Date: Sunday, May 6th Location: Wizard's Tower, World TBD Hey Guys! I figure everyone will be checking out runespan this week anyways, so why not make a clan trip of it? Time Chart Daylight Saving Time [table] [th]Time Zone[/th] [th]UTC/GMT Relative[/th] [th]Event Time[/th] 9:00 P.M. [/td] 7:00 P.M. [/td] 3:00 P.M. [/td] 2:00 P.M. [/td] 1:00 P.M. [/td] 12::00 P.M. [/td] [/table][table][th][/th][/table] If your timezone is not included in the chart, this link may help: Time Zone Converter [*]Select "Use The Following Date/Time:" [*]Set the date to that of the event. [*]Set the time to that of the event. [*]Select your Timezone and then click "Convert".
  19. Best war EVAR! Bonding ftw
  20. I'm a simple Sotuffers mac and cheese guy myself, but i'll occasionally pick up lasagna
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