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Everything posted by Anarchy

  1. When was she council? D: Under who's leadership? I know she EC when I first joined TRR , NVM according to her signature she came way after me, and then again when I was the Leader D: but this whole Leader thing I was never there for. Who took over the clan after me Deathirst?
  2. Destiny was something else.... for how old she was, she never understood English properly... the irony being she was from England.
  3. I got Boston, Springfield, Pembroke Pines. I'm from Canada xD
  4. Peter Parker, is suppose to be skinny and really sarcastic and an asshole. Tobey's Peter Parker was none of that, he became more muscular as the movies went on. I wasn't a big fan of Andrew Garfleld, but when I look at it from a bigger perspective, he a lot better than Tobey
  5. Yeah I really hope the new villa feature is like AC2, but incorporates the BH format where you can buy items for the shops. If I remember correctly in AC2 when you upgraded shops in the Villa you could not purchase anything from them. So I did some research on Arno and this what I found: The meaning of the name Arno is Eagle (not surprising and expected) The origin of the name Arno is German (this can also be explained because during the Medieval Period the Franks (a germanic tribe) occupied France. Notes: Also a river in Italy. (this made me wonder..if there might be a connection to Ezio? and so I found...) Ezio and Sofia married in Venice. They had a daughter, Flavia, in May 1513, and a son, Marcello, in October 1514. By 1524, a retired Ezio lived with his family in a villa in the Tuscan countryside. There, he tended to a vineyard, and often spent time in his study, writing his memoirs The Arno is a river in the Tuscany region of Italy His attire looks very similar in colour and style to Ezio's from Revelations Perhaps this is a decendant of Ezio, it wouldn't be a strech, considering Italy is near France.
  6. As some of you may know one of the two Assassin's Creed installments is due to come out during the Holidays of 2014. One of the games, Assassin's Creed Unity (5) will be for the current generation (PS4 & XB1) and the other one is unannounced at the moment. There is speculation that the other game will be for the previous generation (PS3 & 360) and will make the crossover as a HD version as Assassin's Creed Liberation did this past year. Time for the big scoop! Assassin's Creed 5 - Assassin's Creed Unity Theorized Synopsis The storyline is planned to take place in 18th century France, assumed during and post revolution. The French Revolution takes place between 1789-1799. During this period in France, the monarchy and Church showed a decline of power as nationalism and democracy grew. I think the 10 years of the revolution is too short, they might skip over some of the events listed below and include the Napoleonic Era in France. Some major events that I think might take place in the game are: National Assembly (1789)Storming of the Bastille (July 14 1789)Drafting and completion of the ConstitutionWomen's March on Versailles (October 5 1789)Revolution within the ChurchMonarch flee to VarennesExecution of Louis XVI (16th)War in Vendee (1793) Protagonist Analysis According to KOTAKU the protagonist is named Arno. From the images and video that are online it is evident that the protagonist is a male. Assassin Attire Analysis The protagonist is not wearing the traditional white assassin's outfit, this might be due to blending in more. It might be due to blending in with French Revolutionary Soldiers, or it might be a homage to him serving in the army. He has the traditional tied red sash across the waste. He has the usual sword and now pistol. He does not see to have hidden blades in any pictures or in the video, but this might be early on in the game and he has not earned them yet. Video Rewind 0:00-0:04 - PEGI 18 0:05-0:07 - States "The Following Is Alpha Game Footage" 0:08-0:15 - Ubisoft logo 0:15-0:19 - States that this will be a next gen only game. 0:19-0:26 - Indoor of what looks like a noble person's house 0:26-0:37 - Street view of Paris, you can see the next gen engine at work with the wind moving floating debris, also the reflection of store windows. Also the classic climb features from all the previous games are back 0:37-0:44 - View of old climb features, since the buildings are old world compared to AC3 and AC4 the climb features will resemble more to AC1 and AC2 Trilogy. 0:44-0:47 - You can see the protagonist on the build to the right, and Notre Dame comes into view. The buildings look a lot more to scale like they did in AC1 and AC2 0:47-0:50 - Protagonist is holding a locket or a pocket watch. (this could relate to his back story of him losing a loved one, most likely a women because the role of women in society was on the rise and being challenged. You can see on his arms that there are no hidden blades. 0:50-0:54 - Protagonist is looking down into the square in front of Notre Dame, where the guillotine is set up from someone's execution. You can also see he is equipped with a sword and pistol once again. 0:54-1:00 - guillotine comes into view and drops down. 1:00-1:09 - Title of the game (Assassin's Cree Unity) and release date (Available Holiday 2014) Picture Analysis (Images from KOTAKU) all images are from an unfinished product. I'm assuming the Seine River is to the leftIn the top corner the buttons A and B say A(Parkour Up) & B(Parkour Down) You can see Notre Dame in the backgroundViewable weapons: Pistol and Sword Viewable weapons: Pistol and what looks like pouchAlso the build in the background looks similar to the Villa from AC2 You can see Notre Dame in the background This looks like the new villa feature which is reportedly in the game What are your thoughts on the upcoming game and location/story?
  7. ISTJIntrovert(33%) Sensing(12%) Thinking(62%) Judging(56%) [*]You have moderate preference of Introversion over Extraversion (33%) [*]You have slight preference of Sensing over Intuition (12%) [*]You have distinctive preference of Thinking over Feeling (62%) [*]You have moderate preference of Judging over Perceiving (56%)
  8. They have announced the SAO Season 2 for 2014
  9. I have a somewhat bias when it comes to AC games, except when it comes to AC3. In my opinion AC4 is their second best game they've made so far after AC2 or even AC2BH. Sailing and ship battles are great and the sea shanties are super catchy and you tend to sing a long when they sing. Though the game like always has glitches, but I've only come across one on my 360. The landscape is great and the mission types are awesome. The jungles and cities are beautiful, even the harpooning system is fun. The hunting is ehhh? The background music is superb! One thing I disliked a lot was Connor's Fleet (feature), which is similiar to the assasins guild feature. I dislike it because it's an online feature, I didn't see why they had to make that feature online.
  10. As a History Major, I agree with you. The older the better the game is.I really think that the:Thirteenth Century – Egypt and Northern Africawould be interesting because of all the history and mythology that is related to that time period. Plus there would be a bunch of cool architecture to climb. Fourteenth Century – Ashikaga Shogunate in Japanwould also be great because they could either make the assassin a samurai or ninja. Either one would be awesome. Smoke bombs, kunai, shurikens, katanas, darts, bow and arrows all are great classic weaponsEighteenth Century – French Revolutionwould be very interesting to play through, assassination of the king and queen, also all the economic and diplomacy problems they were having would make a great story line to follow. I also found this time period very interesting when learning about it.I also think these time periods would be great:Ancient Rome - Julius CaesarAncient Greece - Battle of 300, Greeks vs the Persian Empire, Alexander the GreatTwelfth Century - Genghis KhanMedieval Europe - Fall of Rome, Charlemagne
  11. So as many of you already know, Assassin's Creed IV is already out on both current and next-gen systems. What some of you might not know is what's planned for the future, we obviously know that Ubisoft will ride this franchise until they run out of ideas.SPOILERSIn Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag, you play as "yourself" and you work for Abstergo. You aid Shawn and Rebecca who are Assassins that helped Desmond by hacking Abstergo.So back to topic...One of the computer hacks lead to an Email between Abstergo workers. In the email it details possible future locations and previous locations from the previous games.Potential Assassin’s Creed Setting OptionsPatrilineal Line:Fifteenth Century – Italian Renaissance (AC 2, AC2B)Sixteenth Century – Ottoman Empire (AC2R)Eighteenth Century – American Colonies / War of Independence (AC 3)Nineteenth Century – New England and American MidwestMatrilineal Line:Twelfth Century – Holy Land / Crusades (AC 1)Thirteenth Century – Egypt and Northern AfricaFourteenth Century – Ashikaga Shogunate in JapanEighteenth Century – French RevolutionNineteenth Century – Napoleonic wars; TaiwanTwentieth Century – “Summer of Love†American Pacific CoastThe email also states:"Let's avoid digging into any modern periods (i.e. 20th century) unless we find something incredibly compelling. Because, as fun as a World War Two setting might sound, we'd do well to avoid any settings with vehicles: cars, motorcycles, helicopters, tanks, etc."So we can safely say that there will be no 20th, 21st or current century they are in. Also the head developer of AC 4 said "I would really like to do a game in Egypt".What are your thoughts on the matter?
  12. Decent game but such a big step down from fable 2
  13. Who are your favourite characters?
  14. Game of Thrones FAN, the author truly knows how to play with your emotions.
  15. Yeah Sword Art Online incident takes place in 2022 and ALO ended in 2025, Accel World takes place in 2047. People are even speculating that Kuroyukihime is the daughter of Kirigaya and Asuna.
  16. This is a really great synopsis of the anime and review. I really enjoyed this anime. Most reviewers say the story is really bland and most people tend to like the anime because they themselves are MMO players and can relate to the terminology and different aspects of the anime. I had the same issue with time flying by really fast. Another thing that bothered me was the SAO (Sword Art Online) arc was great, but the ALO (ALfheim Online) arc was super dry. I also really liked Accel World, I like how they both take place in the same universe. They eventually make a crossover in the Accel World Light Novels.
  17. Look like you have some good ideas, just come up with a final list and be serious/somewhat serious about the list you propose, then give me the ideas for the colour and design of the award, because It will take some time
  18. If you'd like, I can design the awards. just give me the idea and colours you want
  19. I shave all the time through November
  20. i think Jamie knows Allan's contact info, so ask Swaffle? for Jamie's contact?Swaffle->Jamie->Allan?
  21. I might be getting a new laptop with a touch screen, so lets see how that goes
  22. I never understood why they chose that song...
  23. What I've realized so far after using it for 2mins, [*]you can't see what topic someone has posted in recently, you can just see that someone posted on the Sub-Forum [*]It updates on the main interface, but when you click on the sub-forum it doesn't show the updates on where people posted [*]The app is really bland to look at, it doesn't take the on the colour of the actual forum [*]The reply interface froze or was reluctant to scroll down or up
  24. Alright, I'm going to give it a try again. I just need members again, mine ran out.
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