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Everything posted by Anarchy

  1. I'm willing to put work into trying to save TRR, but I need supporting staff behind me. ATM only deathirst is online..which is kind of hard. On top of that most of us have university/college which makes it hard to keep up with runescape stuff. If anything if you do decide to close the forum, keep the clan alive and have admins run it.
  2. If you're implying disney ruins things...all I have to say is Avengers
  3. not necessarily good if disney ruins the trilogy
  5. Deathirst could you look into it, if you haven't already and see how we can sign up...then again we could just show up LMFAO?
  6. No this is very real xD Here is the Forum Link to take you to the RS Link where the video is hosted
  7. I still play, it's been hard of recently because of school
  8. Congratulations to Sh1ftoid![The week is almost over, post away!]
  9. Anarchy

    Clan Citadel

    Well the citadel is a tier lower and we have no more firmaking and smithing plots (:
  10. It's Wednesday already and the citadel is not even close to be met for resources

    1. Tynisa


      Whenever i log in, nobody is around.

      Then again, i dont think i would cap anyways :-P

  11. Anarchy

    Clan Citadel

    Seriously guys?103 Logs536 Stone blocksand 3 visits....and it's Wednesday morning......If you don't want the citadel or want it to drop in tier levels then continue at what you're doing as if this moment.
  12. I think you can still conduct PKing this will only be a side thing in the Wilderness. I don't think players are going to be able to control them because they mentioned that players could join sides. So I think it's NPCs walking around and Players being able to join factions and fighting.
  13. Correct, it's just a massive update in game play and visual/audio effects War bands (see below) so basically from what I understood there are many war bands marching around the wilderness and you can pick a side and fight for them
  14. Anarchy

    Knifing in Call of Duty

    what the hell is that?
  15. Do you want the glass shatter to look cartooniish? or real?
  16. The Month has come to and end and so is summer for most of us, start thinking about who you want to nominate for this great Achievement. Things to consider are Activity on the Forums, Clan Chat, friendliness, helpfulness, planning events, recruitment etc! Voting will be open from October 8th to 14th, 2012 PM me your VOTE and please do tell why he/she should be chosen MOTM. You can't vote for: Traaginen - January MOTM Huygens - February MOTM Jamie – March MOTM Anarchy - April MOTM Tcee - May MOTM TRR Daniel - June MOTM Deathirst - July MOTM Labush - August MOTM
  17. I wish they made KBD look bad ass in the game.... he looks like a three headed pet dragon -.-
  18. Fourth Official Live Q&A – The Future of RuneScape [*]RuneScape 3 will be their most formidable content [*]Updated audio [*]New audio for the website and opening game phase [*]Better graphic [*]New World Map [*]When RuneScape 3 comes out there will be no RuneScape 2 servers kept because RuneScape 3 is the upgraded experience of the game [*]HTML 5 should make the audio, graphic and the speed of the game better [*]Lore in 2013 – [*]relationship with players and gods [*]Actions that players take dictate how the world is shaped and the gods will play a big part [*]Expect to find lore everywhere and not just in quest [*]NEW REVEAL - about giving offerings toward gods are mentioned (very vague description) [*]Updates about the Wilderness [*]Big project planned for early next year [*]War bands walking across the wilderness and engaging one of the side [*]Adding more unique items to the wilderness to encourage more non-pkers to go into the wilderness [*]Later in the year [*]Players swapping experience around (early ideas) [*]Building up experience while you’re in the wilderness and being able to cash them out upon leaving the wilderness, if killed while being in the wilderness not only being able to take the resources the person dropped but also the experience they gained (early ideas) [*]Evolution of Combat should bring a balanced combat triangle [*]RuneScape being playable on different devices [*]Possible early next year [*]On tablets and Smart TVs [*]Working on a mobile version [*]Being able to play offline on your mobile and then being able to gain experience or money online in the game [*]Being connected to the game chat via mobile [*]NEW REVEAL - Development on the 2 New Skills (1 at the beginning of next year and 1 at the end of next year) [*]Gathering type skill [*]Finishing/Production/Artisan type skill [*]Players and Ports [*]Players being able to create a port and ship [*]Sending your ships to far off places [*]Customizable ships (masks, cannons, rigging, haul size, crew) [*]No SvS (Ship vs Ship) yet... [*]Elf Series [*]The next quest for the Elf storyline will be a big update (audio, graphic) [*]Making a crystal city [*]The 2013 might not have any updates for the storyline, but they should start planning if anything in 2013 [*]Construction Skill Updates [*]Planned for next year [*]Benefits for only yourself (short term) [*]Reworking graphics for the house (short term) [*]Player own villages, towns, cities (possible long term) [*]Having your friends living beside you [*]Forum Updates [*]In their Top 10 things to do [*]No plans to re-introduce tutorial island [*]Plan to move or delete the island because of future quests (Ariane Quest) [*]NEW REVEAL - Arian Quests planned, dealing with the wizard tower [*]Possible new locations for the G.E [*]NEW REVEAL - New Continent (Eastern Lands) [*]Players will be exploring parts of the Eastern Land via the Players and Ports update [*]Finishing the current world map before introducing a new continent [*]All quest dialogues will be redone with voiceovers [*]With the 200th quest coming up, they aren’t thinking about it yet. The 200th quest will be big as recipe for disaster and chosen commander [*]Possibly leveling weapons, items, or pets [*]They are working on a new customizable playing interface [*]NEW REVEAL - Multiple Player accounts are coming in RuneScape 3 [*]NEW REVEAL - Kingdom of Kandarin graphic updates are on the way [*]NEW REVEAL - RuneScape will be releasing a Spanish update [*]Making new ways to train firemaking [*]Working on agility and summoning in the coming year [*]Evolution of Summoning [*]Pet system (short term) [*]Fundamental change to how summoning works (long term) [*]The amount of time working with pouches and working with charms [*]Effective strength of the monsters you use to fight [*]Increasing the return when summoning [*]Trimming Quest Cape [*]Might be coming? Trimming a dying thing [*]Super long epic quest will be released in the early of next year [*]Agility [*]How run energy relates to Agility will be reworked [*]Add more ways to train Agility [*]Runecrafting & Fletching (being reworked) [*]The principle of ammunition has died [*]The skill seems one dimensioned [*]Agility and Summoning are their top 2 skills to work
  19. So with the new recent updates of KBD, anyone down to make some trips? King Black Dragon - Members: The caves leading to the King Black Dragon have been quiet of late, and the old dragon has been waiting for adventurers to fill his belly. We wouldn’t dare to deny him a snack, so we’ve updated the three-headed lug, his lair and his rewards. Go head-to-head-to-head with him and you might be the proud owner of some gloves and boots (with the highest Prayer bonus for their respective equipment type), ornament kits for the dragon kiteshield, a more generous drop table, and revealing lore about the fabled ‘dragon riders’. We’ll even toss in a teleport to the KBD from Edgeville, and a 10% damage multiplier if you’re brave enough to reach the King via the Wilderness.
  20. Anarchy

    Clan Citadel

    Ok we have 2 days to cap the citadel and we need help....!
  21. I happened to use it on range to get to 71 and then on prayer to get it to 59
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