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Everything posted by Anarchy

  1. Alright sounds good, umm see if you can get anyone else to come.EDIT 11:17PM 24/02/12So I got the clan cloak and vexillum so silver start and up can get the vexillum from what I know not to sure about lower ranks..
  2. Anarchy

    iPod touch

    Fruit Ninja (need to pay) is a very addicting game, also Cut the Rope (need to pay)Temple Run is a fun game (free)to be honest most free games i get bored of it's hard to find good free game imo
  3. I actually need to start this skill... I'm level 1 -.-
  4. @Huygens Oh lmfao you didn't know who I was in game? xD@Fergal thanks x_x grinding is not fun.... it's like 100k lobbies till 99 x_X
  5. GOALS QUEST 90 QP 101 QP MISC Get 25M in cash ACHIEVEMENTS SMITHING LVL 50 - completed LVL 55 - completed HERBLORE Get on Hiscore - completed LVL 25 - completed LVL 30 - completed FISHING LVL 85 - completed LVL 90 - completed LVL 95 - completed LVL 99 - completed COOKING LVL 75 - completed LVL 80 - completed LVL 90 - completed LVL 95 - completed LVL 99 - completed FIREMAKING LVL 75 - completed FLETCHING LVL 70 - completed LVL 75 - completed LVL 80 - completed LVL 85 - completed WOODCUTTING LVL 75 - completed LVL 80 - completed SLAYER LVL 30 - completed LVL 40 - completed RUNECRAFTING LVL 30 - completed LVL 40 - completed LVL 50 - completed LVL 60 - completed LVL 65 - completed FARMING LVL 10 - completed Get on Hiscore - completed LVL 15 - completed HUNTER LVL 30 - completed DUNGEONEERING LVL 10 - completed Get on Hiscore - completed LVL 15 - completed QUEST 80 MISC Get decent armour back - completed Get 10M in cash - completed Get 15M in cash - completed Get 20M in cash - completed Reach lvl 10 in all skills - completed Get all skills on the Hiscore - completed
  6. Are we suppose to post here with a RS names?If so...Constanci0 (that's a zero btw) - Moderator
  7. that sucks :/ but argh that's really lame
  8. oh ok sounds good then I guess last thing is to do is ask david to change things?
  9. I don't even know who has them....or if anyone has them...btw does anyone know the reason of the vexillum design?
  10. Yeah basically mass and just hope people join also talk to people personally or try to get them into a friends chat where we can inform them all at once, also why not start an online campaign on the fansites, and get people to bump everyday, unless we're already doing this atm and I'm not aware
  11. Yeah I was wondering if it was just the computer I was on, guess not :PBut nice goals I need to post mine too might do i later tonight (:
  12. No harm at all yeah that sounds good too.
  13. It's exactly that xD (actually I forgot about that post I made but yeah )I'm suggesting that we hold this event on a Friday in March so.. 2nd, 9th, or 16th (if you want we can possibly do two days)BTW how many people can have the vexillum? Is there a set limit to who can carry them or certain ranks?
  14. So this is an idea that has come up and has been floating around for a while. I thing it's time to put some effort into planning it. Please leave any form of suggestions and preferred time/dates/worlds/ideal spots to have this event. TIME CHART ----------------------------- GMT Time (GMT) - 8-9PM or 9-10PM Atlantic Time (GMT -4:00) - 4-5PM or 5-6PM Eastern Time (GMT -5:00) - 3-4PM or 4-5PM Central Time (GMT -6:00) - 2-3PM or 3-4PM Mountain Time (GMT -7:00) - 1-2PM or 2-3PM Pacific Time (GMT -8:00) - 12-1PM or 1-2PM Alaskan Time (GMT -9:00) - 11AM-12PM or 12-1PM Aleutian Time (GMT -10:00) - 10-11AM (Midday) or 11AM-12PM Might be a two hour event Date: [*]March 2 (cancelled) [*]March 3 (cancelled) [*]March 18 (maybe depending on people online) (cancelled) [*]March 30 (happened) [*]March 31 (happened) [*]April 1 (happened) [*]Dates TBA (To Be Announced) Worlds: [*]World 1? [*]World 2? [*]World 50 [*]High Traffic Worlds Ideal Spots [*]Grand Exchange (F2P & P2P) [*]FFA World 50 (F2P) [*]Gamers Groto (F2P & P2P) [*]Castle Wars (P2P)
  15. Alright, sounds good the wheels of TRR are ROLLING!!
  16. We would need a decent amount of people plus someone who can carry the vexillum and it also be nice if we could get clan cloaks..
  17. So are you going to go with your decision on moving everything 1 up in CC ranks?
  18. Ahh that makes sense, and a initative to join the forums...but the things is will they use the forum...most people i talked to yesterday in CC think that they forum is useless and that they don't have time for it..Yeah that would work too, Move council/warlord to General and make CC MODs Captains
  19. At least you guys find clues...I don't find them anymore :/ -.-
  20. I'm going to apply soon (: hopefully, we can also get people to join
  21. I actually like this idea but we;d need to look at finalizing the CC ranks before we offer something like this, but nonetheless it's a good idea. I think we should trying just recruiting people in game around busy areas, like varrock, falador, lumbridge(dependant on level unless you want to pull everyone into a clan via joining the game xD) and GE.I also agree with the fact that people will most likely migrate to the forums if they feel more connected to the clan first rather than being forced to join a forum and then getting accepted. If you see from a new persons perspective Join a forum first then the clan they usually forget about the forum but if they join the clan first and then join the forum they'll have more reason to be active on the forum too because of their attachment to the clan.Also what Fergal said "random in CC events" would get people to drop what their doing and show up, we use to do that a lot before with Castle Wars and Roach Hunting back in the day...so why not give it a tryAlso since we're in the process of getting active again why not get the Council or someone to try planing a Recruiting Campaign?
  22. I agree with Brad maybe add the CC ranks aside the ranks.Fergal and I were speaking about this today ironically and we basically came to a rough layout...it might be the final layout Recruit - Normal Rebel Member Corporal - Exemplary & Established Rebels Sergeant - Event Cooridinator & Media Architect (maybe Established Rebel) Lieutenant - Diplomats & Moderator Captain - Council & Warlord General - High Council Admin - ? Organiser - ? Coordinator - ? Overseer - ? Deputy owner - Clan Leader Owner - Founder Clan wars leader - Warlord, Clan Leader, & Council (including HC)
  23. What is your primary RuneScape account's name? Constanci0 Your account's combat and total/overall level? Combat: 80 Total: 1129 Have you ever been in a clan before? If so, which one(s)? Yes, This one (: Where did you hear about TRR? On Tip.it in 2008 What were your first impressions of us? OMG A CLAN WITH NO REQUIREMENTS! Why do you wish to join our clan? I missed you guys (:
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