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Eric the Bard

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Everything posted by Eric the Bard

  1. Oh my God, why are you the best?!
  2. I seem to have a problem with IRC, I often can't get in...Is it a problem on my side or with IRC do you think?
  3. That's a second degree equation you got there!
  4. Pfft... I came back just for you! Maybe... Could have been...But... I guess its not that bad, you are still admin, and you have been rather inactive lately. Which is too bad, as you was the one that earlier always was on...
  5. I don't really want his really messy room with a siht-ton of guitars...
  6. Image (provide link): http://4.bp.blogspot...C+died+954..jpg Colour: Red Main Text: Eric Bloodaxe Main Text Colour: Black Boarder (yes/no): yes ES Logo (yes/no): Is it possbile to get one with and one without? Just so I see what I like best Additional Comments: I'm not sure if that picture is any good, I really just want something viking-related
  7. Hmmm... No-one else has commented yet... So...I'm looking forward to this! Hopefully I'll find the time to write something to send in
  8. Today my brother found out that he was accepted to the National Music High School as the only one to be accepted in his category! High School in Norway is not the same as in America, it's the same level as University really. He plays the piano, incase you're wonering. Jazz. I don't really like jazz though. I'm kinda looking forward to him moving out, as he makes a lot of noice and I don't like jazz, which is mostly the kind of music he plays. I was actually going to post pictures of my giant feets, but that will be for later, as it is too late now. I think there was something else aswell, but I have completely forgotten.
  9. Nah... That aint important. I did play Diablo 2 and it was really boring. THIS is what we are waiting for:
  10. Well, we were playing in the water, and he can hold his breath for quite a while, and I didn't know where he was. Then he jumped up to scare me, and right in my face breaking my tooth. The tooth part did actually land in my hand aswell... When you brek your tooth, your nerves isn't very well isolated, and your tooth feels really cold and aces really bad. This is almost a blog entry on its self, really...
  11. What do you do to earn so much money?
  12. This is what I could find;Windows 7 Home PremiumSystemProducer: Samsung ElectronicsClassification: 5.1Processor: Intel® Core™ i3-2310M CPU @ 2.10GHz 2.10 GHzInstalled Memory (RAM): 4,00 GBSystemtype: 64-bitSorry if there are any spelling errors, as I had to translate it, and I was not 100% sure on some of the things.Edit: Its my school-laptop.
  13. Yeah, now you actually CAN check out my blog that I wrote about in a status...
  14. What were you doing during BXP?
  15. Bloodwood trees you say? Isn't that the holy tree for the old gods in A Game of Thrones?Edit: Papa Mambo? I think that's a reference to an old voodoo guy. Not sure if he was a real or fictional guy though. I read the article and this thing sound pretty interesting... Too bad I'm such a low fletching level, and the logs are untradeable...
  16. Oh, I'm very good at writing a lot about nothing
  17. Hi guys (and gals? don't think we got any gals on here though)! I've desided not to publish my earlier drafts, since they were pretty much rubish. I might publish the second one, though. The first one just said that it suddenly started snowing heavily outside, and now it's gone, after two days. Atm. I'm studying for my math test tomorrow, and I wish for once, it would go my way on these math tests. I'm not very good at maths, but still got into the class for all the smart people, that wouldn't or couldn't get into that really hardcore class, where only a few people get in. I didn't apply for the other one, but did have a chance of getting in. So... Welcome to my blog, and now I will start preparing for the test again. Ps. The real reason I don't want to publish the first one, was because I uploaded the wrong picture, and the correct one is gone.
  18. Well, I only got a laptop to play on, and I tried a bit, and it was laggy as hell. I fnot, I could possibly have bought members again. Even though RuneScape looks totally ruined.
  19. I wish. It was really fun once, or twice, but its hard getting into it again... F2P is totally ruined, and I hate buying members and almost not play...
  20. Well, I guess you could just mke me member of the year...
  21. I really liked this in LoL. And I noticed you haven't got one for February, and you should vote! Also, I guess this is more of an suggestion though, I really liked that you got achievemnts for different stuff, that you could show-off!
  22. So... I was just looking through the old coins that my family got. Some of them are worth quite a bit, though most of it isnt really worth much. Since my grandfather collected coins, and he have been all around the world, we got old coins from all over the world. Including a silver dollar from America! That's pretty kewl. I found them whilst I was looking for my half tooth though... And I found the box it was supposed to be in, and it ws empty! Now I can't post a picture of my half tooth! I can still tell you the story though. I managed to break my tooth... twice... the same tooth... during the same summer... Once when I got an iron gate in my face, and once when my brother came out of no-where and right in my face... Ps. the blog system doesn't seem to work properly... Pps. I hope someone is actually gonna read this... Edit: This is the second entry that I was talking about in the first published entry.
  23. Guys! I made a blog! Not sure how often I'll update it though...

    1. Blake


      I once started a blog. TWO POST. Then I ran out of fun adventures to post on it.

    2. David


      The publish issue should be fixed now. Remember to publish your drafts, and then others will be able to read it. :)

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