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Eric the Bard

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Everything posted by Eric the Bard

  1. Edited the post a bit. Now it's a bit more fun.
  2. My sister went to school with Morten Harket's niese. Yeah. That's right. The leade singer in a-ha.
  3. Errr... I just copied that picture from like the 6th result on google image... I'm glad my Joke became a hit though!
  4. Ahmahgawd!!! Final Fantasy! Of all games... I've never played Uncharted though, but I don't really play many different games. Also, I don't think you're avke to trade in games in Norway, never heard of anywhere you can do that. Might be in the bigger cities though. But I keep all my games unyil I lose them, which is what usually happens tomy games.
  5. Mhm, BF 2 was epic. I hope there will be third, but it doesn't look like it then...
  6. Double commenting woohooo! Can't edit on my iPhone. I wrote this in a hurry yesterday, and I might edit it a bit when/if I get the chance. I can see why you are confused. I forget to write a few words when I'm writing quickly. And some of it is just bad English or spelling mistakes.
  7. Russ is a noun, usually. And the colour of their pants symbolize what course they are taking.
  8. Jamie, could you please use another colour on your text? I can't ser it very well with phone skin... I can live with it if you don't want to though.Also, good luck with whatever you're doing!
  9. 17th of May and russ! Now, you may wonder what happens the 17th of May. Well, its the national day of Norway, celebrating the constitution being signed on the 17th of May 1814! But what is a russ? Well, graduate students celebrate the end of the year, although their exams isn't over yet. But that's because it fits so nice with the celebration of 17th of May. So from May 1th to May 17th they are partying every day, and they are trying to get these knots to have in their cap, showing that they have done some weird or stupid stuff. Like riding a tre-wheel kid's bike 5 times around the traffic cricle, or getting 5 teachers to sign your underwear. Now, I'm not russ, but my brother and his friend, who's staying with us are russ. And its quite fun to watch them get drunk every night and sleep all day when they get back from school. Because they still have to go to school, and they have to prepare for their exams, which is later. Ther russ is between the ages of 17-19, although the "black russ" isnt really accepted, since they are too young to drink legally (they are 17. and a few are 18, and 18 is the age limit). On the 17th of May, we also have parades. Here you can see some different coloured russ. Blue is originally economy, but some have choosen to be blue eventhough its not really their colour. The red russ is general subjects. There's also black russ, which are on their last year of school, before two years as apprentice. Green is ecological russ, and white is christian russ. But christian russ do completely different stuff ofcourse, and green and white are pretty rare. Red is the most common. 17th of May parade. Here you can see the King's castle/palace, which is where the parade ends in the captial, Oslo. Now you know a bit more about Norway! Edit: Now I forgot to tell you about russ cards! They are sort of like business cards that the russ give out to people, mostly children who collect them. Most of the cards got jokes on them that the kids don't understand, but that the russ think is funny. I made an example of a russ card, so you can see what it's like. I know. I'm good.
  10. May 17th is a great day! Not for events though. But I wouldn't have come that late anyway.
  11. I really liked the quotes! But I think there's an error with this one, under fun facts (also, should it not be Funfacts in one word?); Every day more money is printed for Monopoly than the US TreasuryIf an elephant is left tied to a parking meter, the parking fee has to be paid just as it would for a vehicle.
  12. astretchyhand.com <-- Do it

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. David


      3 hours later: I somehow managed to have my thing thrown off the page so I can't get it back... I just see the stretchy attachment going offscreen forever. :(

    3. Blake


      I have the weirdest boner right now.

    4. Jake


      That was the most epic thing I have ever seen. EVER.

  13. It's not even the middle of the night, so there's a chance I can come. However; what TC said.^^
  14. I approve Runespan aswell. I went from 14-70 rc in 3-4 days casual play.
  15. But how can you follow something as contradicting as the bible?
  16. I can't find it at all with that search...
  17. What was the site that told you wich game you could play called?
  18. Err, I think you're a bit confused... Isn't that the Twitter way? I'm not really into that, but I'm pretty sure about that.
  19. I could buy both, but it doesn't change the fact that Diablo suck...
  20. Yeah man, GW2 looks to be so fucking great. Also, I discovered that the guy living with us played GW for thrre years stragiht and leveled all the classes to the highest level. I didn't even know he was a gamer... Also, I like how this got turned into a discussion about gaming.
  21. I'll buy GW2 instead, a much better game.
  22. Pfft, Diablo 3... Diablo 2 was boring, and 3 looks just as bad.
  23. You should come back Fergal Atleast you should/could be active in IRC!
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