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Everything posted by Buttons

  1. I'll try these codes, Dave. But tell me, what will happen if I succeed? what should I expect coming up on screen? Music? a quest completion phrase? A Bard jumping and singing for final Joy!!!????
  2. Francis, I wanna swear at you so much. I'll have her... if it's the last thing I do, I'll have her Good!!
  3. David, I've tried everything you said, nothing seems to work. What am I looking for when it happens? will a headline come up to say I completed a quest or something? will nothing happen, maybe? If Serana has no marriage dialogue, how can I tell? By the way, do I still need to wait 24 hour with the new codes you gave me, or are they different in procedure to the first set of codes you gave me? I've tried it both ways, a few times over, and nothing appears different.... What the hell am I doing wrong? Im really doing everything your telling me... Wait, she's still a vampire! does that matter? I thought she'd look sexier with red eyes.... And by the way, I've long since killed her old man; In case that matters....
  4. I have a shitload of quests active... will let you know how I go. Thank you
  5. forgive me but... I have a hard time believing you make mistakes. I'll let you know how I go.
  6. Hello? I know... you probably have life outside of the game, I don't. I'll just keep waiting for an answer to the latest query above. Don't mind me.... Buttons still sad
  7. I'm attempting to help three people in the pale and Rustleif won't ask for the book (Night Falls On Sentinel). I thought maybe I had already picked up the book which could have stopped him from asking for it, so I went and found a copy at the bandits camp near the Lakeview house. Picking it up increased my smithing, or something like that, so I figured that means it was the first time I picked the book up. So why wont he give me the quest? I tried delivering the book to him anyway, but he didn't take it. so I went to a save point before I picked it up and he still wont give me the quest. What's his problem? I've sold some ore to the head guy at the mine, I'm going to help the ship captain with his issue as well, then I even tried giving an Ale to the town drunk, but that didn't count as helping anyone. So now I cant find another third person to help. Who else can I help besides Rustleif?
  8. What does NPC Mean? I assume it is the person I wish to marry, right? This is what I did: 1. (I had no wife any more.) so I just went into console and clicked on Serana. 2. I placed each of the codes in, hitting the enter button each time, yes, separately. ( I did not go out then back into console each time?) 3. As I put in the steps, no writing came up on screen to say I was progressing through quests... 4. When I was done, I went out of console and clicked on Serana again to see if she had the marriage dialogue. No. Thank you for getting back to me so quickly. Went to retrieve the pale blade while I was awaiting your response. Question: 1. Was I meant to be married to someone else in order for the procedure to work? 2. I did not enter Seranas ID code anywhere, was I meant to? I mean the Code that came up when I clicked on her? (I did try entering her code while trying to marry her with a different set of console cheats I found on the web, but her code came up as Invalid.) Poor Buttons....
  9. David.... Buttons needs to know. Buttons is very unhappy. Buttons is talking to Buttons again. Buttons is losing heart. Buttons needs Serana for a wife.... Don't you love Buttons any more? You need to tell Buttons what Buttons did wrong.... Why didn't the codes work for Buttons? Buttons sad
  10. Buttons ain't no happy chappy. I attempted the codes you gave me but nothing happened, but I admit I had already gone back to a save point before the marriage to Muiri before I tried your codes. I then tried some other codes I found while surfing the web, which apparently allows a player to marry anyone in skyrim, but those codes didn't work on Serana either. And then after a few more hours of playing the game I had my newest house carl "Valdimar" hit on me. sure, he's a nice guy, but I probably don't need to tell you why I thought that a man hitting on a man in Skyrim didn't seem to sit quite right. No, I'm not a homo phobe, but still.... didn't seem right. So I went back those few hours of play to a save point before I entered your codes and also before I entered the other codes I found online, and redid those few hours of work... only to find that Valdimar hit on me once more. Well, f#%ck me.... Honestly, Valdimar's tendencies aren't the problem, I just wanna marry Serana and nothing I do seems to work. I've now wasted 6 hours of play with no sign of hope. Don't bother giving me a mod, you know I'm not savvy enough to install it. At one point I even tried remarrying Muiri before entering the codes you gave me but, after marrying that pie baking dull dame again, I couldn't find her anywhere in the whole damn land! she just disappeared! I'm lost..... Let it be known, I have brought myself back to a point in the game before marriage, before this whole nightmare began... And so now what the hell do I do? Serana just keeps looking at me with that bored, "so what now?" look.
  11. It didn't work. I don't know what im doing wrong. I should have told you that I have already gotten rid of my old wife (Muiri) by going back to a save point before I married her, so all that I need now are the codes to marry Serana... Does that make a difference?
  12. mmm... I tend to agree. I will go with Serana and let you know how it goes, but before I do I need to ask, does it matter what stage I put in the above console commands to marry her, or can I do it any time? Haven't finished with her quest lines yet. her daddy is still alive. And you are obviously talking about 24 hours game time, right? if so could I just sleep or wait the 24 hours or do I have to be doing something (like a quest) for 24 hours? Also, when you say, Select you wife, do you mean that I have to click on her while in console code before proceeding? Whose are the codes you put in there?
  13. First of all, Your funny. I know that ultimately its up to me, but I would like your opinion... Obviously Serana has more personality, but Muiri is better looking (in my opinion), who would YOU choose as a wife, knowing that either could follow you? Muiri or Serana? Big Question, right? At the present moment im thinking Serana. She is very cool: She makes me laugh when I'm talking to someone and she walks in front of me wielding her magic in one hand and trying to attract attention to herself; like, look at me! and of course her vocabulary is more extensive as well. I guess I would only marry Muiri for her cute looks, unless her vocabulary increases when she is a follower?
  14. Alright, when I was playing the game the first time around I was learning everything from scratch, and because of this I didn't actually understand how to fast travel until I reached level 30. I know, hard to believe, right? Anyway, the good thing about riding my horse everywhere for the first 30 levels was that it increased the amount of times a dragon would attack me, so by the time I actually learnt how to fast travel I had more dragon souls than I did levels, that's even after spending the same amount of souls on unlocking shouts. I actually had more dragon souls than I could ever possibly use. The problem is that now that I've restarted the game with a new character I know how to fast travel early, which helps finish my quests faster, but it doesn't help with gathering dragon souls. I'm now on level 20 and have only acquired a handful of souls, in fact I have a hard time finding enough souls to unlock all the shouts I'm learning.... Now, Besides traveling the long way by road (which can get tiresome and tedious when you know there is a quicker way), does anyone know how to get more dragons to attack? Maybe a console code to increase their frequency or something?
  15. I'm a little disappointed as I went and started the game again as a man character in order to marry a girl named Muiri from the Hags Cure. But after I married her I realised she was quite a boring wife with very little interactive menu options. all she really does is cook an apple pie each day for me. I like apple pies, but still... I was hoping for a spouse I could take on quests with me, apparently she cant do that? or can she? So now I'm thinking I should marry the Vampire chick from the first Dawnguard quest (can't recall her name, Corana or Something), she seems to have more character then many of the other characters, just as long as she is able to marry and follow me on quests?
  16. 2. I think what your saying is that you cant see how this could be happening if the mapped functions are isolated/independent of each other, which in affect strengthens my concern. Still, it didn't happen yesterday when I was playing.... so maybe it was just a one-day thing. Or maybe I buggered the controller when I punched it out of frustration a few weeks ago (stupid wolves kept killing my horse when I thought every animal in all of skyrim decided to attack me at once), then I dropped it on the tiled floor a few days ago. But then again they are made to take a bit of punishment from kids and such. I guess I will just play it by ear.
  17. 1. Wait a minute! are you telling me that my new character already has the golden touch achievement because the previous character had it? Because I've gotta tell ya, I aint finding a great deal of gold around the joint! Well I hope the same isn't true for the perk you get after finishing the 24 Barenziah stones quest, because I just spent the last two days trying to get those 24 stones before level 12, at which point I wanna go in and make the best of guiding Meridias light through her stupid temple. (I went through the temple in about level 40 with my last character and found a load of gold and about 10 flawless diamonds! I would like to repeat that earlier in the game this time, you know?) 2. Dave, it isn't that I need to change my controller or remap it, the problem is that it will simply remap itself now and then. lets say I hit my activate button to start picking a lock, but then decide to exit the lock picking screen in order to put on some lock-picking enchanted clothing; in this case I would usually hit the X button and it will take me out of the lock-picking screen and back to the game, but sometimes when I try to exit, or if I'm trying to exit a map of Skyrim, the X button will have mysteriously changed its function and I wont be able to exit the screen. You know what I'm saying?
  18. 1) When I turn my computer on and Steam comes up on screen, it shows all the achievements/trophies etc. The problem is that it is only showing the achievements of my former character, not the new one I've started playing with.... How do I change it over to my new characters achievements? 2) The last couple of days, playing on the pc, I will go into the map, or into picking a lock, and when I try to get out from the map or the lock-picking back to the game it wont work. The X button on my Xbox controller has mysteriously changed its function. So if I go onto the world map to sus out my position, then press X to return to the game, it will no longer return me to the game, instead it shows me a detailed map of my surroundings, or, if I am inside a structure at the time it will go from the inside map of the structure to the world map. In essence it leaves me with no other buttons to get me out of the map, or the lock-picking page, which in turn leaves me with no resolve but to unplug the Xbox controller and hit the Enter key on the keyboard. Alternatively I close down the game and restart it, which will bring it back to normal for a little while before it switches again.... It's extremely frustrating. Does anyone know what the problem is?
  19. You're right, that's probably not what I want to hear.... Telling me something is "Involved" when it comes to computers, is like telling a pre-schooler to pilot a space shuttle to the moon. Or maybe telling a left handed man to use his right hand to draw a renaissance portrait while in the company of twenty naked horny babes. Probably not going to happen. Thanks for the effort though....
  20. far out! I like the player.setav magicka 150 thingy! You are right about the kill-fun thingy too with the tgm. As it turns out soon after posting the question I found a helmet which gave me 30 more points and then soon after that the friggen hood you spoke of. My bad. I thought about the potions but they are a pain in the ass to keep stopping and drinking, and reduce my carrying capacity.
  21. if in the future I want to make Meeko my pet dog at home with the family, but at the same time want vigilance to be my follower, is that possible?
  22. I just restarted my game under a new character, and am attempting to enter the Winterhold college, but I don't have enough magika points to conjure a flamey thingy, I only have 100points or something like that, and I need at least 127. I just couldn't be bothered going around working my magic and levelling up four or five times to bring up my magika. (I prefer to increase my health and stamina for the first 10-20 levels). Anyone know the code to bring my majika up to about 130..150? Is there one? I looked on the web but cant see nothing.... poor Buttons
  23. How's it doing there, Bear Goldblade? I reckon Ebony is good in all situations. Plus it looks like good shit! Enchant it with resist shock and archery perks if you need to... I do.
  24. Really? Ah, well that's easy, Thank You Dave. You're still the man!!!
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