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I God-Apollo

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Everything posted by I God-Apollo

  1. your OCD isn't lieing to you
  3. 60 atk 88str you'll hit decently, 70atk 70str you'll have the melee stats of a cb 89 or so. whats the point of abby whip if you'll hit more accurate and harder with ranged/magic, 75atk if anything only for staff of light capabilities,if you'r using melee at all as pking tool you'll want high str to hit decently, 70atk 70str most people your combat are 85atk 85str 85def if I'm correct, even for training defence higher str= You'll hit higher= more xp per hour if your training on something with low defence, all and all 60 atk 88str= d claws and dds and decent strength for your level, 70atk gives no melee spec weapons more useful then 60atk. And at combat 104+ you'll meet is 80defence up, or turmoil zerker. turmoil zerker d claw spec 88str is a nice hit on him, abby whip/sara sword not so much. 75atk for staff of light only, but a good replacement is ahrims staff which is not only 100000% cheaper, but also gives 15% add to max damage as opposed to 18% of staff of light.And if your doing it for ahrims staff/staff of light keep str as low as possible, turmoil zerker is gonna be leeching your attack and str, so unless you use attack or str in the pking fight your giving it to your opponent. Ask any questions as I'm sure I did not word this the best way possible.I've seen many 99slayer 1 summoning within my life, it makes slaying easier I'm sure, but 99slayer is only not to get bored If I've understood correctly, and if this is mainly for pvp situations cb matters and in my opinion putting the time and energy in summoning is better used in slaying and pking.BTW idk if I posted it or not but I think 74prayer would be lovely on your dream account for rigour.BTW cb 81 42def 90rng fight me sometime
  4. My Idea on Summoning is; low the better, in duels it completely changes the combat levels you'll be fighting, you can live without it and its: expensive and slow, or just suupppeeeerrrr slow.<br /><br />And i see your making maxed tank, 74pray might be nice(rigour 20% rng boost 25% defence boost), and personally i like the 60atk 88str set better, for a tank (you'll still be ranged based)Anyway Good Luck!And you may want lower goals cause when you see it took you 1 week for like 500k xp and you need more than 12mil xp per skill you want 99, it may disappoint you
  5. AHH! new format omg! Anyway + 1 Rep for timber, and I agree Octboer 9th 2011 is how we should date it
  6. feed starving children Oh My GOD! Too bad I got no money right now, I'm sorry children you will have to starve for a few more days
  7. 9/10 has passed unless im going crazy
  8. I knew that just wanted to see if you'd notice
  9. can it be the 30th or so? Cause I'm usually getting free candy then having fun till like midnight. But I might be able to come EDIT: 8:00 pm my time, like .1% chance ill be there, and without apollo events arn't fun, keep that in mind
  10. I'm taking it all who replied would'nt mind actually doing it? just like 7 more people and we can start
  11. Good Luck! RFD is a hard one, I know I'm not done
  12. Who voted no?! that was just there to be there! Apollo is cool is for the people that have "no comment"
  13. looks like the event coordinators want to talk to me, just get em in this thread and it'll happen
  14. Happy Birthday!Now your prize is 100needles from my 1.1mil needle pack.And go read my " if your in this clan read this" on the community forums
  15. no need to apologize, just read my "if your in this clan read this" thread if you havn't already, and everything will be ok sorry about your uncle
  16. ill make it like wilderness where summoning doesn't count unless you plan on using summoning, and it can switch between f2p and p2p its our game/olympics
  17. begins this saturday the !st of october!!!!!!!!!! post in this if you're starting october 1st October 8th we judge!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I trust all of you that you wont cheat one with the most money/items worth money wins
  18. oh I wonder if those guys read it. And all you that voted yes is one more active member that can do it, if I get 20ppl say yes to this I think we'd be good right? Tell everyone you think is the slightest bit on the cool side to come read this forum and vote yes if he likes the idea/is good with it. and post your combat on this if you'd be in to do this, at 14-20 people I think we could start, and post some ideas on an olympic game or a weekly competition you guys think would be good; and if any of the one's I suggested is bad please I'm open to criticism.
  19. READ THE WHOLE THING I SWEAR YOU WON'T REGRET IT! My clan olympics ideas: Make groups of combat levels 1-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80 81-90 91-100 101-110 111+ Each team picks by groups like picking teams in a game. Then teams compete against each other. One team red, one team blue, and team captains can trade players, like in sport teams. Just put the score red-blue on top of forums near war scores to make it kinda official. And to make it more fair it's best to have at least 2 people in each combat group. Make games so that it's not only combat based games, some examples are; do who can finish dungs first, stealing creation battles, first one to get x amount of a resource in a time limit, void conquest games, and citadel games and moreee. There are many good things that may occur from this; One it gives a nice competitive spirit within the clan; like hogwarts in harrypotter has 4 different houses which compete against each other. Two it makes use of the citadel sooo much more then it is these days, and gives us a reason to get max resources.Three, it's original and I think it would be fun. You could choose the mvp of the team for the week, and maybe make it so you can bet on matches (ex: Me and freind on the other team put 5k in, winner gets 10k for their team winning the game.) maybe make something like the Runescape Olympics with it once a month, and if this does go as far as I think it could go maybe we could make red team only/blue team only topics like you have for council and such: for those of you that read this far I thank you and make a post with a sentence including "1, rabbit, and Apollo" so I know you read this far, and I will love you, now keep reading! EXAMPLE of what could become of the olympics: 1st round: combat level dueling (combatents must be in same combat group, one team chooses the combat group. Every week the team that chooses changes,THERE MUST BE TWO PEOPLE IN THAT COMBAT GROUPE) 2nd round: marathon of runescape, first one to run to varrock, pick up a potato from teammate (who is waiting there) and gets back to falador wins. Lumbridge would be starting point 3rd round: First one to make a (you decide) from scratch wins. EX of the (you decide) part can be first one to make a maple bow with arrows, or full iron set, etc 4th round: The hunted! You go in the biggest pvp field you can find (ex: are wildy, clan war free for all arena, clan war arenas) then you and your team decide who the person is and well first one to get their own person killed looses. Another version is the wilderness race, one person has to go to point x and then come back to point y without dieing (uses same arena as hunted) 5th round: WHATEVER YOU WANT!!!! THESE ABOVE ARE JUST EXAMPLES
  20. yes there are, all the one's out there that I don't have are just pixels. Only I have the true party hats.
  22. blex void and timber you guys might get board, cause I'm low dung. 25 to be exact, going for 100k xp to rape some f2p noooobbbsss as I said; which is only 50dung, so if your 50+ dung your not going to be doing super cool dungs. Annnnd this is for fun/tokens so if you wanna get dung up super fast go for a different team since my A team wil only do dungs that everyone in the team can do. But otherwise your all accepted need 4 people other then me and a friend, so tell me, after hearing this new info, if you still wanna join.
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