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Posts posted by Francis

  1. I am purely speaking from experience, but I believe it is possible you might have locked her inside a jail cell. If it's been a month, and I doubt you'd remember where, it's going to be a rigorous personal quest for you to go and find that faithful housecarl, who would have followed you to the ends of Nirn.


    Go, go and find her.


    You must undertake this task for the sake of your own honor, but for the most part, for Lydia. Even if she might have met a different fate, and, in fact, had not been accidentally incarcerated. Even if she might never be found. At least then, when you depart from this world, you would be able to tell the gods that your heart is heavy from loss, but it is not heavy from guilt--because you know that you have done everything in your power to find and save Lydia, your loyal housecarl and undaunted friend.

  2. I thought about sacrificing him to Boethiah, but maybe that's a little harsh. I guess that I can just accept that Faendal will forever be a derp. I'll send him home, I mean, it's not like he can't defend himself is he's in permanent block mode lol.


    Thanks though!


    It must've been trauma from Camilla Valerius. Somehow, I just knew that chick was prone to domestic violence.

    • Upvote 1
  3. I've actually had this issue on two different occasions, on two different characters. One time I fixed it by giving Lydia, my derped out follower, a 2 handed sword. Another time I fixed it by dismissing Jzhargo and coming back to him later. I also beat up on Jzhargo so this may have contributed to the fix as well.


    Sounds like you tried both though. And consoles don't give you much room to fix bugs. You can either accept Faendal for who he is or bring him to the Sacellum of Boethiah for...uh...reasons.


    Oh, yeah, a two-handed sword might be a good idea.


    If Boethiah's sacellum doesn't sound good, initiate him into The Blades. That way, maybe it'll fix him up, change his default gear into Blades' stuff, and then you can do Blades quests with him if you don't mind killing Paarthurnax.

  4. I got into a certain game's beta. Now, for this certain beta *nudge, nudge*, I got two things:

    -A Beta Account


    -"Beta-Group-Beta Entitlement"

    So, does anyone know what exactly Beta-Group-Beta Entitlement is? (It's in the post-code-redemption email.) Is it some sort of "for-the-record" entry for your character log?


    There's a reason I'm asking this. It involves multiple ESO accounts, but that's another story.

  5. This is to discourage me from lurking back here.


    I feel like I ought to cut myself off from all the tedious distractions of ESO-related procrastination. I'm going to focus on schoolwork and other productive things, like finally writing that novel I've been trying to start since, like, ever. So, thanks, everyone, but I'll only be back when the game launches.


    I understand this is the equivalent of going comatose in forumland, but, please, I bid you... do not weep for me.

  6. Ah, yes, the negative quibbling...


    In an anonymous society, such as the web, where the ability to discriminate people eye-to-eye rarely exists, the ability to judge people into high and low status groups also disappears. So, the average knowledgeability middle-ground that usually exists among the archetypal "normal guy" group, is then lowered to include idiots, young'uns and culturally-alien foreigners.


    The hate bandwagon is garbage. I've yet to hear from a beta-tester who doesn't love the gameplay.

  7. I actually find that Jzargo is one of the best companions. As an extremely high level in Heavy Armor and One Handed, so if anything he can tank some shots. Never remember him using only sparks when I hired him.


    Then again, I was hypnotized by his long, curvy tail. He could be using anything for all I know.


    Oh, in that case, I don't know. I've never used him. I think I've read somewhere that he doesn't have perks like other companions, but I don't know if that's true either.

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