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Posts posted by Francis

  1. You mean the Oghma Infinium thing? Nah. I'm good. Levels are of little concern to me in Skyrim.


    I make my choices because I like to think that's how things would really go if it were my story. I try less to experience it as a game, and more as the character.

  2. Crap, I totally forgot you said that. My mistake.


    It's been a while since I played. He's around level 70, I think. Dragonscale armor and the Blade of Woe are my two staples. I feel like I've finished all of the quests, except for most of the Thieves Guild line. Not a fan of doing bad stuff in-game. And, uh...I also...kinda killed Astrid. So, I never got to play that questline.


    But anything I never got to play, I just read up on the Wiki.

  3. Good to see a new Skyrim enthusiast around. I was beginning to think we'd only be seeing ESO people. Let me warn you, the Online is nothing like Skyrim. It's fun as an MMO, but it's definitely not the sentimental experience Skyrim was.


    I've only ever made one character in Skyrim, but no matter how overpowered I think I've made him, I still found challenges in unsuspecting places. Karstaag for example. I had no idea what I was up for when that throne exploded. Eventually, you come to love the things that kill you.


    If you ever feel like you've already done everything, I definitely recommend getting the mod "Interesting NPCs". It's one of the best things I've ever come across.


    Here. I have some videos bookmarked.


    The trailer:



    There are literally hundreds of these characters littered all over, with new quests, and followers that have a thousand lines of dialogue. Like Zora. She's adorable. You should really read her backstory.


    Here are some more if you're interested:






    And, of course, the Dwemerborn:



    I feel like I should've written an article about this a long time ago...

  4. Energy divided by time, actually.


    The unit for power is watts.


    One watt is equal to one joule per second.


    One joule is equal to one newton times one meter.


    One newton is equal to one kilogram times one meter per second squared.


    Therefore, power expressed in the most basic units is:




    You're welcome.

  5. Wow. I've never even heard of most of these. Great work. I'm looking forward to the heavy attack vs. light attack results.


    As for suggestions... Maybe you could make some footnotes about your methodology below, just so people could be sure of your results. Not that I'm really pushing for it though. I mean, it took Mystborn ten minutes per Youtube video just to explain a single finding because of that. But it would certainly help with your credibility.

  6. Hello guys, i have recently bought the game skyrim and realy like it but i just dont like the monsters and magic so i was wondering if you guys could help me. i just want to know if there is any mods that removes the monsters and like replace them with bandits or something, i dont care uf it messes up the main story line for all i do is hunt and smith. i already know how to remove dragons abd thats done by not playing the main story. so if you please could give me the links fir tge mods i will be very grateful.



    Heresy to my ears. You'd be an asshole with a sword killing hics in the countryside. Buying a game as beautiful as Skyrim and then wanting to do that is a ludicrous conclusion. What the hell, man?

  7. Wow, that's how TRR handled getting a female member? You guys should've totally pretended to be other women. Think of the possibilities.


    Slayerbob42: Thanks for the pics you sent me, sexy. Send me more, k?

    Lilybuns18: I'm not sure how to tell you this, Bob, but I'm not really a woman. It's me, Blexun. See those pubes? That's my chest hair. See that ass? That's actually my ass.

    • Upvote 2
  8. I'd just wait for Traag to magic up some answer. He usually know these things. I gave up making replies like these long ago; they were always deleted.


    Yeah, but look at this thing. Dies on introduction. Could Traag really be magic enough to circumvent the introduction? I think not.


    And, no, I won't believe really hard.


    If anything, reminding this dude that consoles don't have console commands is sound advice.

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