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Posts posted by Francis

  1. I think he meant at like 17:10 in that link where the NB healer was using his DW bar instead of Resto bar, he must have been Cloaking multiple times to stay invisible for more than 2.5s. Or, like you said, it could have been a higher rank where it has a longer duration.


    Yeah, that. So, there you go...


    Unless...if that was actually blur we were seeing...

    You see the futility of what we're doing here? We'd be better off waiting 'til open beta comes.

  2. I'm pretty sure Paul Sage commented that it was a nightblade. Shoddycast commented on the uncanny length of the invisibility on their ESO Weekly: Quakecon video. I wasn't talking about the character Nick Konkle was using, if that's what you thought.


    And the point blank area of effect thing... I don't know. I thought invisibility only broke when the caster attacks. We'll find out sooner or later.

  3. No, man, I presume we're going to keep a rotation of slotted abilities for different situations, and not fixed ones. Nobody mentioned Magelight at all.


    If Tamriel Foundry is to be believed, the nightblabe will be the most common class, and I suggest we cast Magelight in our idle wandering time to make sure that things like those guilds that consist of nothing but nightblades in Tamriel Foundry don't just walk past us at the frontlines. They went invisible really long in the Quakecon video.


    Plus, how else could you kill squishy nightblades if they kept disappearing?

  4. Really? I couldn't live without it for navigation, especially the new content / active topics link. It does get in the way occasionally.


    As for the bugs, does anyone feel it's unusable or too unpolished as of now? May just call it a day and go back to inputting the skill effects and what-not.


    Input the skill effects and whatnot. I've been using the older skill table since this one's incomplete. Plus I'm not seeing any bugs, so you're good.



    You miss quite a lot of abilities in the list. 

    I posted a HUGE list of leaked abilities (in the first spoiler).


    it was primary intended for the skill database......


    sad panda


    I'm sure he already has a list. But, still, I'm sure he had to move your post because everybody else's wouldn't make sense without yours on the new thread.

  5. 560 armor is about how much armor full Light armor will give you. With 560 armor + Light I think it'll be about = to heavy. This is just speculation.


    Any reason for going Light instead of Heavy Armor + Bound Armor? With Dark Exchange, regen doesn't matter much, so you'll have 21% more effective MP due to spells being 21% cheaper..but compared to what? As a tank you'll need to measure how often you can keep up your mitigation abilities compared to keeping them up with light armor on and see which one grants you the most mitigation..so it's not really just about how much mitigation the armor itself gives.


    Crap, sounds like mage tanks would really be a threat to me.


    Should be finished now. The button is in the top-left cell of every table.


    The only bug that I found happens if you toggle individual cells, and then toggle the entire table - the table cell button markers don't show the correct status until after you hit the table button again.


    EDIT: And it requires two clicks to open a second table consecutively. Damn it.


    Break a leg with that.

  6. here might be some useful stuff. mostly from the various leaked videos from the september build.TRADE SKILLSTrack the progress of your character's trade skills.Eventually You will no be able to gain inspiration in a tradeskill without losing it in another. Manage the potential gainsand losses of inspiration in this interface.* This crafting skill is currently set to level up.When you gain inspiration, this skill will increase* This crafting skill is currently set to leveldown. When you gain inspiration, this skillwill decrease, allowing you to train otherskills higher.* This crafting skill is currently frozen. Whenyou gain inspiration, this skill will neitherincrease nor decrease.- Weaponsmith- Armorsmith- Enchanter- Alchemist- Provisioner 


    Okay, that bit about crafting was news to me. Thanks for the info.

  7. (It is Chineese, not Japanease)


    Oh, Jesus. I can't believe I got that wrong. And I'm one-fourth Chinese myself...

    -- Ah, got used to Japanese being predominant on the internet, and China being censored...


    Still, you misspelled both of them. Heh, so we're even, you son of a bitch.


    Nice analysis, by the way.

    • Upvote 1
  8. YOU are the reason why vampire and lycan movies suck!! "They can't use weapons because teeth/claws are cooler!" If I was a werewolf I'd wear kevlar and carry a machine-gun. ....I also wish that bad guys could shoot straight. XD


    I can picture werewolves who shoot straight with machineguns. Everyone would be dead.


    No, they can't use weapons because they don't have opposable thumbs. ;)


    I think the werewolves I saw in Skyrim did have opposable thumbs. Pretty long ones too.


    You don't need thumbs to shoot fireballs.


    Or maybe you do. I have no idea how magic works.


    If you don't have opposable thumbs and neither can you shoot fireballs, I think it would only be logical to assume that you need opposable thumbs to shoot fireballs.



    Case closed.

    • Upvote 1
  9. Okay... The first step is to admit you have a problem... Don't worry, we all do, and we're here for you. You can look to us for support.

    The second step is to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to our sanity, and set our lives straight.

    The third step is to apologize to everyone you've ever hurt because of ESO, and be willing to make amends.


    I forget the rest because I never made it past two...

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