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Posts posted by Francis

  1. Morrowind is a semi-impoverished wreck due to eruptions and Argonians, but I'd assume, yes, they're with the empire. The Nords gave them Solstheim, after all.


    Tiber Septim sort of only got the Argonians via treaty. Nobody actually invaded inner Blackmarsh nor garrisoned anything strategic. They withdrew from the empire, and weakened it by sacking the Dunmer before the White-Gold Concordat even happened.


    Cyrodiil... Not much of an idea. Probably not.


    Oh, and I found this:



    Go nuts, curious one.

  2. I just knew you were gonna respond somewhat like that. So much for the sentimentalities of mine. But I did mention I'd stay neutral. It's been my motto for a long time.


    In the game, I killed Ulfric, because he was an ass. I racked up an enormous bounty resisting arrest in Markath. I subsequently halted the progression of the questline before I decided I wanted to see the "King in Rags" myself. Eventually, I helped out the Forsworn King because I grew to like them more than Ulfric's cronies, who were running the city. I still kill any Forsworn that attack me first. So, I hope my pattern of unequaled neutrality makes itself apparent here.


    But, I suppose you want a political answer?


    It's a shame they were pushed from their lands. Then again, picture not two races, but just one human race in general. Without the racial discrepancies, it looks to me that they were just outcompeted for resources, because, remember, even before Ulfric grabbed back Markarth, the Forsworn took it back from the Nords, who originally only competed for resources with them. I must emphasize that the Nords simply quarreled with them long ago. The Nords from Atmora and the Bretons from High rock spread their societies until they intersected somewhere in Skyrim, and then started duking it out. It was the empire that spread their rule to every corner of Tamriel that insisted their Nord auxiliary invade The Reach. I'd say it's their fault, but then again, peace had to be achieved.


    You see the infantilities of the bickering in political gray-areas? That's why I hate politics. It's unfortunate that a family of greedy bastards and their Stormcloak faction are dicks, but If I had to choose between the Markarth rulers and the Forsworn, I'd be choosing between two factions of dicks, neither of which I like. They don't speak for all the Nords.


    Now that's what you expected now, isn't it?




    On a side note:

    Blake, for whatever cacamayme reason I feel compelled to honor my new title of "Keeper of the Tomes", it sure feels like it's going to take away my options for what I gotta post... So I hope you don't mind that I might just keep the title because it sounds kinda cool, but I might start off to queries with irreverence. You know, my own free-ass way. So, uh, thanks...

  3. Nah, you're right - it should just be "bonuses" in English. Boni is straight-up Latin (and possibly other Romance languages). I don't know why we're speaking Latin for particular words, but it did bring a smile to my face since I never thought I would ever see an instance of it "in the wild."


    To post an image, you just need to copy the image URL (ending with an image extension, e.g. .jpg .png .gif) and paste it into the box that pops up when you hit the image / photo esque button that's next to the hyperlink button in the editor.


    Thanks. Can't believe I missed that. I've also edited the wording to keep things Calvin-and-Hobbes-friendly along with the picture.




    Anyways, I'll bow out of this thread since I'm breaking my own rules and carrying everything off topic.


    I'm quite the stranger to forums, but it sounds like somebody's got a ruler up their rear end. C'mon, a little anarchy never hurt anyone.

  4. Who do I think deserves to occupy this chunk of Skyrim, the Nords or the Forsworn? Being personally apathetic about everything teetering on the political, I'd rather stay neutral. But I do have a rationale on whom I'd rather have it.


    I'm a Nord by heart, so I've got a predisposition for the Nord race.


    Nords sit with me at taverns and confide in me their daily woes. Reachmen try to kill me on sight. I prefer the Nord personalities.


    The Nords have built cities, forged metal, cultivated lands and spawn happy, hardworking people. The Reachmen are currently the only faction of human-level intelligence whose advancement in culture and societal infrastructure has remained virtually unchanged throughout the millenia of their existence. Nords take the ball.


    One time, I thought one of the forsworn that I battled looked hot. She had a viciously seductive femme fatale expression on her face that was determined to kill me. Unfortunately, my character unwittingly performed a kill-animation on her and sent her head flying. I was like, "Aww, man... Couldn't I have pacified you any other way?" I then turned to Serana, who was staring at me. "Oh, shut up, you already friend-zoned me." I told her.


    Serana is a Nord. Nords win.

  5. I wrote "Life" on a blank white t-shirt with a marker and handed out lemons on campus. No pictures. I apologize.


    Well, god damn. I've been trying to observe the adage "when life gives you lemons, punch it in the face and demand strawberries."

    -- now I found out I literally can.




    I went to my college Latin class and my extremely enthusiastic Latin teacher showed up in, well...




    The costume was great and more "authentic" and less cheap looking than that, but you get the idea. Apparently he had gone to all of his graduate classes, staff meetings, etc. for the day in it. It was hilarious because this guy was really into his subject and wouldn't drop character for anything. He eventually played some sort of suspenseful soundtrack (name is on the tip of my tongue) and delivered a speech.



    Sadly, I didn't do anything for Halloween this year. If only Deathirst was still around to design me a costume.


    Here's my Halloween story:


    I woke up in the middle of the afternoon, wiped the crust off my eyes and felt the Halloween magic entice me with its nostalgic song of a whimsical childhood. I ran out of bed and looked out my window. Lo, and behold... I saw nothing. Nothing at all. --because this is the Philippines. It then started raining.


    I called up a friend, wanting to do something for Halloween. He wanted to hang out, so we ended up eating at McDonald's, where we planned to spend the night ghost hunting at a cemetery while dancing on peoples graves. I eventually cancelled, realizing that I couldn't stay up late, because I'd have to wake up early the next day to visit long-dead relatives, because, apparently, that's a thing here.


    We then settled for an ominous night at my house discussing the same shit we usually do.


    And that's how I spent my Halloween.

  6. I'll try to explain things to the best of my knowledge...


    Bretons are more human than Elf. Though they are hybrids, they still fall under the human category. This has been the result of centuries of cross-breeding between men and elves in High Rock long ago, back when the elves enslaved man.


    Normally, when two different races interbreed (and this has been proven to occur between man and elf), the offspring most prominently acquires the features of the mother's race, and, to a lesser degree, some traits of the father. Which is to say, the offspring would be born with the same race as its mother. This information has been found in the book Racial Phylogeny which, fortunately for you, I've read just recently, hence my capacity to sound like I actually know what I'm saying. But even the book can be disputed because, as demonstrated by Morrowind and Oblivion, there have been characters in-game with interracial parentage that predominantly acquired the traits of their fathers.


    Bretons do not simply have fathers and mothers that were man and elf, but they are the product of centuries of inbreeding that eventually became their own "race". 


    Orcs, on the other hand, have been warped by daedra too far, I believe, to still be considered elves. Boethiah, through her typical daedra shenanigans, somehow corrupted an an aedra into becoming a daedric prince (guess which one) and his followers into orcs. They are now technically beastfolk.


    For more information, please visit your local Tamrielic library.

    • Upvote 2
  7. The Elder Souls Halloween Party

    Happy Halloween!

    In the spirit of commemorating this cherished holiday, I propose we all come together for an inexplicable bout of community merriment.

    Here, you can...

     -Tell a Halloween story.

     -Post a Halloween picture.

     -Greet Huygens a happy birthday and hope he doesn't molest trick-or-treaters while dressed as Pedobear.

     -Or play a game. I assume we are all wearing Halloween costumes as we type, so... Game rules: you may...

    • [*]Guess what costume the person above you is wearing and/or state a scary truth about him/her. [*]Include anybody else in your list, except yourself. [*]Win when somebody breaks down and confesses that it is so, or when the majority decides it for him.


    Since I must go first, here are my assumptions of the site's current most-recognizable fellas.

    David. The Llamaborn is dressed as an alpaca. A sexy alpaca.
    Musclemagic painted himself four extra abs.

    Blake is a nudist.
    DeathclawSlayer tripped over and killed himself. People think he is a prop.

    • Upvote 1
  8. I've compiled a Helpful list.

    • [*]Each class has 30 abilities (10 for each tree). There are 4 classes in the game, with a total of 120 points. [*]The weapons section has 60 abilities (10 per weapon type). [*]The armor section has 18 (6 per armor type). [*]Each race has 5 abilities (9 races, with a total of 45). [*]The World -> The Soul magic section has another 5. The fact that Soul Magic is a subsection of World undoubtably means that there will be other World subsections. "Undaunted" has already been identified. [*]The Mage Guild has 10. [*]The Fighters' Guild has 10. [*]PVP has 12. [*]Diseases and misc. guilds are unknown.

    if n = number of unknown skills,


    This adds up to (150+n) skills per character, multiplied by 2 if each skills morphs once.


    To unlock everything, a person would then require 300+2(n) skill points. I believe that 150 skills points is fortunately more than enough to complete a build.

  9. it cost a skill point to morph a skill.

    you can only morph a skill once.




    if my calculations are correct you will NOT have enough skill points to unlock all passive, ultimate, active and morphs. Not by a long shot. You have to think ahead carefully what abilities you want and what abilities you can live without. 


    With additional skill lines from guilds, vampire etc it doesn't even look like you will have enough skill points to unlock everything after you go veteran and run the whole game again at 50+. Even twice, at 50++


    Well, I'm not going to sift through the beta leaks again, but I believe I saw that there was a counter for the soul shards. It read "6/303" or something like that. But I do believe it was around 300. If that's true, then we've got 49 points from leveling and (303/3) = 101 from soul shards. 150 in total.


    This one caught me off guard as I was watching the new Shoddycast episode as usual. Their unexplained ESO footage starts at 32:23. It looks like extended Quakecon footage of Nick's troupe in action.


    Edit: Dammit, wait, it's only the part at 33:38 that's different. Well, at least you get a close-up of the goblins.


    Edit, again: Also, it shifts into the Dragon Knight's perspective at 43:00.


    Because here at Elder Souls, we strive to achieve that no extra footage escapes us.

  11. you level a skill to morph. then morph skill.

    In the videos we can see that the morphed skill get a progress bar as well.

    how far can you level a morphed skill. not at all? 5 ranks...?


    or if it only scale towards your character level - does it even matter??


    Well, they recently announced that upon launch, you can only morph a skill once when that skill reaches level 4. I hope they add more morphs when the post-release content comes.

  12. At least we're coming up with a lot of cool ideas. Even if not all of them will apply directly to the game, some of the theories behind them still will. It's all for fun though..nobody's peer pressuring you into trying to decide anything right now. :P


    Edit: There's no meaning to the world, but being a nihilist is no fun!


    I might have sounded more negative than I should have. No, really, I do think it's kinda fun. I was refering more to my own and Xenon's exchanges back there.

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