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Posts posted by Francis

  1. A huge problem, you'll notice, is that most of the time, you won't be able to see their forum sections until you join. I'm sure it'll lead to some interesting stories you'll tell your RP grandchildren some day.


    "Come around, young ones. Let me tell you about the time I accidentally joined a group of death fetishists."


    True story. They're my latest guild. I've been welcomed with a picture of the Cenobytes. It was fucked up, but at least they're good PVP'ers.

  2. Your guild sounds great..which leads to another question...how to choose a guild.  I get that it is an easier way to form up parties and that is my goal...especially when faced with a quest that slightly outranks me LOL.  However, attitude aside, every guild is supposed to bring together players to play. I want to play with people I like, share sense of humor, etc.  Age may have something to do with it, definiteley gender (I'm a woman and would prefer a mixed guild than a guild that, intentionally or unintentionally is all, say, pre 20 age boys.  Use of Teamspeak or other tool preference by a guild would be of interest to me.  And finding guild members online easily by level (since there's no point in knowing where the level 18 people are playing when I'm level 8) are a priority.  Any advice about any of that because I have been screening guild sites and descriptions are crazy vague...You are so helpful thank you again.


    Yeah. That's exactly what I'm going through. I'm having trouble finding a guild to call my own.


    Well, I did accidentally join a guild full of chicks once... Uh, didn't end well. You probably don't wanna be with those prudes.


    Another time, I've even tried joining a role-playing guild. You wouldn't believe the shit I heard. The guild leader was a massive Dark Elf fan. I once told her that I didn't think the Tribunal was that powerful, and she slapped me in the face and called me a "N'wah".


    I wish I could help you, but I'm just as baffled.

    • Upvote 1
  3. Oh, sorry, it's only ever happened to me in Cyrodiil. I didn't know that still happened outside it. You must be in different instances. Zenimax was supposed to fix that bug.


    As for the grouping tool... Well, the census is that people hate it. Maybe you should just join a guild. Here's one that has absolutely no requirements nor obligations.




    Surprisingly, even for that kind of guild, they seem competently led and populated. And I'm in it as well, so...


    But I'm mostly still skimming through. I'm trying out several. I've said it before, but you really can't survive this game in the long-run without some sort of group. Well, you could, but that'd a pain. Just try to make friends or go along with guild events, or something like that.

  4. It should be said that Nuggeh was just joking when he typed all of that. He doesn't really care about Lorena and was just giving Halo a hard time.


    That being said, it isn't that Lorena was hot or anything. I mean, it is the internet. It is pretty much a select few of people ruining my lulz with their drama.


    I read the revised one from MstrMonopoly actually. But thanks for clearing that up. There was a description that said she was teen with a "sweet voice", "blue eyes" and "had tits and played runescape". So, naturally, you can understand why I'm asking.




    she got knocked up and engaged to a fellow rs nerd, all underage too.


    I've never been in TRR, but I'm getting real curious about that mythical Lorena chick. Wish I could see picture or something, so I'd know what all the fuss was about.

  6. Hey, there.


    1. You're on the different Campaigns.

    2. There might be a mod somewhere.

    3. It's waiting for someone else to use the same search feature before it can pair you up with that person.

    4. You could try. Send them a whisper. Try the zone chat too, because there could be people in the same area but just in a different instance.

  7. Agh. My school never had touch-typing classes. I'm being reminded all over again of the idiocy of the system perpetuating something as useless as cursive writing instead of something useful, such as touch-typing. It doesn't even make any sense to practice cursive.


    I'll never have as many unmyelinated brain cells again as I did when I was a kid. That neural development phase is done. I could never be as good at typing as I could have if I had practiced it then. And all because some idiots wanted me to write loopy instead. 


    Watching J.K. Rowling fire off a startling 150 words per minute makes me jealous.


    Damn these adults.

    • Upvote 1
  8. You there. Yes, you.


    Have you ever dreamt about pokemon battles?


    Have you ever dreamt about walking from state to state, searching far and wide?


    Has your mom ever asked you to become a doctor, but then you tell her, "Dammit, mother, I want to become a Pokemon Master!"?


    Well then, write her a letter, because now you can!



    As a legit program by Google, you are hereby given the opportunity to wander the globe, and, well, get the title...



    • Upvote 1

    March madness here. Sadly my bracket dropped 50 points after the last weekend, leaving Blake in the lead...


    Mine completely died at the second round, leaving me with a measly 18 points.


    I'm assuming this place is dead because most of you bought the Imperial Edition and are already early-access-lifing, but for the plebeians among us, such as myself... How are you passing the time?


    As of this post, it's actually three hours for you and me. The only reason my Elder Souls account was logged in all day (or night) was because I fell asleep on it. I'm still somewhat looking for the right guild. Been skimming through. I've got a few more hilarious anecdotes now since those last ones, if you wanna hear all about it.


    Anyway, just a friendly tip, but you really can't survive on ESO without a guild, David. I think you better find one too.

  10. High Elf for me.  Never liked them in Morrowind or Oblivion (Weakness to All Magic is bleh!!!  I don't care that they don't have that anymore, still don't like the gold skinned bastages!).  I'd uninstall before I rolled Altmer.


    Amusingly my top picks are all from the races with votes >.>  Orc, Breton, Nord and Imperial.  (All favorites in Morrowind, especially Bretons and Nords  Ah the good old days when Nords were Immune to Frost, Resistant to Shock and had a permanent Shield effect)


    You're going to make David shed a tear for that. But you get kudos from me for being pro-Nord.

    • Upvote 1
  11. You have done the right thing telling me about this. As it just so happens, one of my many colorful personas is that of an accredited psychologist. Take a seat.


    Now, David. Tell me about your mother. Be very detailed. Very. Detailed.


    Alright, alright... I'm too smart for the likes of this bullshit. I have a real answer.


    If you had been pulling your own teeth out, I would think it was guilt, but, no, you claim they fall off. I believe you suffer from repressed fear. The fact that your subconscious is making you experience visualizations that bring anxiousness despite the lack of physical or imagined pain signifies that an inner anxiety is present. I believe you are not aware of it, because you do not want to believe that you are weak, but when, in fact, you do have very real doubts, and your subconscious knows it. These fears manifest themselves as the horror of falling teeth. As to why your subconscious chose falling teeth, I cannot say. Neurology isn't an exact science. Nevertheless, when a dream is created, it is possible that the emotional triggers originally present may induce the same visualization multiple times throughout subsequent sleep sessions.


    So, tell me, boy, what do you fear?




    It's okay. You can tell me.

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