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Everything posted by Musclemagic

  1. If you mix between stam/magicka it will be the same as if you're going pure magicka, because they regenerate at the same time and they're on %s, so if you have 200 stam and 200 magicka then you'll regen X in each compared to 300 in magicka and 100 in stamina, X+X will = the same amount for both. The only problem with that is balancing them both, and getting gear with +Magicka regen VS +Stamina regen, you'd have to mix/match them which would offset the total because X% of Y, if Y > Z, is greater than X% of Z..so yeah, just as far as managing it goes it will be beneficial to be pure magicka (since the class skills all cost magicka). Anyway-- As a healer I'd strongly recommend being a Mage so you can use your Twilight thing as a tank while you're solo PVEing. I can't make a build right now because I've gotta run but I'll think about one after I finish my 1h/shield builds I'm thinking of! ^.^
  2. idk mate, was offline for maybe 2 weeks? lol
  3. I'm the exact same, sitting between three chars. Same two as you (mage type & dot/heals type), then I'm also thinking about a bow using Templar in medium armor because I love the idea of being able to sprint for a really long time, really quickly. I really think I'm going to go with that Templar staves build though rather than the Nightblade staves build.. but I'll know for sure during beta. I really really love the idea of just being a 1h/shield user because you could still do the same potential damage with your other skill slots and the 1h/shield skills are really really OP looking, but idk. I guess I'll make a build for that next, I'm at my in-laws house though and I gotta go eat dinner. XD
  4. I'm sure it will stack x multiplicative rather than additive, so whichever one is higher up on the stack (probably the higher% on top) will be first, then the remaining damage will be reduced by the next %. ex: 100 damage, 75% and 40% reduction = 17.5 or 15 damage through, depending on how they do it, but I'm sure it'll be one of those ways. The DK one is different though because the 40% absorb is an addition rather than a multiplication, so 30% reduction constant + 40% absorbed would equal 70% probably..but we won't know for sure until someone tests it.
  5. When I logged on it told me to choose a summoner name, do the tutorial, and I had none of my purchases or levels. It was bizarre. =
  6. Yeah, I just worded it weird, double the amount is still huge. I think you'll only be able to have 1 ultimate slotted, unaffected by weapon swaps..but I'm not sure, I do know that in the quakecon gameplay video the ultimate doesn't swap--but he may just have it double slotted? It makes sense that it would be, because you could use a cheap and an expensive one if you need to rely on it right away. This build is a lot like my mage build, where when they get on you you switch to Resto and pop defensives. In 1v1 though the mage would outdamage you unless you were on top of him. I'd highly recommend reflective scale for your ranged section instead of any up close abilties, that way you can caster vs caster/bow much easier. VS melee when you switch to your resto build you are very similar to my mage, but I actually like your DK resto build a lot more than my Mage's. I just think offensively you're going to have huge problems because you will lose to melee and you'll lose to casters. Your heals aren't good for other people. And, you're not a real tank..so what are you going to actually be trying to do with this? Run around and not die for a bit in resto slots? I really don't see who you'd be able to kill in 1v1 with this build unless you can outlast melee in your resto build, but I doubt that because you simply have no +armor which is your first mitigation source.. (not that this matters, because you should have more mitigation than most, but it's one thing that the mage build is better in vs melee, 300 more armor is probably a lot considering he had like 250 in medium armor at level 17(?) in the quakecon video.) I think kiting will be pretty easy actually, stuns/roots are expensive for melee users while knockbacks and slows aren't expensive for casters at all. The only time you'll be on someone knocking you back is when you use charge abilities like teleport strike, but those cost high magicka on a character who'll have mostly stamina. The best gap closer for melee is the 1h/shield charge for 48 stamina with a stun, the 2h charge is next best because it also costs stamina, but it's damage only. Your best bet is using things like Heavy Armor's active ability to be immune to knockback (iirc). I actually think I'm going to play as that Templar build I posted. Defense- for the magicka while using a resto staff, this is amazing. Healing Ritual with Regenerate Ticking = very mana efficient, throw on Rune Focus if you are worried about getting interrupted and entropy on everything when you can to get magicka back. Guardian Circle, of course, since it appears to be the best armor/magic resistance buff in game, 12s--although I might replace Guardian Circle with the Templar's dispel ability (forget name) if it seems more useful in PvP--which it probably will be.. And, during offense- between Sunfire/Piercing Javelin/Destructive Force melee won't touch me. Casters will get fucked by Eclipse and Force Shock. It might take a long time to finish someone, but I'd feel pretty chummy in the process. All just speculation mate, nobody knows anything for sure.
  7. A little more then that, but the loot is hopefully better. XD
  8. Thank you so much! I'm not finished with it, but it finally seems like a decent player, too!! =) =) =) <3!
  9. Here are the most viable looking stave builds I've come up with so far: Mage- Best Damage, Strong Defense vs Melee Destro Staff (while not being focused and VS casters) Weakness to Elements - Debuff Surge – Self Buff Force Shock - Interrupt Mages Fury - Damage Dark Exchange – Replenish Health/Magicka (costs Stamina) Resto Staff (while being focused and VS melee) Regeneration – Heal Force Siphon – Heal Lightning Form – Tank Guardian Circle – Tank Bound Armor – Tank Templar- Best Defense, Very Good Offense for Kiting Resto Staff (on a when-needed basis) [*]Entropy – Regen Mag./Dot [*]Regenerate – Heal [*]Healing Ritual – Heal [*]Guardian Circle – Tank [*]Rune Focus – Tank Destro Staff (really well rounded offense, not as much damage output as Mage but still very nice) [*]Eclipse – Anti-caster - Target targets itself with single target negative spells. [*]Sunfire – Anti-melee - Slow/Damage [*]Piercing Javelin – Anti-melee - Knockback/Damage [*]Force Shock – Interrupt [*]Destructive Touch – Damange/CC [*] Nightblade- Kind of a passive killer, but it should work fantastically Destro Staff (Open with this and get buffed/debuff them.) [*]Cripple – Dot/Slow [*]Mark Target – Debuff [*]Weakness to Elements – Debuff [*]Drain Power – Buff/Debuff [*]Haste – Attack Speed Resto Staff (Switch to this and let your passive damage do the work while you self-heal) [*]Entropy – Regen Mag. [*]Strife – Dot/Heal [*]Summon Shade – Dot/debuff [*]Haste – Attack Speed [*]Force Siphon – Heal on Attack
  10. Yeah, we'll have to see how it plays out. Every class can tank well if they try to, but as a staff user you'll want light armor so it won't fair well against melee attackers. Magic vs Melee will be a kite-fest in this game, for sure, you'll be trying to distance yourself from the melee user the whole time if you're using magic. This will be a lot less magicka intensive (and probably still take less damage) than if you're using tanking spells to just take the damage. That's why I don't like DK staff users in PVP. DK abilities are good at keeping enemies near you, not away from you. I think the best DPS (I think they'll be best 1h/shield tanks though) combo for DK is using Ash Cloud (best slow in the game for keeping them on you) with a 2H (2H applies "burn/chill/frost" effects 100% of the time--so if you have a burning 2H you'll apply the burn effect which is amplified by the DK's abilities a lot.) Using Critical Charge with it in case they lightning bolt out of it or stun and run, uppercut and then lava whip to throw them off balance, and also since Searing Strike is melee range (and huge huge damage) I think it'll be best used on melee users... I doubt you'd even be able to get it off, ever, in a magic vs magic fight against any other class that's kiting you. I do acknowledge that you'd be able to tank a lot, but you'll run out of magicka too quick if you get focused. I really like the DK class, I keep trying to make Staff builds that work--It LOOKS like it should be able to work, but it just ends up not being as good as the others no matter what talents I replace in there. Would you mind posting the build that you plan on using as DK+Staves, There's probably a huge oversight I'm missing.
  11. Musclemagic

    Tiara 1

    She gets her weekly cheese sandwich. Other than that I have a dog feeder full of peanuts for her, so she's fine. She's never complained..well..she did once... she hasn't said anything since then. I'll upload a better picture of her when I'm on my laptop: (Edit: Deleted that picture because it shows too much cooter. I'll upload different one later.)
  12. Anyone looking to sell theirs? Must be in very good shape to be considered.
  13. I'm sad to hear that you can max out a stat. --Each level you get to allocate 10 points into either stam, health, or magicka-- So you could get like 33 of your levels into magicka and the rest into health? Can you provide the source for this, I don't think I've heard that before. A dragonknight with destro/resto staves? Yeah, there's a lot of +healing and +health regeneration. If you max out HP then that could be pretty good, but I don't think the DK class has that great defensive abilities. scale armor, dragon heal thing, spiked armor, and possibly obsidian shield are pretty sick defensives. And the Magic Resistance from DK passives is helpful for defense, but if you're in light armor then you'll already have a lot of magic resistance and you'd be better off focusing on Armor like from the Mage's talents (bound armor) or damage reduction (lightning form). I think dragonknight has the least amount of survival in PVP situations, because it's all kind of slow/passive abilities rather than reactive abilities that shine in specific situations. I think Dragonknight will be the best DPS for PVE with Destro Stave too, unless Nightblade's "Marked Target" is really effective at higher levels, which I think it could be. But idk, I don't care much for PVE anyways. They all definitely have potential, I just think DK's too hybrid feeling between melee and magic to shine in PVP where puritans rein supreme.
  14. Hopefully the 3/6mo//yearly subs bring the total down a noticeable amount. If it's 10-12$ for a year then I'll be paying yearly, otherwise I'll just pay month/month because I tend to take months off of MMOs.
  15. Musclemagic

    Tiara 1

    ps- This is an accurate ratio of bust:waist:hip ratios on my girlfriend.
  16. Musclemagic

    Tiara 1

    All new 2-wave stylized artwork original by Musclemagic. Will sell prints for $10,000 each in an 800x600 pixel format on 8"x11" paper.... or, I guess I give you permission to whatever you want to do with the image yourselves, HAHA!
  17. Musclemagic

    Paint.exe art!

    Draw shit in paint and post it? :D
  18. Musclemagic

    Tiara 1

    From the album: Paint.exe art!

    You can delete it if you feel it's inappropriate. I drew it the other day whilst bored.

    © Musclemagic

  19. I'm about to start watching this anime tonight actually! What a coincidence! I just saw it on my netflix earlier, haha
  20. Musclemagic

    WTF Game Ad

    This picture looks like it was taken from the anime "Kenichi, World's Strongest Disciple" but I'm not sure.
  21. This has worked in several games that allow you to designate your stats how you choose, such as Diablo 2 and mana-tanking sorces for example. Awesome potential! Dig this concept-- 100% magicka. Instead of putting any points into health or stam put ALL your stat allocations into Magicka. Then take healing/damage reduction/absorption spells in one weapon slot and damage/(de)buff/CC skills in the other weapon slots... seems like it could be good for increasing EHP quite a lot, and this is how: You regen stats based on how much of the stat you have, because it's % based. 5% regen per second or so (haven't timed it while watching videos yet, but I will sometime soon!) (Templar also gets 4% magicka back per spell cast..which has the potential to make your magicka nearly endless if you are casting spells around 10% your max magicka [which is low, but if you're in full light armor and such then this number goes up and your max magicka should be quite high] at 1 spell per second endlessly!!) So..now..the only thing you need to worry about is being one-shot to death, but unless a couple nightstalkers snipe you from stealth who are fully bow-damage geared, I doubt this will happen anyway. I mean, SOME HP allocation might be required to avoid being one-shot, but I think this really has potential. If you were a mage (they have incrs magicka, magicka regen, and lower magicka costs, too) then think about being able to Lightning-Teleport (forget the name right now..) so many times in a row, this could even be faster than a stamina templar with a bow and medium armor! IDK, it's just something cool to think about-- since I haven't talked a whole lot about health/magicka/stam distribution as much as I have on spell synergy combos.
  22. I'm pretty sure that with their targeting system and everything I've seen it'll be the best PvP option by quite a bit. I really would like to use a 2H and Bow on a medium armor class, but I can't make it work how I want it to while balancing stam/magicka between both weapons.. So it would cause me to have an EHP loss due to unbalanced resource management between the weapon swaps... Sucky nipples. =(
  23. I did play league... and then I logged in and my account that I had bought a shitload of characters on was emptied out and it asked me for a new summoner's name...NO IDEA HOW. So then, when I put in a request to get it reset, they wanted the IP addresses of everywhere I've played league on, and since I've played in several different states there was no way I could get that information for them so they refused to reinstate my account... Bullshit imo. If I ever play that genre again I'll go with DOTA2.
  24. I'm still going back and forth between Mage and Nightblade for Resto/Destro/Light Armor type class. It seems that those two will be slightly better for that gearing for PvP where you want utility on your plate, while templar or dragonknight will be stronger for PVE rolls with that setup.
  25. Latest build I've come up with that seems like it has potential: Mage w/ Light Armor- DESTRO (vs ranged and while not targeted) Weakness to Elements - Debuff Surge – Self Buff Force Shock - Interrupt Mages Fury - Damage Dark Exchange//Soul Trap – Heal//Soul Shard Gatherer RESTO (vs melee and while targeted) Regeneration – Heal Force Siphon – Heal Lightning Form – Tank Guardian Circle – Tank Bound Armor – Tank
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