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Everything posted by MstrMonopoly

  1. New York City, New York, USA.
  2. You should get 99 FM so you can join FMoRS.
  3. http://www.timecube.com/Oldie but a goodie, if you all haven't seen it.
  4. We had world 75, if that's okay with you.
  5. DotA > LoL.I will never conform.
  6. I've been to In-n-Out, it's amazing. I wish they had them in New York. The best fast food burgers you can get here are at the Shack Shack, which is pretty good but has a really long line for a goddamn hamburger.
  7. Hey Blexun, what agility did you need for that next RotM again?
  8. He has it up, he just needs to post a link somewhere.
  9. Where's mah war vid?

  10. Tbh, you're also the only *real* TRR vet. If you catch my drift.
  11. I miss failcasting for EP so much. I got like 5 mage levels that way, lol.
  12. Hey all, We're currently shutting down a selection of worlds due to some connectivity issues. We hope to have these back up and running shortly. This will be affecting the following worlds: 5, 10, 17, 19, 21, 26, 28, 32, 51, 54, 69, 81, 101, 102, 105, 106, 119, 123, 137, 146, 149, 151, 166, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231 Apologies for the inconvenience, Mod Easty
  13. Yeah, you'd definitely need a compass. Honestly, you might want to bring a second compass just in case. Also, if it was airborne mutant insects I'm not sure there would be any survivors, unless they spent all their time inside playing RuneScape
  14. Merching is the fastest, but once you hit level 50 Runecrafting, the Great Orb Project isn't a bad idea either.
  15. Aww, Dan, you're not a loser. I still wuv u.
  16. Oh shit I forgot about that.You can have some other money if you want, I feel bad now.
  17. Also, high score ranks are sexy.
  18. The easiest thing to do is escape. While you're risking your life trying to Rambo your way out of Zombiepocalypse, the cool kids and I will be chilling on our own private island somewhere in the Pacific living off the fruits of the land.
  19. Mithril dragons are actually really good money if you have a Yak.
  20. I mean, I already worship myself. If anyone want to follow me, they're welcome to.Dues are 100m gp a year. In return you get my blessing.
  21. The Runescape Rebelz vs. The Dark Syndicate Fun and Matched First of all, I'd just like to congratulate all of you for fighting your best, cause we pwnz0rd them. PULL: C+ Yes, we pulled 17 members, which is quite a bit lower than we're used to pulling. So why am I giving our pull a C+ (a grade which is only slightly below average)? The pool that we could have pulled from is much lower than usual, and it was a Tuesday afternoon war. Both of these things cut into our pull heavily. In a weekend war, with a bulk email sent and this sort of enthusiasm? We could pull thirty. Not to mention everyone was prepped way early for the war, and everyone in the CC was very enthusiastic and pumped for the war, which we all like to see. More on that later. CALLING/SPAMMING: C/B My calling was solidly below average, I was alright with the first couple of calls and correctly picked out the rangers and binders to kill, but after a while (when it became clear that TRR was going to win), I became sort of lax with my calling, which is never a good idea. I also could have spammed quite a bit more. During the second war, I wisely chose to give the calling job to Nelson, who did a very good job identifying the targets WHILE tribridding, something that's really quite difficult to pull off. The calling/spamming job in the 2nd war was only a B, however, because outside of Nelson and occasionally me no one was spamming at all, and the calls could have been a little quicker (I don't fault Nelson completely for this, because TDS was spread out all over the map, and one 125 on TDS was using slash with a G2H. causing him and the rest of TRR to lol.) The overall message that TRR should take away from this war is that repeating the call is key. TANKING: A- The only people that had to tank did an EXCELLENT job of it. Every one of you was solidly above average. Heated_Deus and Kaiden did an exceptional job and D_The_Tiger, who I *thought* was an inexperienced warrer, tanked amazingly. This is the best tanking I've seen in a TRR war in a while, so congrats. PILING/BINDING: B- Usually, there were a few guys who weren't on the pile at all. I don't know if this was due to a lack of spamming/calling prowess on the part of TRR or just a lack of awareness on the part of the stragglers, but the pile definitely could have been improved. GOOD sniping was almost nonexistent, but thankfully Nelson, Deus, and Kaiden were all tremendous binders and the pile was good enough to KO a lot of TDS low levels without them eating all their food. Overall, it was an average job, and one we could definitely improve on. SPORTSMANSHIP: A Seriously, you guys were the best sports I've seen at a war in ages. There was absolutely zero flaming, zero raging, zero "I don't waaaaaaaaant to come to the war" retards. Hell, even Dan came to the war, and he HATES wars. Everyone was super excited about the war and I was shocked to see people coming 30-40 minutes early. Good job everyone. Co-WAR MVPs: Terravilla, Kaiden War Tank: Heated_Deus http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mzEnBy8alg
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