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Everything posted by Deus

  1. Gl, im still trying to get all above 70.
  2. Deus

    Ventrilo Server!

    Thanks man! Will be great for wars. But now I have to uninstall ts and install vent
  3. Deus

    AL Declares

    Yikes, its too bad I couldnt make it to the war. Looked like a lot of fun!
  4. Loved the war guys! Awesome job!
  5. Great job Trr!!!!!! Loved the work you guys did! Nelly awesome calling. Kick me for many failed binds
  6. Sounds great, cant wait for these updates!
  7. Most people dont like clicking links, you should try to see if you can just put the video straight onto the forums?
  8. I liked the game of the year edition of morwind, I bought oblivion but never played it too much.
  9. Oh I did forget to mention elder scrolls I <3 the games.
  10. No wonderful mention of a broke Heated lending ya gps! That was uber nice pinhead!
  11. 1800 award and the Questing: Master Adventurer award. Im almost positive I have over 150 qp.
  12. Hell fucking yes! Welcome back there buddy
  13. Training the youngins in huh drunk? My lil girl sits on my lap at 5 months and googly eyes the game lol Welcome aboard!!!!!!!! Have fun and enjoy your stay!
  14. Get off me aliath, I dont swing that way

  15. Play the first ones at least 2 and 3 for snes. (1 wasnt the greatest at all but the roots of ff) You can use roms and emulators to play on your pc. If you can handle the low graphics. But those were the best rpg's of that time, after those final fantasy went down hill. Final Fantasy tactics was alright though tbh. I played 7 but I didnt care too much for it due to it being a completely different gamestyle.
  16. I want a cookie.

  17. Final Fantasy 1,2, and 3. Best Rpg's ever made. I also was a big fan of the Dragon Warrior series.
  18. About the event attendance req, I know we have many different time zones within the clan. So, for that to take place, we need et to work a bit harder, (you guys are doing good now) and make events for different timezones. Giving those say in Australia who are at about a 12 hour difference from a lot of us, the chance to be able to attend events. At one point in time I was making late night (for me) events for those who werent on during the day. I had some decent attendece and people were thrilled to be able to attend. (I suck at reflections so I cant do events btw) But two timezone events would be nice for those that cannot attend the norm timezones we have in place. Maybe finding a nice et to make and host events for such later timezones might be in order?
  19. I joined TRR on a no requirement standard, I like the idea. At one point in time I would have called for a total level/combat level requirement to try and enforce activity. But I believe another requirement that has nothing to do with levels should come into play. Forum activity 'posts per month/week' And event attendance % depending on the amount of events held within the calendar month. This would still hold true to therebelz being a no level requirement clan, but would still enforce activity to a certain degree. You could also, instead of accepting all people, put them on a probationary period such as trial member to see how active they are. Giving them a set % of events and number of forum posts to do within a 2 week period before becoming a full fledged member. That not only would show if a person was active or not, but it would also get them into the loop of meeting people, posting, and attending events.
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