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Everything posted by Deus

  1. I cant find the applications anywhere, or the leave of absence either. Im sure a few more I cannot find. Maybe they are hidden and I have to look harder.
  2. I wouldnt mind it back at all, but it would take somebody that doesnt mind writing and keeping in touch with whats going on to take a head in it.
  3. I have the game, and like 2 or 3 expansions. But I have never used em. I think I played a total of maybe a half hour once at a friends house. A really good mmorpg would be warhammer online. Check it out, it mini's wow in that type of gameplay.
  4. Deus


    Hmm, so I see I have met my quota for the day after only giving 1 - rep Its a shame, I wanted to have a tad bit of fun knocking the beloved founder traag back down to 1 rep. I mean seriously 17 rep! omg! Too much. Negative rep traag por favor. lolololol
  5. woot wooot welcome!!!! Enjoy your stay. TRR is a way of LIFE!
  6. Because you have people who get picked on irl, and come into the game trying to take it out on pixels. Kinda funny, but annoying really.
  7. Welcome aboard! Good to have some more older folks in here lol Have some fun, if you have any questions feel free to ask.
  8. If I'm not working on my girls car at that time, I would be more than happy to attend. But it all depends on when my tools arrive.
  9. Its a little bit of fun I have to say. I'll be sure to keep my pacman trophy forever. Used to be good at snake from my cell phone, but its a bit different on here.
  10. I havent been on for the last 4 days Excuses excuses I know.
  11. Ive been without power for 4 days, just got back around today. I havent been on rs though. But you will be seeing me on there like usual by tomorrow evening.
  12. Yes ranger, I am out for your trophies. :o

    1. T ranger101
    2. Deus


      I was close from reclaiming my snake trophy by just a little over 10 points :(

  13. Should pick only f2p skill and chills. If you want to do one with P2p skills, then that should be separate. That way, those that are f2p and p2p can attend no matter what. I wouldnt mind a monthly p2p skill and chill on top of the weekly f2p skill and chill.
  14. Deus


    It fits you perfect.
  15. i like the new edgeville, but the ge didnt really help the lag at all.
  16. Deus

    Real Life Names

    Sean sounds like seen when you sound it out. And Sean Connery is gay, so whats that say?
  17. Deus

    Real Life Names

    Shawn <~~~~~~ The correct way to spell it.
  18. Bump Bump Bump come on guys sign up
  19. Application declined! :) Hia guen!
  20. Deus


    Never used blogs at all tbh, i might have to check em out.
  21. Arma next time!!! K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Wow, I thought I was first post, did my post get deleted or just not go through? It was loads of fun anyways, I forget what I had said before.
  23. NOOOOOOOOOOOO. See you soon mono, have fun. You still owe me a duel for a rank dont forget!
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