For a Buriser it really depends how you wanna balance Dps and survibility. You could go with 2h and DW, or you can use 1h&S you could even use a bow, but you should stay with physical weapons. I would go with 2H and 5M armor pieces. That way you have a much higher Stamina reg and more dmg than in full heavy but you still keep some survibility. For race I would go with Redguard, because they have the best stamina reg of all races. Stats I would go with 30 stamina and the rest into HP. Enchantments HP reg and where possible increased weapon dmg plus if needed stamina reg (takes away from HP reg) 2h some heavy dmg enchantment 1h&S some more defensive enchantments like Life Steal & Shield. Skill wise it really depends on what you want, you will need a few survival abilities but the rest is your choise. For Example: 2H: Critical Charge Reverse Slash Momentum Obsidian Shield Immoveable 1h&S: Fiery Grip Puncture Ash Cloud Dark Talons Molten Weapons Your main weapon set would be the 2H but you will use Molten Weapons to boost your weapon dmg and puncture to reduce the armor of your target, Ash cloud gives you more survibility. Basically that's the same build i posted for my Dk the only difference is that here you would use 5m and 2H instead of 7H.