Physically attractive is good, but that's far from the top priority. If I can look at them and not gag, that's enough.As cheesy as this is, and as much shouts of bullshit I expect, the personality is what I like the most. It is also what I depend on the most. After being fucked around by girls who are in some cases LITERALLY models and meeting physically attractive people who have absolutely hideous personalities, this is important to me. I've often fallen into lust with these kinds of people, but the love I desire is at least the girl is pleasant. Finally, the same tastes as me in music, movies, etc. are a huge plus, because I get uber excited because most people born in the last few decades tend to not have tastes as uncommon as mine. If you share the same principles as I do in terms of politics and religion, especially if I haven't even talked to you about them yet, I'm hooked.Judging by my RuneScape name ingame, most of you can probably tell who fits this description for me and who my ideal girlfriend would be.