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Everything posted by bgs1977

  1. Alright, I'll leave it up. WARNING: BAD LANGUAGE Session Start: Wed Jul 13 19:07:02 2011 Session Ident: #meetingroom 03[19:07] * Now talking in #meetingroom 01[19:07] <bgs1977> Sorry 01[19:07] <bgs1977> laptop battery died 01[19:07] <bgs1977> What was the last bits of convo? [19:07] <@MstrMonopoly> (22:05:41) <@MstrMonopoly> How is it funny at all? [19:07] <@MstrMonopoly> (22:05:46) <@MstrMonopoly> We wanted Blakelington bakc [19:07] <@MstrMonopoly> (22:05:49) <@MstrMonopoly> We got him back [19:07] <@MstrMonopoly> (22:05:50) <@MstrMonopoly> The end 01[19:07] <bgs1977> It's funny. 01[19:08] <bgs1977> Because the idea of you having Council plans to "poach TLOL members" is in itself humorous 01[19:08] <bgs1977> And Blake was not mentioned at all until we caught you 02[19:08] * @Snorlax ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout) [19:08] <@MstrMonopoly> Lmao 01[19:08] <bgs1977> And you thought up reasons later 01[19:08] <bgs1977> I agree, it's lmao 01[19:08] <bgs1977> [19:08] <@MstrMonopoly> Who else do we want back [19:08] <@MstrMonopoly> Tell me. 01[19:08] <bgs1977> No idea 01[19:09] <bgs1977> Never mentioned Blake there either [19:09] <@MstrMonopoly> Not specifically 01[19:09] <bgs1977> And members is plural 01[19:09] <bgs1977> Meaning more than one [19:09] <@MstrMonopoly> We also wanted one other guy 01[19:09] <bgs1977> Who? [19:10] <@MstrMonopoly> I highly doubt we'd get him at this point. 01[19:10] <bgs1977> Well who is he? [19:10] <@MstrMonopoly> Your Mole should have found out by now 01[19:10] <bgs1977> But he hasn't/ 01[19:10] <bgs1977> 01[19:10] <bgs1977> Who is he? [19:10] <@MstrMonopoly> Well he's a shit mole then 01[19:10] <bgs1977> Is it in your Council forums? [19:11] <@MstrMonopoly> That's all the information I can give. 01[19:11] <bgs1977> Lol [19:11] <@MstrMonopoly> http://s4.zetaboards.com/Legacy_of_Legends/profile/3581514/ [19:11] <@MstrMonopoly> this name ring a bell 01[19:11] <bgs1977> You gave no info 01[19:11] <bgs1977> Nuggeh isn't in our clan lol [19:11] <@MstrMonopoly> I was joking, obviously. 01[19:11] <bgs1977> Ah 01[19:12] <bgs1977> See, jokes aren't so bad 01[19:12] <bgs1977> 01[19:12] <bgs1977> So who is it? 01[19:12] <bgs1977> Pinoy? [19:12] <@MstrMonopoly> Hey, bgs, what do Ozzy and Aliath have to do with Kaiden? 01[19:12] <bgs1977> That also remains secret. 01[19:12] <bgs1977> Why do you ask? 06[19:12] * @MstrMonopoly facepalm [19:12] <@MstrMonopoly> If you're telling us that he does secret things with TLoL's council 01[19:13] <bgs1977> Did I? 01[19:13] <bgs1977> lmao [19:13] <@MstrMonopoly> (22:11:35) <@MstrMonopoly> Hey, bgs, what do Ozzy and Aliath have to do with Kaiden? [19:13] <@MstrMonopoly> (22:11:42) <bgs1977> That also remains secret. 01[19:13] <bgs1977> I never confirmed anything 01[19:13] <bgs1977> Secret could be absolutely nothing [19:13] <@MstrMonopoly> You could say... no [19:13] <@MstrMonopoly> nothing* 01[19:13] <bgs1977> Or I can continue being sneaky for my own amusement 01[19:14] <bgs1977> Do you have any legitimate questions, legitimate things you want to tell me, or legitimate offers? [19:14] <@MstrMonopoly> bgs, if you really want to take the high road 01[19:15] <bgs1977> I recall taking the high road when I was High Council and getting bitched about doing so many times before. [19:15] <@MstrMonopoly> We didn't bitch about you taking the high road [19:15] <@MstrMonopoly> We bitched about you distributing porn 01[19:16] <bgs1977> There was much more besides Pureuranium. [19:16] <@MstrMonopoly> Also, soliciting nudes from 12 year old males named "chuckabuck" 01[19:16] <bgs1977> Porn was the least of our arguments. 01[19:16] <bgs1977> Anyway, I know reality has a well-known anti-TRR bias. [19:16] <@MstrMonopoly> As I recall, we gave you another chance even though you asked a 12 year old clan member for nudes, causing him to quit the Rebelz [19:17] <@MstrMonopoly> But that's no biggie [19:17] <@MstrMonopoly> It's not like he was an active event-goer or anything [19:17] <@MstrMonopoly> Oh wait 01[19:17] <bgs1977> As I recall, you are pathological liars who only say things that benefit yourselves regardless of whether they are remotely true. [19:17] <@MstrMonopoly> Yeah he was. [19:17] <@MstrMonopoly> Bgs. 01[19:17] <bgs1977> MstrMonopoly? [19:17] <@MstrMonopoly> Did you or did you not ask the 12 year old male, chuckabuck, for nudes 01[19:17] <bgs1977> I did not. 06[19:17] * @MstrMonopoly facepalm 01[19:17] <bgs1977> He was not 12. 01[19:17] <bgs1977> Good game. [19:17] <@MstrMonopoly> Alright, 13. 01[19:18] <bgs1977> Nor 13. [19:18] <@MstrMonopoly> 14? He couldn't have been older than 14. 01[19:18] <bgs1977> And he was not an active event goer. 01[19:18] <bgs1977> He was a new member. [19:18] <@MstrMonopoly> No, he'd been in the clan like at least a month. [19:18] <@MstrMonopoly> Racked up like 100-200 posts on the forums 01[19:18] <bgs1977> Don't try to bullshit the only Event Team you had who gave a shit about making it work about Event Attendance. [19:19] <@MstrMonopoly> I'm not bitching about your event team record [19:19] <@MstrMonopoly> That was stellar 01[19:19] <bgs1977> I know. [19:19] <@MstrMonopoly> We're bitching about the fact that you asked a clan member for nudes causing him to quit 01[19:19] <bgs1977> I'm saying trying to bullshit me about Events when I ran the team is idiotic. [19:19] <@MstrMonopoly> He went to at least a couple events [19:19] <@MstrMonopoly> I remember he went to my KBD/KQ events 01[19:20] <bgs1977> Oh dear, I made 1 member quit a year ago who could have had some potentinal if he had only been forced out a couple months later by Traaginen and you instead of me. 01[19:20] <bgs1977> Do you have anything recent to bitch about? [19:20] <@MstrMonopoly> Yes 01[19:20] <bgs1977> Well start. [19:20] <@MstrMonopoly> You felt the need to recruit a member of our Council 01[19:20] <bgs1977> I did? 01[19:20] <bgs1977> Who? [19:20] <@MstrMonopoly> Kaiden or Tynisa, whoever's the mole 01[19:21] <bgs1977> Well he's not a recruit. 01[19:21] <bgs1977> Lol. 01[19:21] <bgs1977> Whoever the Mole is, he's still a member in your clan with a Council rank. [19:21] <@MstrMonopoly> You also continued to take members from TRR 01[19:21] <bgs1977> Name one we took. [19:21] <@MstrMonopoly> Therefore, we're interested in cutting off communications with you [19:21] <@MstrMonopoly> Blakelington 01[19:21] <bgs1977> We didn't take him. [19:22] <@MstrMonopoly> THAT WAS LIKE A WEEK AGO! STOP TALKING ABOUT THE PAST! 01[19:22] <bgs1977> He joined us of his own will temporarily when you guys did not have forums. 01[19:22] <bgs1977> I agree, why bring it up? 01[19:22] <bgs1977> Name one member you had that we actively recruited. 01[19:22] <bgs1977> Which is different from them deciding on their own, with no prodding, "Maybe I'll check out LOL" 01[19:23] <bgs1977> Can you name one legitimate case? [19:23] <@MstrMonopoly> I can't tell if you're an extremely elaborate troll or you don't understand the basic concept of "if TLoL hadn't been constantly hanging around TRR, Blakelington would not have joined TLoL, he would maybe have joined some other random clan" 01[19:23] <bgs1977> I understand the basic concept, it's just completely retarded/ [19:24] <@MstrMonopoly> We're just politely asking you to stay out of our CCs, IRCs, forums, etc. 01[19:24] <bgs1977> Blakelington merely joined us when you had no forums, and as soon as you got forums back he joined you both again. [19:24] <@MstrMonopoly> We will do the same 01[19:24] <bgs1977> We never recruited him nor discouraged him from leaving. [19:24] <@MstrMonopoly> (22:23:10) <@MstrMonopoly> We're just politely asking you to stay out of our CCs, IRCs, forums, etc. [19:24] <@MstrMonopoly> Oh, by the way, in David's totally non-serious proposal, we'd all be high council 01[19:24] <bgs1977> Politely is the exact opposite of what this conversation has been. 01[19:25] <bgs1977> And I adamantly refuse this non-serious proposal for a merger. [19:25] <@MstrMonopoly> You seemed to entertain the idea until Fergal (correctly) told you how retarded it was. 01[19:25] <bgs1977> I did no such thing. [19:25] <@MstrMonopoly> You were willing to chat about it with David. 01[19:26] <bgs1977> I entertained the idea by listening to Mageman and not immediately calling David out for being an imbecile. 01[19:26] <bgs1977> Chatting about an idea means it is being seriously considered to you? [19:27] <@MstrMonopoly> When the two leaders of a clan have a talk about a merger [19:27] <@MstrMonopoly> Without them prefacing the chat with [19:27] <@MstrMonopoly> LOL THIS WOULD NEVER HAPPEN 01[19:27] <bgs1977> If you bothered to look at the logs I linked Fergal, you could actually see the conversation that took place. [19:27] <@MstrMonopoly> It would be seriously considered 01[19:27] <bgs1977> And not your talking points. [19:27] <@MstrMonopoly> Honestly, we would CONSIDER the merger with you guys, but we'd have to retain some leadership. 01[19:27] <bgs1977> Of course. 01[19:27] <bgs1977> So would we. [19:27] <@MstrMonopoly> Mhm 01[19:27] <bgs1977> Which is where the problems immeditately started. [19:28] <@MstrMonopoly> Fergal can lead the RT, you can lead the ET, and Aliath can lead the "banhammer'd" list [19:28] <@MstrMonopoly> Joking, obviously. 01[19:28] <bgs1977> I doubt that would be a joke, to be honest. 01[19:28] <bgs1977> If the solution to the problem keeps the exact same symptons that started the problem, it is pointless. 01[19:29] <bgs1977> We keep fighting over ranks and David and you being egomaniacal imbeciles. 01[19:29] <bgs1977> It's exactly where we were before. [19:29] <@MstrMonopoly> David claims that we'd all be the same rank [19:29] <@MstrMonopoly> All high council 01[19:29] <bgs1977> David claims many things that rarely turn out to be true. [19:29] <@MstrMonopoly> was this true or was this true 01[19:30] <bgs1977> He claimed he said that at the very end of the logs after he insisted on being leader above everyone else who would be "High Council at best." 01[19:30] <bgs1977> So no, he only claimed that after 20 minutes of insisting he be the only leader to cover his own ass. [19:30] <@MstrMonopoly> How about Fergal Monoply and David lead "The Runescape Legacy Of Rebelz Legends" [19:31] <@MstrMonopoly> Oh, also, can I see the logs? 01[19:31] <bgs1977> Any possible open-mindedness I had for any kind of alliance or merger from Mageman immediately died when David opened his mouth. 01[19:31] <bgs1977> And of course. [19:31] <@MstrMonopoly> send pl0x 01[19:31] <bgs1977> <@bgs1977> In order: 01[19:31] <bgs1977> <@bgs1977> http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/684/loltrr.png/ 01[19:31] <bgs1977> <@bgs1977> http://www.mediafire.com/?992q695d03k91w7 01[19:31] <bgs1977> <@bgs1977> http://www.mediafire.com/?motthlx1ahgt7vv [19:32] <@MstrMonopoly> Wait, hold on. 01[19:32] <bgs1977> Mk [19:32] <@MstrMonopoly> I see David on RS [19:32] <@MstrMonopoly> That never happens!!!!! 01[19:32] <bgs1977> I have never claimed it didn't. 01[19:32] <bgs1977> In fact fairly recently I had compliments for David that sprung from him actually logging on. [19:34] <@MstrMonopoly> it seems as if you entertained the idea before David. 01[19:34] <bgs1977> To Mageman, yes. 01[19:34] <bgs1977> He was the one who suggested it. [19:34] <@MstrMonopoly> [18:22] <Traaginen> You realize things are peaceful, no one in TRR cares about tLoL anymore than any other clan. [19:34] <@MstrMonopoly> 01[18:22] <@bgs1977> Well yes, merely a suggestion. [19:34] <@MstrMonopoly> If only it was the other way around 01[19:34] <bgs1977> Fantasies do not help reality. 01[19:34] <bgs1977> I apologize that you think fantasies are reality. 01[19:35] <bgs1977> And run your clan in such a manner. [19:35] <@MstrMonopoly> I apologize that you're obsessed with a clan you quit a year ago to start your own clan 01[19:35] <bgs1977> Insincere apology accepted. [19:35] <@MstrMonopoly> It's like having a girlfriend, breaking up with her, getting a new girlfriend, then constantly moaning about how evil your old girlfriend was 01[19:35] <bgs1977> Although the accusation is more insincere than the apology. 01[19:35] <bgs1977> We left TRR and formed LoL because you guys were complete asshats. 01[19:36] <bgs1977> That is not the guiding force of the clan. 01[19:36] <bgs1977> You have way too much unwarranted self-importance. 01[19:36] <bgs1977> LoL merely cares about TRR in the form of lulz and the origins of how the clan began. 01[19:37] <bgs1977> Once we were off the ground, which was helped immensely by your own continuing idiocy where your own members fled TRR and came to LoL, or as you would call it, actively recruiting. 01[19:37] <bgs1977> We were perfectly fine. [19:38] <@MstrMonopoly> Oh, also [19:38] <@MstrMonopoly> TRR is run by council [19:38] <@MstrMonopoly> That's true. 01[19:38] <bgs1977> Nor do I dispute that. 01[19:38] <bgs1977> That does not however erase the possiblity of David fucking things up with his higher rank. [19:38] <@MstrMonopoly> But David knows how to do shit! 01[19:38] <bgs1977> Like the time Li Chef quit TRR to join us. 01[19:38] <bgs1977> For that exact reason. 01[19:39] <bgs1977> When the guy you appoint as your leader is trying to make progress and the old leader who fucked it up before, and claimed to have stepped down, cockblocks progress reviving your clan that he killed. 01[19:39] <bgs1977> It's understandble why your puppet leader would be upset. 01[19:40] <bgs1977> And yes, I literally heard of this precisely from Delly who told me why I was banned right after. 01[19:40] <bgs1977> "The real leaders, Plex/Mono/David, not Li Chef/Terra" 01[19:40] <bgs1977> made a decision to ban me 01[19:40] <bgs1977> way back [19:40] <@MstrMonopoly> Plex [19:40] <@MstrMonopoly> Leader [19:41] <@MstrMonopoly> pick one 01[19:41] <bgs1977> That was Delly's own words 01[19:41] <bgs1977> Apparently he was in that decision to vote me out 01[19:41] <bgs1977> With the real leaders, not the figureheads who are infinitely more pleasant [19:41] <@MstrMonopoly> I'm not pleasant when I'm not mad? 01[19:41] <bgs1977> When you 01[19:42] <bgs1977> When you are not mad you've very pleasant. 01[19:42] <bgs1977> It's too bad you can get worked up into a fake outrage whenever you are told you should do so. [19:42] <@MstrMonopoly> BGS [19:42] <@MstrMonopoly> You were using Allan's hosting software for the porn 01[19:42] <bgs1977> 50% of the time I consider you a great friend. The other 50% you are actually David Jr. [19:42] <@MstrMonopoly> David Jr.? 01[19:42] <bgs1977> Mono, this is way after that incident. [19:43] <@MstrMonopoly> I prefer being his l'il bro' 01[19:43] <bgs1977> I mean after LoL was formed. [19:43] <@MstrMonopoly> li'l*? 01[19:43] <bgs1977> When you appoint Li Chef leader. [19:43] <@MstrMonopoly> Oh 01[19:43] <bgs1977> And he attempts to revive your clan by bringing me in to help you. [19:43] <@MstrMonopoly> Yeah, we appointed Li Chef and Terra leader [19:43] <@MstrMonopoly> Ye 01[19:43] <bgs1977> Yes, and that was when David cockblocked progress. 01[19:43] <bgs1977> And I was informed by Delly at the time. 01[19:44] <bgs1977> About real leaders (you, David, Plex) vs. leaders that didn't really count, like Li Chef and Terra. [19:44] <@MstrMonopoly> You think anyone but David is the real leader!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!!?!?!?! [19:44] <@MstrMonopoly> DAVID CONTROLS ALL 01[19:45] <bgs1977> For a little while we entertained the idea that David may have actually been more honest than we previously assumed. 01[19:45] <bgs1977> Fortunately we were proved wrong yet again by the Fuhrer himself. 01[19:46] <bgs1977> Do you truly think most of your problems are because of LoL? [19:46] <@MstrMonopoly> No 01[19:46] <bgs1977> Then why are you at all concerned about us? [19:46] <@MstrMonopoly> We're not 01[19:46] <bgs1977> Then why call me into a meeting to bitch at me about how LoL interacts with TRR? 01[19:46] <bgs1977> If it is not an issue. [19:47] <@MstrMonopoly> You said "most of our problems" [19:47] <@MstrMonopoly> We do have SOME problems with you guys 01[19:47] <bgs1977> Oh, and what are they? 01[19:47] <bgs1977> What problems do we cause that could actually hinder your clan? [19:47] <@MstrMonopoly> None yet 01[19:47] <bgs1977> And we've been around causing problems for you guys for nearly a yearZ? [19:47] <@MstrMonopoly> But if we actually want to use our Council forums to discuss matters like promos/demotions 01[19:48] <bgs1977> Oh dear. [19:48] <@MstrMonopoly> Bgs. 01[19:48] <bgs1977> God forbid a rival clan waits a week to see who you promoted. [19:48] <@MstrMonopoly> RIVAL CLAN [19:48] <@MstrMonopoly> YOU ADMITTED IT [19:48] <@MstrMonopoly> AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NOOB 01[19:48] <bgs1977> When did I ever deny it? [19:48] <@MstrMonopoly> We don't consider you our rivals [19:48] <@MstrMonopoly> We consider you annoyances 01[19:48] <bgs1977> Of course you don't. 01[19:48] <bgs1977> You only consider FL rivals. [19:48] <@MstrMonopoly> All we want to do is get members in peace [19:49] <@MstrMonopoly> FL is lame 01[19:49] <bgs1977> Exactly. [19:49] <@MstrMonopoly> AL were our true rivals 01[19:49] <bgs1977> The one rival you have is the one clan worse than you. [19:49] <@MstrMonopoly> Wat [19:49] <@MstrMonopoly> How is AL the "one clan" worse than us 01[19:49] <bgs1977> FL. [19:49] <@MstrMonopoly> Oh 01[19:49] <bgs1977> Not AL. [19:49] <@MstrMonopoly> Our rivals were AL not FL [19:49] <@MstrMonopoly> Jesus 01[19:50] <bgs1977> Semantics aside with what clans you once considered rivals. 01[19:50] <bgs1977> What exactly do you want me or my clan to do? [19:50] <@MstrMonopoly> Get rid of the Mole, stop coming in CC/IRC (this obviously excludes neutral channels like #mindmyskillz or #fergal or skype or something), get off our forums 01[19:51] <bgs1977> We're all banned from your IRC, so that is never a problem. [19:51] <@MstrMonopoly> Alright, CC then. 01[19:51] <bgs1977> The Mole is your Council, you can demote the mystery man yourself. 01[19:51] <bgs1977> You can also ban my secret identity of Mstr Snrub through your own Admin CP 01[19:51] <bgs1977> Which as far as I know Council lacks [19:52] <@MstrMonopoly> High Council doesn't lack Admin CP 01[19:52] <bgs1977> High Council doesn't exist yet, apparently 01[19:52] <bgs1977> As a forum rank [19:52] <@MstrMonopoly> It does. [19:52] <@MstrMonopoly> No one has it 01[19:52] <bgs1977> Exactly. [19:52] <@MstrMonopoly> We were going to give it to Delroth but [19:53] <@MstrMonopoly> He retardeded it up 01[19:53] <bgs1977> So Council is unable to use Admin CP. 01[19:53] <bgs1977> As I stated. [19:53] <@MstrMonopoly> We didn't say you'd be Council [19:53] <@MstrMonopoly> We said you'd be high council 01[19:53] <bgs1977> Did I ever suggest that? [19:53] <@MstrMonopoly> Wat 01[19:53] <bgs1977> The idea of Council does not appeal to me any longer. [19:53] <@MstrMonopoly> No [19:53] <@MstrMonopoly> David did [19:53] <@MstrMonopoly> FUCK IT [19:53] <@MstrMonopoly> THE MEMBER WE WANTED BACK WAS ALIATH [19:53] <@MstrMonopoly> GOD DAMN IT I MISS THAT KID 01[19:54] <bgs1977> Council became meaningless to me once I learned it could be taken away for looking at porn. 06[19:54] * @MstrMonopoly facepalm 01[19:54] <bgs1977> And I do not believe that at all. 06[19:54] * @MstrMonopoly facepalm 06[19:54] * @MstrMonopoly facepalm 01[19:54] <bgs1977> You want Aliath back? 01[19:54] <bgs1977> Really? [19:54] <@MstrMonopoly> Yes [19:54] <@MstrMonopoly> Yes [19:54] <@MstrMonopoly> Yes [19:54] <@MstrMonopoly> A million times yes [19:54] <@MstrMonopoly> Aliath [19:54] <@MstrMonopoly> and uh [19:54] <@MstrMonopoly> Fergz 01[19:54] <bgs1977> The guy who yesterday called David a cunt in your channel? [19:54] <@MstrMonopoly> Mostly Aliath though 01[19:54] <bgs1977> You want HIM? [19:54] <@MstrMonopoly> David likes when he is insulted. 01[19:55] <bgs1977> Lmao. 01[19:55] <bgs1977> Try lying about something that someone could actually believe. [19:55] <@MstrMonopoly> I'm srs 01[19:55] <bgs1977> And Delly enjoys being hit on by yours truly, correct? [19:55] <@MstrMonopoly> Watch [19:55] <@MstrMonopoly> David you're dumb 01[19:55] <bgs1977> One choreographed instance does not disprove a million real ones. [19:56] <@MstrMonopoly> He's not even here 01[19:56] <bgs1977> Exactly. [19:56] <@MstrMonopoly> He's AFK and logging the channel 01[19:56] <bgs1977> But if he was, it wouldn't matter. 01[19:56] <bgs1977> And don't worry Mono, I am logging this channel as well. [19:56] <@MstrMonopoly> Tbh bgs 01[19:56] <bgs1977> I am certain LoL will get a long hearty laugh from this. 01[19:57] <bgs1977> To be honest, first time today you've done that. 01[19:57] <bgs1977> I'm eager to see that. 01[19:57] <bgs1977> Please, continue. 01[19:59] <bgs1977> I will be back shortly after I finish defecating. 01[19:59] <bgs1977> Please type your response in my absence. [19:59] <@MstrMonopoly> You've just been trolled for an hour. In all honesty, we find TLoL as a collective annoying as we grow into a clan. You can either leave us alone or continue to live in your own little world. Faggot. Bye 03[19:59] * @MstrMonopoly ([email protected]) has left #meetingroom 01[20:01] <bgs1977> Lmao. 01[20:02] <bgs1977> To David logging this chat, apparently your co-leader fails to understand what trolling actually is. 01[20:02] <bgs1977> I had a wonderful time and Monopoly became enraged. 01[20:02] <bgs1977> I do believe I have won this skirmish. 01[20:02] <bgs1977> Good day. Session Close: Wed Jul 13 20:02:48 2011
  2. Meant I took the screenie when I was bitter, and thought maybe this could help you now. Ah well, if it helped good, if not my bad.
  3. The 6 cool dudes were ineligible so you took home the prize instead.
  4. You're welcome. That's 6 of the 12 members of the month for 2010, although it hasn't been specified in the screenshot I took what months these people won. My bitter grudges can actually benefit you now, apparently.
  5. Agreed, Who Shot Mr. Burns is definitely one of the high points in the entire series.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWtCittJyr0 I could make snarky comments about how this relates to stuff, but I won't. Enjoy!
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-UqKRGW6_rw
  8. bgs1977


    Hello, my name is Mstr Snrub, and I come from some place far away! Yes, that will do...
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