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Everything posted by DOLfan

  1. [IMG]http://i727.photobucket.com/albums/ww273/dolfan1972121593/Afflilate4.png[/IMG]Better? Oh, and the 16x16 attempt is in the first post..
  2. [IMG]http://i727.photobucket.com/albums/ww273/dolfan1972121593/Afflilate2.png[/IMG]In my opinion, this would be the best fit, I will try to add "Runescape Community" it, no guarantees. [IMG]http://i727.photobucket.com/albums/ww273/dolfan1972121593/Afflilate3.png[/IMG]Double M's don't like to work with me sometimes >.<
  3. Please excuse the crappyness, this is the first time I've done either of these.... http://i727.photobucket.com/albums/ww273/dolfan1972121593/Afflilate.png [IMG]http://i727.photobucket.com/albums/ww273/dolfan1972121593/GFXLogo.png[/IMG]
  4. how are the babies?

  5. I hope to be there tonight, it depends on what I'm doing with my Dad.
  6. Yeld, you need to find the appropriate section for these posts, the guest section is not the place for this to be posted in.
  7. Put them here, don't be shy, others may want to play with you!GT: KSIxbabyDOLfanx
  8. I would love to, give me the picture you would like to have edited in a PM and I promise it done tomorrow first thing!
  9. DOLfan


    Ohhh camping. I LOVE camping, then again I am a Boy Scout after all. I can't really say I have a favorite camping trip I went on because I've been on a lot of great ones, 7 years now of camping at Yawgoog Scout Reservations here in RI, where we go for a full week, have always been fun, great, and eventful. If I had to pick one weekend camp-out I went on that was my favorite, it would be the Maine canoeing trip we went on years again, everything was wonderful, except for the mosquitoes, they were AWFUL there were soooooooo many of them! The river that we went on was clear as anything and you could drink straight from it, and it was delicious! The weather was as perfect as it could get and the water temperature was beautiful! That would have to be, if I had to pick, favorite weekend camp-out.
  10. Eh skilling can get boring especially when its having to do over 13k of something for your next few levels....
  11. it was all in items, A full set of Rune and Green D'Hide Legs.
  12. I'm going to need people to hang with me while I fletch over 13k bows, any takers?
  13. Out of curiosity, when does this go into play?
  14. Tragic thank you sooo much for this, it means a lot being his brother that you would do this for him. Unfortunately, he left for camp for the week yesterday, but I will make sure he sees this.HAPPY BIRTHDAY BROTHER!!!!
  15. I know drunkens loot share gave me close to 100k I dont know what anyone else got.
  16. Attendance:ArcuseDrunkenFaithSneasl 123Superman85Tasty Pie85gangstaTomas Da TanLoot:A bunch of Rune ArmourSome Dragon Hide armourand Sneasl got a 50k coinage dropPictures:Coming SoonThoughts:We REALLY need to work on the turn out for events. Everyone worked well with eachother and we had a fun time together killing people.Comments are welcome from those who were there.
  17. Ok, drop that, Muscle, if you need I will host tonight, and Kaiden, if this issue comes up again, please, bring it up privately
  18. only thing I dont like is the stand still Vegeta.. but it is SEXY
  19. You guys are thinking to big on the weapons, don't forget there is a large chance you will have to travel with the weapons. and most likely after a while your only source of transportation will be by foot, think smaller, pistols, smaller SMGs. Also, one other thing on guns, don't be so set forth on having massive guns and massive ammo, don't forget, ammo needs to be manufactured, and if manufactures no longer exist, and you don't know how to manufacture your own ammo in massive amounts in little time, then, well your screwed. Go back before guns, swords, knifes, edged weapons, they will work great, especially in a zombie scenario, most well made swords will not break easily at all and if maintained correctly, then they will last a very long time. Also, remember, you don't need ammo when using a sword. Also most swords are lightweight so unless you are planning on carrying around a big two-handed sword (which trust me thy are HEAVY) traveling will be made extremely easy. Oh, and make sure the girls are very loving
  20. Very nice, good detail in the whole thing!
  21. Taylor SWift and Selena Gomez.
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