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Everything posted by DOLfan

  1. It begins everyone!Theme- Freestyle (what ever you please!) SOTW RULES This weeks judge: That guy (Gangsta) 1 Winner decides on the theme for next week. 2 Winner will judge a top 3. That winner will host the next week's SOTW. 3 Every SOTW starts on Monday and ends on Sunday (around 11:59 pm EST). Make sure you post your entry in time. 4 No ripping. 5 Max. Size 450x200 or 200x450, 150kB. 6 This week premades will not be allowed. 7 This weeks theme, Freestyle 8 Editing will be allowed this week. you may change your entry at any time. what is there when the topic closes is what will be judged. 9 Have fun. please disable your signature when you post your entry. --- click add reply (dont use fast reply). under the post text box and before the post button - click to configure post options, uncheck the "Enable signature?" box
  2. 1.0 Every week there will be a TOP 3. 2.0 The person who comes in 1st place for the week, will host the SoTW, picking the rules, and theme. 2.1 The person hosting will not be able to enter that week. 2.2 However, the person hosting also picks the top three for that week. 3.0 The winner must PM me (Gangsta) with the rules by Monday. 3.1 The SoTW ends on Sunday and will start no later than Monday. 3.2 If I (Gangsta) do not receive your PM by Monday, the theme will be picked by myself, and you will not be allowed to enter for the week. 4.0 When Sending a PM with the rules, use this form. Theme: Size limits: Premades: (Y/N) Text Requirements: (Y/N and what they are) [such as the number of the SoTW] Changing Allowed: (Y/N) 5.0 There will be both a SoTW entry topic, and a chat topic. DO NOT SPAM THE ENTRY TOPIC. 6.0 When entering, please center your entry and disable your signature.
  3. Powers on and off here, cell service is in and out like crazy, and we have some heavy winds but other then that, we are fine here.
  4. Still waiting, nothing but small showers so far. Our Hurricane/Tropical Storm/Flooding warning doesnt go into place until 10:15 tonight, though, so we will see.
  5. DOLfan


    Voting Ends Sunday Night at 11:30pm EST.
  6. Same with me. Hopefully its just rain and flooding but we never know. I will try my hardest to stay in contact when and after the storm hits.
  7. I was ragging on him in the IRC for like 20 minutes, and he showed.
  8. EVENT: FUN WARS! People in Attendance: 12 Pictures: Showing Pride! mmmmm.. Sexyyyy We danced around the table! Shocker! He Showed up (to leave) Show Off People In Attendance: 85gangsta Heated Deus Cam3ron T Ranger Noob Sauce Terravilla <3 (sorry for the misspelling) Mono Traag Blakelington Blexun Superman 85 Tom Da Tan Notes: Excellent attendance for this event! We had two wars, both teams were 1-1 then we played some hide and seek and Blexun's team won even though we got attacked by a bunch of random n00bs. Saucy decided to just kill people, including me, his teammate -__- a great time was had by EVERYONE!
  9. Do we have an official time on this event?
  10. For srs's Photobucket decided to shrink the image.
  11. Guys! FUN WAR TONIGHT! 8 PM EST!

  12. Topic Has been hidden so we can figure this out and change what needs to be changed.
  13. The copyright that I have is on the TRR logo, and the Description is; the Runescape Rebelz, so any logo for TRR is covered weither it comes from me or you, it doesnt matter, I can change the image for the copyright at anytime.
  14. It covers, any shape or form on the TRR that has come from the original .PSD and Traag, you do have automatic access, just email me.
  15. Ladies and Gentlemen!!! Our wonderful TRR logo that was created by me is now a copyrighted logo! What this means: [*]All previous posts using the logo are grandfathered in and don't have to worry about the copyright. [*]I have all rights over the logo, so if there is anyone who would like access, please don't hesitate to ask [*]All Media Architects, Moderator, and Founders will have immediate access to the logo to use. [*]The logo WILL NOT be open to public use unless it has been used before todays date. [*]If you have any questions at all, do not hesitate to ask me! Note to Architects, Mods, Founders, and anyone else who would like access, please email me at; [email protected] to receive the logo!
  16. I don't render every image, thats a waste of time. Plus using a render is not fun doing it EVERYTIME.
  17. [IMG]http://i727.photobucket.com/albums/ww273/dolfan1972121593/Stu.png[/IMG]here you go pal!
  18. GUYS! Thank you for who have started to finally use this section just a few quick notes; [*]When requesting a sig please if you can, help us out and please post an image you would like us to use or an image of something close to what you want! [*]Also a small donation of points to the artist would be lovely, THIS IS NOT REQUIRED THOUGH! [*]PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD OF THIS SECTION PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!! If you guys have any suggestions or ideas you would like to see please, post them here!
  19. DOLfan

    New Forum Look

    I <3 the new look especially the logos (:
  20. I hope to see my Dolphins finally go all the way again. (:
  21. Guys I will have to reschedule this due to the fact that I will be out celebrating my brothers birthday with my Dad I will let you all know when this event will take place. Thank you!
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