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Everything posted by DOLfan

  1. [IMG]http://i727.photobucket.com/albums/ww273/dolfan1972121593/Traaginen.png[/IMG]
  2. 1. Use a full shout box, not a side shout box like we have now, its hard to see anything posted, and it will be easily looked over if its on the side like it is. 2. User Bars instead of Medals. Even though it may take some time to get them all set up, it will be well worth it and it looks niceeee. Example of what I'm talking about:
  3. I was hoping we could use it as our logo? Use it in Ads and Signatures and that.
  4. Total Level 1000Questing: Adventurerplease and thank you!
  6. What do you guys think is the easiest Skill Cape to get? and is there anyone out there that is willing to help me out getting one?
  7. LUCKY! It gets boring after a while to just sit there and cut logs all the time.
  8. Current Level - Goal Level Attack 63 - 65 Strength 65 - 65 Woodcutting 65 - 99 Fletching 75 -99 Firemaking 47 - 99 Slayer 21 - 35 Thieving 39 - 53
  9. Favorite Band: ....now loading..... this may take a long time Favorite Genre: [*]Dubstep [*]Techno [*]Metal [*]Rock [*]80's [*]90's [*]Jazz [*]Jazz Techno (yes there is such a thing) [*]Rap [*]Pop [*]Theatre [*]and much more.
  10. Unless you play xbox a lot like me and have Turtle Beaches, you could use those (:
  11. RuneScape Name: 85gangstaForum Name: 85gangstaCombat Level: 76Total Level: 991Your Timezone: ESTHow You Found Us: Ad on RuneHQ by TragicPrevious Clans: NoneFirst Impressions: Put together very well. Looks great!
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