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Everything posted by Jake

  1. Well, technically the Ps3 games are on blu-ray disks, so I guess I use them all the time. :PIn terms of movies, I started with watching a lot of blu-ray movies, then I switched to netflix, but now I don't watch any movies, really.
  2. Jake

    BF3 vs MW3

    The only good call of duty games i've played are 2, 3, WaW, and BO. MW2 and MW3 are trash. Get BF3. I haven't played it, but anything is better than MW3.You know what? Don't get either. Get Skyrim.
  3. Swords swing 1/3rd faster than maces. That means that to get the "true" damage value, take 1/2 of the sword's damage and add it on to what it says. That is what you use to compare to the mace. If it's the same damage after that formula, though, the mace would have a slight edge thanks to enchantments. Usually, the sword has a couple points higher damage after the calculation.
  4. Did anyone else laugh IRL when they read Traaginen's comment? How far did you get, anyway, Trag? It becomes open world later in the game, and that's when it starts getting better.
  5. Well, when Arena came out in 94 and Daggerfall in 96, how would you expect them to look?
  6. How do you quote posts? I still don't know how to do that. Anyway, to ChevyNinja, I didn't play Oblivion either. Arena(1) and Daggerfall(2) are free on the TES website. Be warned, Arena is not user friendly AT ALL while Daggerfall is full of glitches.
  7. Despite the hate, I actually enjoyed Dragon Age 2. It can't beat Origins, though. FF XIII is average, as I said, but you can do worse for $20.
  8. My recommendations:Dragon Age: Origins-Deep story, deep characters, deep gameplay, it's my all time favorite game.Skyrim-This is obvious.Shadow of the Colossus-Not exactly an RPG, but no less than a masterpiece an RPG gamer can appreciate.FInal Fantasy XIII-Very average game, but its cheap nowadays, and you could probably squeeze 50+ hours of gameplay out of it for its $20 cost.
  9. So, I was talking about Skyrim with my friends. I forget what I brought up, but everyone I know says the skin of Redguards...is RED. What? They have brown skin! Anyone could see that, and yet everyone says it's red. What are they talking about?
  10. My prediction:6-Summerset Isle (take down the Thalmor)7-Valenwood (find a cure to all diseases)8-Blackmarsh (the vaccine is here!)9-Elsweyr (the best for last!)
  11. I remember starting my own blog in 5th grade. I kept it going for around 2 months, and it was popular with my classmates. Unfortunately, I didn't have anything interesting to post. They were only visiting for the flash games on the sidebar. Anyway, I'll be sure to look into this.
  12. Well, you asked us which class we like, and the racials determine which class I like. Also, I believe Dunmers make better Spellswords because of that 50% fire resistance. You can really take a hit against those dragons. Eventually, you will be specialized to what you want, and so I don't care about where your skills start at.
  13. The Hero of Cyrodiil is SHEOGORATH? I never played Oblivion, but that's a suprising fact. What if the hero of Cyrodiil was a redguard or elf?
  14. 1. Breton-You can't beat 25% magic resistance!2. Orsimer-Best racial power in the game in Berserker Rage3. Altmer-More Magicka and ironically the tallest race. They are awesome, but the Thalmor are jerks.4. Dunmer-They make great spellswords, but they are always hideous.5. Nord-50% frost resist is nice, and it makes the most sense RP wise. Will probably use on my female playthrough.6. Khajiit-Racial power can be used unlimited times. Too bad it's terrible. 7. Argonian-Many racial abilities, but most are useless.8. Bosmer-Racial power is kind of cool, but useless.9. Imperial-It's already too easy to make money. Power only works on humans.10. Redguard-No real advantages. Don't call me racist.
  15. From my research:Best Warrior: Mjoll the LionessBest Mage: J'zargoBest Rogue: Aela the HuntressI used J'zargo on my first playthough, I think I'll use Aela on my second.
  16. I guess that when I said "story," you misunderstood. Somehing about it, maybe the feeling you get when fighting colossus, and I just put that under story, for some reason. Ico's story is pretty good though. It's made by the same company. Be warned, it hasn't aged as well as SotC.
  17. I haven't even beaten FF13's story yet, but I'm on the last chapter. I'll make a thread after I get all the Ps3 achievements. That's the point when I find I can successfully judge a game.
  18. I like the disease resistance. I never rest, so there's no real disadvantage.
  19. My computer isn't built for gaming. I plan to fix that when I have the money, though. The games my computer can run, however, are much better on PC. Well, really, the only Ps3 game my PC can run is Portal 2, but that's not the point. I feel the numerous mods make games last much longer on PC. Combine this with a better controller, and you have a superior system. Ps3 is the best for platforming and fighting games, though.
  20. I can respect that. I still think it's something every gamer should expierience, though.
  21. Just thought I'd get to know you all a bit better by knowing your top 5 favorite video games.1. Dragon Age: Origins2. Shadow of the Colossus3. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim4. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker5. Super Mario Galaxy
  22. Dragon Age Origins has a pretty good story, as does the Uncharted series. The best stories, however, are Ico and Shadow of the Colossus. Those games have amazing stories.
  23. I respect your opinion, but I disagree. Although I've never played as an Orc myself, I know they have Berserker Rage, allowing you to deal double damage and take half damage for 60 seconds. This becomes BETTER as the game goes on. Dunmer is also good, since fire is a common element. All the others will become less useful with time though.
  24. First Playthough-Dunmer. This was my first TES game and I thought the races were only aesthetic.Second Playthough-Breton. You can't beat 25% magic resistance. Best race in the game, as numerous guides will tell you.From my research, the best races are:1. Breton2. Orc3. Altmer4. Dunmer5. NordIn that order, except Altmer and Dunmer tie.
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