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Everything posted by Jake

  1. Nooo! My trojan wasn't removed after all! I am heavily considering switching to Linux...

    1. CarnivalofSoulz
    2. Jake


      A trojan is a type of virus. I started a thread for help, and thought I got rid of it after Traag's suggestion of a certain software. It was just hiding, I guess.

    3. CarnivalofSoulz


      lmao ah alright.. thought you meant something differnt excuse my idiocy

  2. Deathirst is the MAN! I don't have any real income and still live with my parents. Then again, at my age, the only real alternative is being a hobo. I would donate if I could, though. The premium forums have me curious.
  3. Only five trophies left until my Dark Souls platinum. It won't be long now...*maniacal laughter*

  4. Jake

    New Home Page

    Hmm...the front page looks more professional, but it's take some getting used to for me. I feel like the naked view makes things look cleaner. I wasn't sure in the third question whether you were refering to the home page or article view. I assumed you meant the home page, in which case I wouldn't mind either way. I did feel the old format a bit easier to navigate, though. I don't know what it was.
  5. I believe it was the 3D Megaman games on the Ps2. Some people say it was underrated, but for the most part, I hear it getting a lot of hate for straying away from its roots. I don't have an opinion, since I never played them.Also, 3D Dot Game Heroes's charm came from its retro graphics. Remove that, and you have a pretty cut and dry adventure. The gameplay was still moderately fun, but I'm glad I found it cheap on Ebay, because that game is NOT worth $40, IMO.
  6. I remember you, Blue Speed. Do you remember me? Probably not, I was just a lowly "member" at that time. Do you have a Ps3? Maybe we can play together.
  7. Yes, but sometimes bad graphics add charm. I mean, look at Megaman. The fans were outraged when they tried to update their graphics.
  8. The brain can hardly detect the difference between 1080i and 1080p. I don't see how 4000 pixels would benefit me at all.To be honest, I'm kind of hesitant about a new console generation. I don't want to drop another $400 dollars on a new console when I could be spending it on games.
  9. I can always respect a man who was in the service. Welcome to the clan, by the way.
  10. I used to subscribe to this before I switched to Gameinformer. It's like a part of my childhood dying.I'm suprised that Nintendo was hard to work with. I would have guessed they would be fun.
  11. Modern Warfare 2's story was all over the place, though. Maybe if they can straighten that out, it could work. I liked the story in Black Ops more, but I agree that the Modern Warfare story would make a smoother transaction to the big screen.
  12. I knew this was fake. Skyrim's story is okay, but it isn't movie quality. Plus, the real meat of the story is in the side quests.By the way, have you guys heard they're making a Shadow of the Colossus movie? Don't know how they're gonna pull that off, but I'm looking forward to it.
  13. Interesting. I've been considering getting Fallout 3. How good is the game?
  14. *Looks at Premium Forums last post info* What the heck is going on in there?

    1. Nathan
    2. David


      What's NOT going on in there?

    3. Blake


      Join the Premium Forums and all of your wildest dreams will come true.

  15. Thanks for your feedback; thank you all, in fact. I think I have it fixed now.
  16. Currently working on my third article. I think you guys will like it. It's completely different from my first two.

  17. Good point. Do what you wish; I'll work with whatever we have. It doesn't make that much of a difference to me, but I can see how it would make us look more professional.
  18. Shadow of the Colossus became a Ps2 "Platinum Hit," so it was hardly niche. Ico's sales were rather average.I was a Nintendo kid in 6th gen, so I missed out on these two gems the first time around. Maybe my amazement of playing SotC for the first time gave me a bit of bias you shouldn't have when playing re-releases, but it affected me. I can see your point, though.
  19. The Ico and Shadow of the Colossus HD Collection was my GotY 2011. In fact, I think it's the best Ps3 game. It's a bit depressing that almost every other holiday release outsold it, even if I liked Skyrim and Dark Souls as well.
  20. True, but you miss out on Demon's Souls, Uncharted, Littlebigplanet, and Dragon's Dogma. I think it's best if a hardcore gamer has a gaming PC and 1 console of his preference.
  21. While I wouldn't like a modern day entry, I do think it would be cool if you could run around a battlefield, playing your part. Kind of like in ACII where you lead Mario's men, but on a much, much larger scale.
  22. First of all, I think you made a mistake. The forums address is just Eldersouls.com while the home page is Eldersouls.com/index. Just letting you know.Also, I like Eldersouls/forums better. Forums.Eldersouls makes it look like a completely different website, in my opinion. Just my two cents, and I am fine with either. I also like forums better than community, since isn't community an area in the forums?
  23. Awkward moment when you see that you're the only member currently online...besides Google and Bing, of course.

    1. Nathan


      I just realized same thing for me at the moment :(

  24. So me and my friend are arguing over the future of gaming. I say we've reaching diminishing returns. I mean, compare 6th or even 5th gen to now. Not much has changed. He thinks that we still have a long way to go, and mobile phones will overtake console (not PC.) What do you guys think?

    1. David


      Why on earth would mobiles overtake consoles and not PC? If anything PC is the one that should be worried since Windows is facing irrelevancy.

    2. Blake


      Mobile phones overtaking consoles? I mean, they have a camera on them if that is what he means.

      If anything, Mobile phones could overtake traditional handhelds (namely...well...only Ds and PSP) but I don't think even that would happen.

    3. Jake


      He says More's Law says that more memory can be stored in a smaller and smaller container, and therefore, a mobile phone will have every electronic device you will ever need. I told him that since a console is dedicated to gaming, it will always have more of that memory than a phone, and therefore be better.

  25. What could be in that premium member forum? The tension is killing me!

    1. Nathan


      Truly amazing things. XD

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