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Everything posted by NoRegrets

  1. NoRegrets


    just funny pics
  2. let me know what jobs are available and what they entail. i used to play and might get back in it a couple times a week but until i find a good reason the game has lost interest to me. i used to play as soon as i got home from school and when i lived in SC but i havent had a reason to get back on. let me know what you guys are looking for and then ill let you know if i can help in any way. as a side note i was level 68 or 69 last time i checked but that was with no membership to the game ever. if that changes your need for my services i understand.
  3. i have the kinect and have the settings set. but it wont let me equip what i want. ex: ebony bow, greatsword, axe, left hand, right hand or do the shouts. any ideas on whats going on or what can help with this. all the settings are set up on the kinect in a quiet room but i think the neighbors are getting annoyed with me shouting FUS RO DAH at 3 in the morning
  4. lol answer the call. just casually talk and get back in the rhythm of what you used to have. lets things work themselves out and just go with the flow. by the e3nd of this you guys should be doing your own home photoshoot.
  5. hick, hillbilly, ethiopian, english, pirate, gansta, southern gentleman, asshole, drunk, and water head
  6. heres my question. it seems like the entire questline everyone was a punk they all wanted something they didnt have and instead of fighting for it they ordered everyone around. i can understand fighting for religion, but why not fight for something that could have changed the war. any fort or outpost taken could be sieged again and retaken. why not fight for a series of ultimate items that each side held and if put together could change the course of the war for one side or the other. i dont mind mundane quests but geez, spice it up a bit
  7. anyone else have an add-on feel free to post
  8. its all up to what your going for. im always light armor long distance and up close stealth. rushing in and windmilling people just isnt my thing so id say light armor with enchantments out the ass.
  9. i just had a wtf moment..... more than one character..... well i know what im doing tonight
  10. longshots. aim far in the distance and try to kill with a powershot
  11. bunnies and trying to kill them with a bow. ...... they .... never.... stay..... still.... ermagerd!!!!!
  12. use storm call from a hidden position and watch everyone get struck by lightning
  13. DAGGER: TINK TINK BOW: tag your it greatsword: ima windmill ya battle axe: gimili ebony chestplate: gorilla outfit
  14. same things as the armor segment. what do you like using in the weapons category? dual wielding? two handed? bows? staffs? one handed and magic? why do you use them? what makes them work for you?
  15. ok so pretty simple. everyone has one set of armor that they enjoy using. do you have a wierd setup in the armor? ex: ebony helm, armor of the gods, fur boots. that sort of thing why? which one is it? what enchantments did you put on it?
  16. ok on the outfit im going to have to say fur armor from the guys. its open in the front and its like a fur mini skirt. problem is i made alea a blade and now that bitch wont stay at the house. such bullshit
  17. so last night im out clearing mines and just chilling, and randomly there is a goat underneath a wagon/wheelbarrow looking thing pushing it. i cant kill the goat or stop the wagon. the goats just pushing and pushing. i follow it for about 10 min and its still going. is it supposed to lead me somewhere? or what the hell is it for.
  18. i just tried stormcall last night and havent laughed that hard in a long time. hind behind a tree. use it on a town, then snipe with your bow that has a 100 lvl on it. eipc fun. or use storm call near labyrinthian and watch troll get shot everywhere.
  19. I use throw voice alot to set up the opponents and call of valor. i dont like the whole only on extra at a time though. like sanguin rose or whatever. that dudes a badass and slow time is a fun one.
  20. like the one from the evil in waiting quest? its a wall of lightning staff
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