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Everything posted by NoRegrets

  1. There's literally nothing in there bud charred bodies
  2. Farthest southeast corner of the map is a destroyed farm. What happened. Why is everyone dead.
  3. ok whats up with these agent status everyone talks about. i see the dibella and mara stuff is this just wearing the necklace or what
  4. whats the best race for the different builds. and why. i went with my main account as a high elf and built assassin with him. long range hidden killer. then built orc for a straight up warrior killer for up close and personal killings. whats the best build for the races youve made?
  5. no bounty in any of the holds at that time and no guards anywhere near it was past the bridge near dragons bridge up the path a-ways
  6. FUUUUUUUUUCCCCCK well i guess ive seen the werewolf so now ill see what the vamp looks. hmmmm an orc vamp.....this should be fun
  7. so later on when you are a vampire what are the benefits? in my main character i did the companions quests and became a werewolf which unless you have the update and download for the werewolf perks makes it nearly useless unless you like going beast mode in the tundra and killing everything in site. but whats the powers and things for a vampire and what quest types do you do.
  8. the house in windhelm is the best for displaying armor and weapons the amount of racks and stands is enormous
  9. it never popped up for me to do this quest i gave the vial back then he said thank you and paid me and i left. how do you do this quest
  10. so random incursion of this character and i hit the talk button then he attacks me, no weapons, just fists. in all my encounters hes never attacked me. any idea why?
  11. i guess i screwed the pooch on this on i bribed the guard then got bored and played for about three days now cant complete the quest. the guard take me to the mine but i cant fight the orc guard or give him the shiv. it just lets me serve my time by mining silver. anyone know a fix.
  12. one could say he worked magic in the kitchen.. badump tiss
  13. anyone know whats up with this wolf armor. is it from solitude? i got it in whiterun from the merchants chest glitch and its not horrible armor but looks ugly as hell.
  14. buy him a box of doughnuts for his bravery then make him choke on them
  15. damn....just bought the same thing for 325
  16. it gave me some money and some good armor ie orc and elven and i was only level 20 on my second account
  17. yes thats the house but i never saw that annoying space robot. am i supposed to see that or is it a mod
  18. anyone know the story behind the wrecked house between fort greymoor Nd western watch tower? There's a chest under the floor boards and I found mpney and arms there.
  19. i understand that it was a simple question like how many times will princess peach get taken so she can bone bowser
  20. do you get smithing perks on orcs because theyre craftsman? whats the best looking armor for them, whats the best looking weapons for them, does dual wielding axes actually help or just look good?
  21. i couldnt choose between three types. orc, nord, or nord woman and just go all out and make her a slut. i still might do the last one
  22. so just started a new game on a new account. picked the orc. was this a good decision or are they good. ive heard that doing the orc class will be a pain to upgrade and work through. but they should be a badass in combat at higher levels right? and what about the strongholds, do i get bonuses from them.
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