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Everything posted by Delroth

  1. Hai guys, I was wondering if anyone like Stuart or Gangsta could make me a Siggy, Something hot like davids, Just let it say "Delly, Trollin' TRR since 2008" Or something Thanks If you do just post it here.Thank-you! Bye
  2. Cls, CLs, just get cls and bandos your life away.
  3. I've never botted. I was thinking about trying one though justn to see what happens. Try and bot a zerk pure. But Believe me i'm not doing it on my main or to make me ptofit just for funz.
  4. Mono, I will not betray our MotoDelly , Operor non fuck shit sursum. <--- Latin for, Delly, Don't fuck shit up.
  5. Delroth


    I was raised a protty and basically just went along with it because of my parents, but now that i'm a little bit more free of mind, i'd definatly say athiesm win.
  6. 2 and a half tranger lol.
  7. You did not I joined from a post on the RHQ forums, oh ye I can check the dates we joined you're december 28th im december 3rd
  8. I could scare crazy right now by telling him, but he already thinks I'm a stalker so best not
  9. Until Tragic or Crazy posts I'm the oldest so far.
  10. I'd say, no reqs but I would say 90+ for wars, overall ill stick with no reqs I joined as a level 50 something, It'd be unfair to take away others chances of joining a great clan <3 xxx
  11. Delroth


    Which do you prefer? Give reasons
  12. If you aren't thought Mono, i'll tank for them on your account
  13. 99 cooking, 110 combat, 150 quests,
  14. Delroth

    Award Sytem

    Well done David looking great.
  15. Congratulations to Tranger, MusclePirate and Lia, on becoming members of the events team, as a part of the event team you are expected to produce 1-2 events a week and moderate the event's team forum by closing topics and making sure reflections get posted. Once again well-done, and goodluck.
  16. We need ideas and medals for awards, the awards can be serious ( Member of the year) or lulzy ( Henry memorial prize of trollin')Get your creative juices flowing, and lets get soom awards.All medals should be 20x20
  17. Since I said it bitch. oh and Ranger, I remeber cc I still have him added on x box. He comes on now and again.
  18. Hmm, I must say my TRR legend is........Skoal, that's right I picked someone that only 10% people know. and I have no reason other than to confuse people by picking him.kthxbai...(ps I actully pick Mono)
  19. To clear up the mole shit, I was unintentionally the mole. Bgs hacked me.
  20. I will confirm I have NEVER won Motm.
  21. I really want my ultimate pvm set up, turm, ovls, chaotics, all that shit.
  22. Ughh Delly had confirmed it
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