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Everything posted by Delroth

  1. I'm so pro at botting and i'm the shit at cooking.......
  2. Tyler I wasn't reffering to Ice Crown Citadel, Black Temple and The fire of Zanglamarsh. I understand they can be mutliple night raids but I was just reffering to dungeons.Kaiden I love Ely Shamans, I have a dwarf Elemental Shaman, You to should buy back your membership.
  3. K ima do this GF guys HERE COMES JAD
  4. Na Paul, When you're 80+ you can only do Dailes and weekly dungeons they take like 2 hours then I have the whole day to pissy away on RS
  5. Well, I knwo some people will be sitting there like "youtuber? I thought youtube is just for viral vids?" Well no, there is actually a friving Vlog and skit community and here is some of my favourite youtuber with a little bit of backround.ComunityChannel:She's an Asian-Australian Vlogger with amazing skitz funny jokes and a nice rack...Err I mean...Body?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YoEppaRBzgE&feature=channel_video_titleNext is the Vlog-Brother. I don't have enought time to talk about all there awsomeness, they're two AWSOME brothers, one's and author and the other is a musicisian - I have read 2 of John'd books and they're GREAT! Well I only have a few lines to explain so i'll let them explain Vihart - a smaler youtuber but so amazing with math, she is funny, smart and so true. Sounds like a perfect girl i guess. I love her, I watch her videos so much... I wish she made more! Thundef00t ohhh Thunderf00t, most famous for his "why do people laugh at creationists." he is an Athiest and an avid scientiest and I love him, he ownes Creationists and The Westboro Baptist Church with ease... he is so GOOD. Oh well Here ya go. Watch the hole series, it's onegoeing and he posts videos all the time, he even got a creationist to quit Yt for a year his name was "Venomfangx" he is deluded and phycho, He coulda put him in jail, but felt sorry for him so he didn't....he rocks.
  6. Event: Race around Rs Meeting Place: Varrock, world 93! Date: 18.08.11 Notes: It's F2P so everyone is welcome to come! the race will be from, varrock - lUm - Daynor - through D Manor - Fally - Goblin Village - Ship at level 56 Wildy Winner gets an undisclosed amount of money, see ya ll there! TIME CHART ----------------------------- 10:00 p.m. GMT Time (GMT) 6:00 p.m. Atlantic Time (GMT -4:00) 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time (GMT -5:00) 4:00 p.m. Central Time (GMT -6:00) 3:00 p.m. Mountain Time (GMT -7:00) 2:00 p.m. Pacific Time (GMT -8:00) 1:00 p.m. Alaskan Time (GMT -9:00) 12:00 Hawaii - Aleutian Time (GMT -10:00) If your timezone is not included in the chart, this link may help: Timezone Converter Directions 1. Select "Use The Following Date/Time:" 2. Set the date to that of the event. 3. Set the time to that of the event. 4. Select your Timezone and then click "Convert". 100 posts!
  7. Lol, I haven't tried it yet. I don't know why i'm sure if I no life it as much as I do RS and WoW I'll be top of the boards with "eassseeeeeeeee"
  8. You're always one better than me CC, but Don't fear I'll overtake you one day!
  9. That hasn't happened to me yet, but with my Standard Grade exams coming up, I'm probobly going to have to take a break when I'm sitting them, so that'll be like a fortnight in May.
  10. Agreed, although WoW is addicting, hence the nickname: World of Warcrack.
  11. Hai guys, I know this an RS clan but what the hell, they're is some WoW players in here and I know it. don't be embaressed we all have downloaded the free trial....Well, weather you're level 5 or 85 this is the place to talk about WoW Some general info first of all. Main: DpsFTW - Troll, Frost, Mage - Level 65. Alt: Level 57 Orc Dk. Realm: Auchindown Real Id: [email protected] Pics...
  12. These updates certainly didn't warrant Nelly and I's Arma trip being killed Oh well.
  13. Ok, good David. That's something else out of the way. What's next?
  14. That's also why I shoulda pro item'd while pking with that guys maul...Oh well 2 days up the shitter
  15. I guess, you'll never forget that moment you got clawed out trying to get to chaos tunnels and losing your Maul, Slayer helm and Fury.... <3
  16. I am sorry paul, I'll start trying again.
  17. Ohhh Comon, don't lie. You all have problems with this game - and believe me they're probobly all valid - let me start though.... [*]Drop Rates are shit. [*]Scammers. [*]Hackers. [*]Jagex have no support. [*]Lag. [*]Girls who are guys irl. [*]People trying to pick up grils - who as previouslty explained are really guys. [*]Spammers. [*]Bots [*]Gold Buyers [*]Korasi's Sword [*]Claw rushers and .. that's about it I think Your turn.
  18. *cough* it's shir *cough*
  19. Get a WoW Section, I knoew a few people in TRR who play and many more outside TRR.
  20. It's probobly because all there code is fucked up because jagex changed the game and they haven't updated yet. When a new code is made the bots will be back. We can't stop them they've to much in control now.
  21. Hollywood undead, Hollwood undead and Hollywood undead.I like Metalicam, Slipknot, Greenday, Linkin Park, Eminem, Blink 182, The Used,Breaking Benjamin, Artic Monkeys, Muse, Snowpatrol, Lonely island and Runrig. I like all sorts of music tbh.
  22. Stuart I wasn't abusive, I was talking to you in my native tongue Plus Ilu babes.and Gangsta those are sick, Thanks so much.
  23. I <3 those forums cuz i'm High Council on them <3
  24. Delroth

    Weird Food

    Haggis, That is all.
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