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Everything posted by Delroth

  1. See, I understand your point Ranger, but I was on his account with serious permission.
  2. Anyways, my things.1. Attractiveness- In shape, with some nice curves.- Red hair, weird I know kinda fettish? not ginger but red, a common thing in scotland now a days.- Sense of humour, not a physical feature but something I like in a girl definatly, not one of those prissy girls who don't like to talk about sex and stuff, but not one who's constantly gagging for it.3. Have to be able to have intelligent conversations that don't consist of texting this: "hey" | "hey" | "wuts up?" | "nm, u?" | "nothing really"One girl I know of is all of these things, and I'm currently working on going with her.
  3. Congratulations Deus, thank you for getting me into Rs although I don't think i'll be saying that in a years time when I'm sitting my Sg's. <3
  4. Delroth

    Minor Updates

    Good work David some minor but important updates.
  5. Well done Kaiden, but you just wait till next time. because by then i'll have my shit in gear. So all I can say is Goodluck broski. <3
  6. One word "lul" I liked the anonnomys thing
  7. Listen to Paul his 95 mage kniows what it's talking about.
  8. ^ ye why burned fish, if this is still for alching why not spend some cash and alch some moneymakers? the way you're doing it seems kind of stupid.
  9. So every week on the Monday I will post the people I have recruied so you can all bask in my amazing recruting skills. <3 I know this isn't Monday but i'm starting it today and I will add people I recruit until Monday and then I will make my next version and add the people for that week so on and so forth. [*]TMorrisT
  10. Lol Mono why Dungeoneer that's a nice rapier and Cbow you got already (Am I kidding you'll find out when youget back)
  11. No my game plan of "borrowing" your account and killing Bandos is working well.
  12. Runescape [*]99 Strength [*]85 Defence [*]90 Attack [*]88 Summoning] [*]91 Herb [*]88 Prayer 5m Bank [x] 10m Bank [x] 15m Bank [x] 20m bank [x] 25m bank [x] 50m bank [] Blessed Spirit Sheild [x] Spectral [] Elysian [] Divine [] World of Warcraft Dpsftw (Frost Mage) [*]Level 10[x] [*]Level 25 [x] [*]Level 40 [x] [*]Level 55 [x] [*]Level 65 [x] [*]Level 70 [] [*]Level 80 [] [*]Level 85 []
  13. Nice Blake, and Pin If you trust me I guess I will vouch for Blake.
  14. I edited in the stuff you forgot, It's alright I hope. Thanks for joining!
  15. Our winner hands down...
  16. David i'm quite a youtuber, I like to do it, and my accent always bodes well while doing commenteries. I've had a youtuber by the name of "xenon3120" Like my videos he is one of my fsvourite youtubers with 40k sunscribers and he is subbed to me. When I post a vid he likes it, all of his subcribers see it in there sub box.
  17. Yup Kaiden, because you and I are doing SOOOO much better
  18. Isn't DotA like a tactical team game? If it was how the heck did WoW Influence that.
  19. Mono I'm not a Diplomat but I will start recruiting like I promised I will, and also I would say that Aliath would be pretty qualified and I also seen it as a kind of side team, not really a rank just a thing, like the graphics team.
  20. I've heard of Warhammer and Rift my friends play both but I wasn't to interested.
  21. I was just wondering if we will bring back the pubs team. I'd like to see it back I enjoyed the newsletter. I'm sure there is some members who are active and would like to be a part of it.For those who don't know the pubs team was a team that wrote articles and the TRR newsletter about all the things happening in the clan. If anyone is interested post below and i'll take the idea to David/Mono/Other Council.I am not saying it's definetly coming back but if you would like it back post below.
  22. Agreed, they are much better when hand written, I'm in the middle of one atm in the events section. Anyone wanna help?
  23. Event: P2P Team Pking Meeting Place: Edgeville Bank Date: 19.08.2011 Notes: We're teaming so just bring some spec weapons, blitzies, barrages, some d bows might be nice. Cya there. TIME CHART ----------------------------- 10:00 p.m. GMT Time (GMT) 6:00 p.m. Atlantic Time (GMT -4:00) 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time (GMT -5:00) 4:00 p.m. Central Time (GMT -6:00) 3:00 p.m. Mountain Time (GMT -7:00) 2:00 p.m. Pacific Time (GMT -8:00) 1:00 p.m. Alaskan Time (GMT -9:00) 12:00 Hawaii - Aleutian Time (GMT -10:00) If your timezone is not included in the chart, this link may help: Timezone Converter Directions 1. Select "Use The Following Date/Time:" 2. Set the date to that of the event. 3. Set the time to that of the event. 4. Select your Timezone and then click "Convert".
  24. @Anyway, RayWJ is the best. He's like Tosh.0 but much better because Tosh uses all his videos a month later Also, he's the #1 most subscribed user on YouTube since last month! I definatly said only vloggers he, reviews viral videos, therefore not valid.
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