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Everything posted by Delroth
I was actually talking to Fergal the other day about some of my older posts, and yeah the further I looked, the less I could handle. Still though, managed to salvage the worst opening line in the history of ever. "Jesus. I've been back more than than a 6th grade girls bathroom has seen first blood... but yes the rumours are true. I am back, to bring you all from darkness into a new enlightened world. No don't be stupid, I haven't turned christian; I'm dumb but not retarded.Expect to see me about quite a bit more. I'd like to make a request to whom it may concern that I would like event team. If you need an app (I don't see why you would considering how dead we are aparinry). Happy 3rd birthday Trr v2.0 and Happy 3rd birthday to everyone who is still in the clan throughout these years (*Gives CC a look of Delightment*) " Every time I read it I just sit in awe for about 5 minutes like - 'Yeah, I actually wrote that one time, and I was being sincere'. How are you anyway David if you don't mind me asking? I never really managed to get a good idea of your age compared to mine and it's been so long that I don't know if you're in University/Work etc.
Doesn't the knowledge that someone has changed to be a better person and maybe make the world a better place compel you to forgive that person for being a massive twat? Answer: No.
Gotta agree with Illini, makes me sick just thinking about you guys... In all seriousness though, I don't mind being the guy to admit this but I would really like to speak to some of you guys again, even just briefly, catch up and stuff. Probably didn't seem like much to you guys but being part of this group was really important for me growing up, I was a weird kid and really not very mature but you guys helped me fix that. Going back now and reading my old posts makes me cringe to no end, its awful. So yeah, sorry about those.
Err, Well, if you cannot purchase it, there is a way to enters that shops particular chest and steal from it. Go upstairs and use a platter to wall glitch, then make your way to the chest see if it's there. That's all I got! From memory the place you wanna do it would be the middle of the wall at the opposite end from the stairs - I believe it has the top of the bed on it.
Heya to everyone! Most of you won't know me so I thought I should introduce myself. My name is Delroth, often Delly and by birth Gregor, I used to play Runescape with some of the people on these forums and I am now looking to get into TES. Since I knew David had these forums I thought this would be a good place. My knowledge of the TES Universe is limited but I want to learn for the upcoming release of TESO. I apologize if my questions begin to annoy you after a while. Anyway, I'm 17, from Scotland, between Glasgow and Edinburgh.
Event: Delly's Third Anaverisary All week. Party Meeting Place: VarrockDate: 3/12/11Notes: Now although it's really not am achievment it is a reason to have a party and to get some events on the boatd. Hopefull we will be doing all manner of stuff. Exact deatails will be updated. in seperate topics which can be selected below Event: Day one - Ancient mace trollin'Meeting Place: EdgevilleDate: 4/12/11Notes: Watch this video by clicking hereTIME CHART----------------------------- GMT Time (GMT) 10pmAtlantic Time (GMT -4:00) 6pmEastern Time (GMT -5:00) 5pmCentral Time (GMT -6:00) 4pmMountain Time (GMT -7:00) 3pmPacific Time (GMT -8:00) 2pmAlaskan Time (GMT -9:00) 1pmAleutian Time (GMT -10:00) 12pmIf your timezone is not included in the chart, this link may help: Time Zone Converter1. Select "Use The Following Date/Time:" 2. Set the date to that of the event. 3. Set the time to that of the event. 4. Select your Timezone and then click "Convert". Event: Day Two - Fire Fest!Meeting Place: Varrock SquareDate: 5/12/11Notes: WE WILL BURN RS TO THE GROUNDTIME CHART----------------------------- GMT Time (GMT) 10pmAtlantic Time (GMT -4:00) 6pmEastern Time (GMT -5:00) 5pmCentral Time (GMT -6:00) 4pmMountain Time (GMT -7:00) 3pmPacific Time (GMT -8:00) 2pmAlaskan Time (GMT -9:00) 1pmAleutian Time (GMT -10:00) 12pmIf your timezone is not included in the chart, this link may help: Time Zone Converter1. Select "Use The Following Date/Time:" 2. Set the date to that of the event. 3. Set the time to that of the event. 4. Select your Timezone and then click "Convert". Event: Day Three - This is Sparata in the fight caves. Meeting Place: Karamja VolcanoDate: 6/12/11Notes: Required gear! A tribe mask. A tribal shield and a Hasta! or no shield with a spearTIME CHART----------------------------- GMT Time (GMT) 10pmAtlantic Time (GMT -4:00) 6pmEastern Time (GMT -5:00) 5pmCentral Time (GMT -6:00) 4pmMountain Time (GMT -7:00) 3pmPacific Time (GMT -8:00) 2pmAlaskan Time (GMT -9:00) 1pmAleutian Time (GMT -10:00) 12pmIf your timezone is not included in the chart, this link may help: Time Zone Converter1. Select "Use The Following Date/Time:" 2. Set the date to that of the event. 3. Set the time to that of the event. 4. Select your Timezone and then click "Convert".
I'll be an event leader <3 If i'm allowed
Hmm, yup I probobly shoulda done that before posting. and now I look like an idiot.
David... Thank-you for your wonderful leadership and dedication. How odd that we're closing the day after my 3 year anaverisary.
Mission accomplished. In all seriousness. I thought they got gradually better. I don't make them EVERY other week, more like every month if you want to be fair.I'm glad to be back, and hopefully this time I can get back on better grounds with a few people (David)
Jesus. I've been back more than than a 6th grade girls bathroom has seen first blood... but yes the rumours are true. I am back, to bring you all from darkness into a new enlightened world. No don't be stupid, I haven't turned christian; I'm dumb but not retarded.Expect to see me about quite a bit more. I'd like to make a request to whom it may concern that I would like event team. If you need an app (I don't see why you would considering how dead we are aparinry). Happy 3rd birthday Trr v2.0 and Happy 3rd birthday to everyone who is still in the clan throughout these years (*Gives CC a look of Delightment*)
this is really annoying me <3 remove the "B" it's a vlog.
Time Played:104 days 22 hours 4 years.
Paul...I'm saddened by that...
Yup 4 years of work, and it's time for my prelims/exams. They finish on the 25th of November. Cya then <3. I will be popping up now and then, I've been inactive for a while and this is the reason why. there my exams that shape my chance of university and a career. I'm in all top credit classes.( The best type of exam is credit. and I'm in the top class for credit for all 8 of my exams; Physics, Chemistry, Math, Modern Studies, French, English. Drama, and P.e Studies.When I come back I will start with event team and work my way back to being very active.I know a lot of you guys think i'm really stupid, i'll post my results after there done. I hope that changes what you think. Sorry for the title btw.
Ofcourse I should win for doing nothing. Although tbh. Ima be inactive for a few weeks. cuz I haz exams then im back.
I plan on becoming a world renound pedophile.OH and @Paul, What happened to the mustard factory!
because we have dicks in this clan aergo - i get negitive rep.
The spelling mistakes I am fully aware of. I can easily write the 50000 words in 3 weeks and I can spend the last week with spelling/draughting.
NaNoWriMo is Nation Novel Writing Month, and this year I am taking part. I've started early as I have exams throught November but basically NaNoWriMo is this. I November a lot of people throught youtube and other sites, each write a novel containing atleast 50000 words. it is supposed to feel great if you complete it. You can do it on any genre and I strongly suggest all of you to give it a go. Here's the first 3 pages of mine. It's called Dark Knights, Death till we part. Here's the cover and here is the dl link, I will add more as I advance obiously. I will add an update every day. regardless of how much or little I do. Ignore the mistakes it's a first draught. they will be fixed, I'm currently on like 1750 words.31/10/2011 http://www.mediafire.com/?li7softu2te4g37 For those the download doesn't work for here is the first three. Chapter One The fire...it burns. The Keltic Forest ... it burns. My heart ... it burns, but with passion and rage. It's name was Cian...His name was Cian...My name was CIan. My memory is faded and I cannot trust it. but the story must go on. In a world where nothing is normal to be considered an abnormality is a terrible feeling, but ofcourse someone would suffer that fate, and ofcourse that would be me. I was born to my mother, Xeaon and my Father Lion but I was not what they expected. I was not what anyone expected. I was born a dark lord, of unholy magic and corruption. The title of warlock was placed upon my head and I would have to bear the burden of all evil deeds. For as long as I can remember my head was filled with thoughts of death and decay. A searing pain costantly...and I loved it. The pain, the anguish everything! I was fueled by it. Driven by it..driven mad by it. In the end I could not take it. I had to flee from Harensburn, my home town. I could not be controlled. I was to strong, for anyone's safety, including mine. I had to hide. I was to good at heart to harm anyone, I could not stay I had to flee for my life and everyone elses. I remember my life as a child, always isolated. I knew I was different for as long as I could remember always being exhiled to protect those around me. caged like an animal, the animal I would become in later life - a butcher, no, a butcher kills animals, I was an animal, No control, Ravid. The first time I realised my immence power was when I was eight, I got so angry, and I lost control. I felt a surge of dark energy realse from every inch of my body - shadowform they called it - my parents I mean. It was what happened to me when I was angry and couldn't keep control of my innert emotions, I would just let them out. When it happened nothing could stop me, I was surrounded by a black mist of smoke and my eyes glowed red with anger but also fear. I became almost transparent like a spectare in the night but I could never fully let go of all emotion, I always had some sense of human emotion when I did what I done to those people. Which I suppose makes it all the worse. Listening to there cries of pain and horror as I filled there mind and soul with the thoughts I had to endure for years of my life, if you could even call it that. After that first time, everyone would talk about me as having "spikes." I could only assume they were talking about my shadowform. After my first "spike," I started to become more angry, more easily and my "spikes," became more frequent. Up until I was thirteen they haden't really come to anything. I had never hurt anyone, but yet I was becoming increasingly difficult to keep control of myself and then on my thirteenth birthday I finally lost it. Around thirteen or fourteen most peoples powers come in, and that is when they find out what they will be. A mighty warrior, that can fight all manner of beats and monsters, or an Elementalist, with control of all things natural. It was around this time I realised how out of place I was, I was the only person growing up with powers - I had perfected them, but everyone else had just got theirs and couldn't control them and that's what set me off on the spike that would almost kill one of my classmates. I was just walking to school, and some Magi decided it would be funny to try out his new spell on me. I felt the firey ball hit me on the back as I walked into the gates of my school, and as soon as I felt the scorching heat of the ball of fire near me I lost all emotion. I felt an energy like i'd never felt before, even more chaotic and rage filled than my previous ones. I didn't mean to hurt him, but I couldn't control myself. I unleashed a crippeling Shadow burst at him, he jumped trying to avoid it, and if he didn't he would probobly be dead, as he jumped the burst flew under had face and hit him in the chest but maybe he would be better off being dead. He fell to the ground with a sickening thud. He never moved again after that, He was rushed to the herbalists and the druids but neither could free him from the dark, corrupted magic I had infested his body with, He lies to this day - in a bed in the temple. The monks pray for him every day, but even the holiest of all magics could not reverse what I had done. That was when I realised I could not be around the living anymore, my powers were overwhelmingly strong and I could not be trusted to control them. three months before my sixteenth birthday I left my home town, never to return. Fearing what harm I would do if I did. I fled, I fled in the direction of the win, hoping the elements would guide me... they never did. As it happens it was the night before my sixteenth birthday I lay exhausted on Perigran's rock sixty miles East of my home town, ready to embrace death - I was tierd and alone and I just couldn't keep going. I lay on the rock, and as I lay there and as the night began to descend upon me. I began to hear a whisper, much like the ones I had heard all through out my childhood, I dismissed it, even when it got louder, and louder, and louder until I could here it screaming. A terrifying scream! "CIIIIAAANNNNN!" A Vicious scream. I opened my eyes and look up. Infront of me was a mystifying, glowing orb. Blue, a deep deep blue, tantalizing, taunting me, drawing me in. I lifted my hand and slowly walked towards the orb. As I walked closer the voices got closer, calling my name. Louder and louder. I got within touching distance of the orb when, in expanded and I was pulled through the gaping hole it created. As I passed through the voices got louder to a point where I couldn't focus on anything else. It was bliss, For a brief moment I didn't have to focus on the chaotic thoughts in my head. As I seen the exit apearing I saw a face. A dark face covered in a shrowd of shadows, much like me when I was in shadowform. but as I exited the portal I passed out. When I awoke I was surrounded Three people on either side of me, and one person standing over me. "Cian, you're finally here." Said the one standing over me, his face began to become more into focus now, he was an older man, with a white beard but eyes, that glowed red like rubies, exactly like mine. "Who are you?" I asked. "I am Exion, Lord of the Dark knights and you are Cian, Minion of Exion." "What? What are you talking about, why am I here?" "You have been chosen. Chosen by me to be a dark minion and one day you may rise to be the great lord himself. You will become the seventh and final member of my team." "Team? What are you talking about?." "I am the leader of the Group of Annonomys Dark knights, and you have benn chosen. You're job is simple - Listen to my command and I will stop the pain." "The pain? You know what I am going through?" "Of course I do. I made them!" "What! You are the one who has put me through so much pain? It's you're fault I've suffered for years? It's your fauly I've had to leave my home?!" "Indeed. I set up a chain of events to lead you to Periggan's rock tonight, and it worked perfectly. So what do you say? Join the group, and I will make all your pain go away." I looked around and the others in the room, they had kind of a menacing smile, the same smile I was told I had. "Join us." A voice said as one of the members bent over and took my hand. It was a girl, her voice was soft and melodic, not a match to her physical features at all. She had short brown hair and green eyes. She had bags under her eyes and looked exhausted. I don't know why but for some reason her voice seemed to draw me in. I stood up. "I will join you." I said. "Very good, now open your mind and let me clear you of anguish." The man stood up and put his hands on my head - Be prepared. I began to feel a pulse of dark energy flow out of my body. I went into shadowform and my mind became clearer. I was not angry and I could control my emotions. "It is done, you are now my minion. Now begone, you will learn through action. Although a simple task may be in order. Go with Elena - He looked at the girl who had spoke to me - and retrieve something for me, a demonic statue. It is situated North of Ragemor, I expect to have it in my possesion by tomorrow. It is being held in the caslt of Ragemor, now go!" and like that he vanished into a dark ball of light and flew off. "Come, we must leave now if we wish to be back by tomorrow." said Elena. "Hold my hand." I took a hold of her hand and she began to speak."Hashneir van sike lerm." A portal apeared infront of us. "Let's go." That is how I started working for Exion - I was inticed by promises of bliss and peace of the mind. I should have realised at the time that it could never be true.
I'm a narb.
Jagex comes third in Golden Joysticks Awards.
Delroth replied to Dy3nasty666's topic in RuneScape News
Notice how we VOTED the community voted for the free trade/wildy and people enjoy it! They listened to us? didn't they? They done what we wanted. There was so much love for them when they added it back. They added dungeoneering a ski....Minigame, yes it's a minigame. Did anyone ask for dungeoneering? no. Next example, they added "faruqa toys and games." and look what that spouted. A whole bunch of low life scamming dicers. You could argue "we wanted that. They said it in the blog post." No - they read the forums seen one or two guys wanting it. There is so many pointless updates with time wasted on them which could have been used on something USEFULL. They don't listen to everyone in the community. EVERY update in the game should be put to the community. Tested, Beta tested. That is all. -
Sorry mate I ileagly trade my drugs from Canada :/
Jagex comes third in Golden Joysticks Awards.
Delroth replied to Dy3nasty666's topic in RuneScape News
They will never win again so long as they continue to ignore the thoughts and opinions of the people playing the game.