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Everything posted by Blake

  1. Only played the second one and I thought it was fanfuckingtastic. The online was hella fun as well.Maybe I'll get this one too. I still have to play GoW3 though. D:
  2. Everybody chill the fuck out. I'm back. Also, 128 notifications. DX

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. cheekychips
    3. gotab0ner4xmas


      128ntifications = 128 reasons to not stay off this site, mr popularity

    4. Jake


      128 is a large number that makes me jealous. I thought I was kind of popular, but I only get about 5 a day. :(

  3. I guess the only one is Realm of the Mad God, but that is played sparingly.
  4. Obviously, tLoL's forums was a drug front, making your admin a lot more money than what was being put into it.
  5. Yeah I looked up some of the buildings of the era and I must say they are some classy ass buildings. Would of been an interesting time to have the game. Also, David is an expert in the French Revolution so i could have him explain everything.
  6. Crazycow always has some sort of rage quit meltdown before he left. It happened years ago when I first joined when he was yelling at new members for dumb reasons. And what you said. And he yelled at me/#Mindmyskillz for being "trolls".
  7. I still believe if Jagex was going to ruin the game, they would of accomplished that a long time ago.
  8. [*]I might have this wrong, but some ideas of the Declaration of Rights of Man probably were used and carried over into the Declaration of Independence. Or maybe I'm thinking of John Locke. Maybe both. [*]I thought he was just hearing people outside of the Animus as he slowly regains consciousness. That part is never really explained though. [*]Well Desmond did stab the girl 16 had sex with. I'd be kind of a jerk to him too.
  9. I just realized you were joking. Looking back now, there is no way you could of guessed this was Winterhold.
  10. Oh my god, sooooo long ago. Sure we can race to 99 firemaking. Loser has to buy the winner a chocolate cake.
  11. For some reason I thought you had 99 prayer. Congratulations on surpassing Nuggeh in fishing.
  12. Yeah Ebony Blade sounds like a good weapon for that build. Though the 2 handed seemed legit D:Yeah when I first did Conjuring, I had a lot of fun with it. Killing people, raising zombies, then killing more people. I also had probably too much fun with The Ritual stone, raising like 10+ zombies at once.
  13. Brown and Light Blue=shitGood luck Paul. The 80 plus will help raise your "awful" total level.
  14. Guess I'll write something to avoid David's harsh judgement. Very nicely written. I have to agree with David though when he said that hating a rival clan is way more fun than the actual amount of hate we have against them.
  15. That was just a bit of confusion on her part.You could clear your in game xp tracker prior to the competition. Take a screenshot of it. Then post it at the end or whenever Jamie wants to see your scores.
  16. Here is a clue. It is in the album "skyrim comics"
  17. Somewhere, God must of decided I've been a good person as I hit my Xbox with my toe today and it turned on

    1. xboxyoyo


      freaky jedi powers much 0.0

    2. Blake


      The thing is though my xbox wasn't working until I happened to hit the power button while reaching for my phone and it came on. I CAN HAZ DAWNGUARD

    3. cheekychips
  18. I'm pretty sure Jack Sparrow will always come to mind.
  19. June 1st is Flip a Coin Day! Come up with a trivial decision and let one of our founding fathers make the choice for you.

  20. Since Paul failed to do so, the tLoL version of it has been added.Still waiting for you to tell me why I should hate Ozzy.Edit: That sounds like I wrote it. I meant to say "Since Paul failed to announce it, the tLoL version of it has been added".
  21. And the black smoke effect is a nice touch. :PAgain, we are back at Skyrim's obvious need for capes.
  22. I knew, but when I made it I forgot. By the time I picked up on it I already posted it so I figured "Maybe she'll think it's about Sackboy."Mission accomplished.
  23. 1. Not sure if it is correct to say you helped join the channel, but I'm just happy you included me positively :D2. Yes, TRR had a member by that exact name. His real name was Jake. His first account, which you might remember, was Bignugget96. He was on events team for a long time even though towards the end he didn't do anything. When he came back, I was the only one who remembered him so we became friends and started talking a lot. I convinced him to play Rs again, but he wanted to start something new, so he created a skiller named Mindmyskillz. He created that channel and yada yada.
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