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Everything posted by David

  1. It's hard to say what you're doing wrong without being there, so all I can really recommend is to make sure you're doing the attacks exactly as described in the directions above. It can be temperamental, so just be patient and precise with the cross-hair.
  2. Good to hear. I'll have to remember that fix for future questions - it was a good idea.
  3. You could try getting rid of the skeleton key and using normal lock picks. Other than that, I have seen people talking about unusual bugs where leveling "freezes" in a way that you describe. In that case I think you'll have to reload a previous save.
  4. I haven't seen any information out on the racial bonuses yet, but it's a safe bet that it will be different than Skyrim since the balancing needs are much different. It's good to know someone likes them.
  5. UpdateWe have completed a fantastic skill database containing all known skills and their effects. It contains up-to-date information in an easy format, so please use it! Original ArticleThe following are skills leaked from the ESO beta. Remember, there's no telling what changes will take place between now and when the game is released. It's a pretty safe bet that a lot will change between now and then. Dragon Knight Skills Ardent FlameUltimate Abilities [*]Dragonknight Standard - unlocks rank 12 [*]15m range / 8m radius - 200 ultimate - no cooldown [*]For 12s while on Dragonknight standard [*]enemies take 6 fire damage every second [*]enemies receive 50% less healing [*]an ally may activate the shackle ability, damaging and rooting enemies in the area Active Abilities [*]Fiery Reach - unlocks rank 1 [*]instant - 18m range - 60 magicka - no cooldown [*]pull enemy towards you [*]deals 8 fire damage [*]Searing Strike - unlocks rank 4 [*]instant - 5m range - 40 magicka - no cooldown [*]- burn target for 25 fire damage over 8s [*]Fiery Breath - unlocks rank 24 [*]instant - 10m radius - 40 magicka - no cooldown [*]deals 4 fire damage in a cone in front of you [*]ignite enemy for 9 fire damage over 6s [*]Lava Whip - unlocks rank 34 [*]instant - 8m range - 40 magicka - no cooldown [*]deals 14 fire damage [*]causes off balance to immobile or stunned enemies [*]Inferno - unlocks rank 50 [*]instant - self - no cost - no cooldown [*]Toggle to activate [*]deals 1 fire damage to nearby enemies while draining magicka [*]damage and magicka drain increase each tick Passive Abilities [*]Kindling - unlocks rank 8 [*]passive - self [*]increases the damage of the burning effect applied by fire abilities +200% [*]Warmth - unlocks rank 19 [*]passive - self [*]dealing fire damage snares the target 40% for 3s [*]Searing Heat - unlocks rank 29 [*]passive - self [*]Increase duration of the following by 2s [*]fiery breath, searing strike, dragonknights standard [*]burning effect applied by fire abilities [*]World in Flames - unlocks rank 39 [*]passive - self [*]increase damage of fire area effect abilities by 12% Draconic PowerUltimate Abilities [*]Dragon Leap - unlocks rank 12 [*]instant - 10 to 20m range - 150 ultimate - no cooldown [*]deals 34 physical damage to target [*]nearby enemies are knocked back Active Abilities [*]Spiked Armor - unlocks rank 1 [*]instant - self - 48 magicka - no cooldown [*]For 17s [*]resist 30% damage [*]return 2 physical damage to melee attackers [*]Dark Talons - unlock rank 4 [*]instant - 8m radius - 40 magicka - no cooldown [*]immobilize nearby enemies for 3.5s [*]deals 11 physical damage to enemies not already in dark talons [*]an ally can activate the impale synergy, damaging enemies held within talons [*]Dragon Blood - unlocks rank 24 [*]instant - self - 80 magicka - no cooldown [*]heal for 25% of missing health [*]increase health regeneration by 28% for 20s [*]Reflective Scale - unlocks rank 34 [*]instant - self - 60 magicka - no cooldown [*]reflect all projectiles for 4s [*]Inhale - unlocks rank 50 [*]instant - 5m radius - 60 magicka - no cooldown [*]absorb 3 health from each nearby enemy [*]after 2.5s deal 6 magic damage to nearby enemies Passive Abilities [*]Iron Skin - unlocks rank 8 [*]passive - self [*]you block an additional 10% damage [*]Burning Heart - unlocks rank 19 [*]passive - self [*]increase healing received by 12% while you are affected by a dragon ability [*]Elder Dragon - unlocks rank 29 [*]passive - self [*]increase health regeneration by 5% for each dragon ability on your hotbar [*]Scaled Armor - unlocks rank 39 [*]passive - self [*]increase spell resistance by 80 Earthen HeartUltimate Abilities [*]Magma Armor - unlocks rank 12 [*]instant - self - 150 ultimate - no cooldown [*]For 9s [*]incoming damage is capped at 3% max health [*]nearby enemies take 2 fire damage every 1s Active Abilities [*]Stonefist - unlocks rank 1 [*]instant - 10m range - 60 magicka - no cooldown [*]10 physical damage to enemy [*]knockdown enemy for 3s [*]Molten Weapons - unlocks rank 4 [*]instant - 20m radius - 60 magicka - no cooldown [*]For 45s [*]increase power of nearby allies by 1 [*]bonus increased by 100% on caster [*]Obsidian Shield - unlocks rank 24 [*]instant - 12m radius - 40 magicka - no cooldown [*]create 13 point damage shield for 20s on all nearby allies [*]shield absorbs 40% of incoming damage [*]shield strength increased by 100% on caster [*]Petrify - unlocks rank 34 [*]instant - 15m range - 60 magicka - no cooldown [*]stun enemy for 10.5s [*]enemy can absorb 13 damage before the stun breaks [*]affected targets have increased health regeneration [*]Ash Cloud - unlocks rank 50 [*]instant - self - 68 magicka - no cooldown [*]For 12s [*]enemies standing in ash storm are snared 70% and gain 30% miss chance [*]allies may use the ash shroud synergy to avoid all attacks for 4s Passive Abilities [*]Eternal Mountain - unlocks rank 8 [*]passive - self [*]increase duration of earth abilities by 20% [*]Deep Breaths - unlocks rank 19 [*]passive - self [*]activation an ultimate restores health, magicka and stamina based on the cost of the ultimate [*]Mountains Blessing - unlocks rank 29 [*]passive - self [*]gain 2 additional ultimate when activating an earth ability [*]Helping Hands - unlocks rank 39 [*]passive - self [*]gain 5% stamina when one of your earth abilities targets another player Guild Skills Fighters GuildUltimate Abilities [*]Dawnbreaker - unlocks rank 52 [*]instant - 10m radius - 125 ultimate - no cooldown [*]deals 29 magic damage to enemies infront of you [*]deal 60% additional damage to undead and daedra Active Abilities [*]Trap Beast - unlocks rank 52 [*]instant - 28m range - 56 stamina - no cooldown [*]place a trap at location that takes 5s to arm [*]first enemy to hit trap takes 7 magic damage and is immobilized for 6s [*]undead and daedra also burn for 15 magic damage [*]Silver Bolts - unlocks rank 52 [*]instant - 28m range - 48 stamina - no cooldown [*]deals 11 generic damage [*]undead and daedra are knocked down for 5s [*]small chance on hit to banish targets dealing very high damage [*]Expert Hunter - unlocks rank 52 [*]instant - self - 48 stamina - no cooldown [*]for 12s [*]deal 25% additional damage to undead and daedra [*]killing an undead or daedra increases duration by 15s [*]Circle of Protection - unlocks rank 52 [*]instant - 5m radius - 40 stamina - no cooldown [*]create area of self protection for 20s [*]allies take 15% less damage [*]take another 20% less damage from undead and daedra Passive Abilities [*]Intimidating Presence - unlocks rank 1 [*]passive - self [*]allows you to intimidate certain NPCs in conversations [*]Bounty Hunter - unlocks rank 52 [*]passive - self [*]fighters guild in Cyrodiil will offer you bounty quests [*]Banish the Wicked - unlocks rank 52 [*]passive - self [*]gain 7 ultimate when killing undead of daedra [*]Slayer - unlocks rank 52 [*]passive - self [*]deal 5% additional damage to undead and daedra Mages GuildUltimate Abilities [*]Meteor - unlocks rank 8 [*]instant - 28m range - 150 ultimate - no cooldown [*]deals 14 fire damage [*]deals 50% to enemies within 5m [*]knocks enemies back 800cm Active Abilities [*]Magelight - unlocks rank 1 [*]instant - self - 32 magicka - no cooldown [*]summons a light for 15s [*]the light reveals hidden and invisible enemies within 12m [*]Soul Trap - unlocks rank 3 [*]instant 28m range - 40 magicka - no cooldown [*]deals 2 magic damage over 10s [*]fills a soul gem if enemy dies while affected [*]Equilibrium - unlocks rank 4 [*]instant - self - no cost - no cooldown [*]- trade 19 health for 19 magicka [*]Fire Rune - unlocks rank 6 [*]instant - 28m range - 60 magicka - no cooldown [*]create a fire rune at target location for 30.5s [*]deal 7 magic damage when an enemy enters the area [*]Steadfast Ward - unlocks rank 10 [*]instant - self - 80 magicka - no cooldown [*]absorbs up to 120 damage from the next incoming attack [*]last 30s Passive Abilities [*]Persuasive Will - unlocks rank 1 [*]passive - self [*]allows you to persuade certain NPCs in conversation [*]Potency - unlocks rank 5 [*]passive - self [*]increase spell damage and healing by 5% [*]Greater Ward - unlocks rank 7 [*]passive - self [*]reduce incoming spell damage by 15% while blocking [*]Stability - unlocks rank 9 [*]passive - self [*]increase mages guild spell durations by 20% Click here to view the article
  6. David

    The Hunger Games

    Just finished the series. They were pretty good. Not great by any means, but addicting reading nonetheless. The ending to Mockingjay was pretty damn terrible, but whatevs.
  7. I didn't have time to write them all up, so there's going to be a part 2 to this posted up later tonight. Update: It can be found here.
  8. I'm sorry for slaughtering dozens of your kin for 5 pieces of Ebony ore.
  9. They do, but it's really not uncommon. Corporations of that size are already undoubtedly paying each other royalties on hundreds of other things. It may not have helped Sony, but I certainly don't think it actually hurt them. I think it's important to mention that difference. Sony made a 30 second video to try to make hype during the 360 reveal to steal some of the spot light. In that sense, it definitely worked. The PS4 hasn't been revealed yet at all, so you can't really compare the two. I do think that Sony is making a mistake by doing it at E3, where there will be dozens of other presentations that steal the spotlight. They could be doing it, say, right now, and have literally 100% of every article on gaming sites featuring them.
  10. I don't agree with some of the analysis (though it's just a difference in opinion), but a good write-up. Thanks a lot for doing it, it is appreciated. I've visited all of the GameSpot, IGN, etc. coverage, as well as numerous threads on message boards, and the prevailing opinion from gamers seems to be overwhelmingly negative. I'll admit it's unfair, but Microsoft is taking tons of heat for not having any focus on games. Say what you want about potential, but a reveal for a game console without any games is disappointing at best. Most of the stuff they talked about was garbage most won't care about, such as the built-in programming and TV integration. They spent an insanely weird amount of time on nothing other than sport-TV. All of this focus on TV doesn't make any sense because people are already canceling cable/satellite left and right for things like Netflix and internet streaming. They pass it off as a "media center" and not a console, but that's simply a complete misfire for the demographic that lifted the 360 over the PS3. I'm not really sure what you meant by this... Sony developed and supported Blu-Ray as the next-gen media format, while Microsoft supported HD-DVD (what the 360 used). Blu-Ray won the war while the last generation was ongoing; HD-DVD was rendered extinct other than for 360 games, which had to use it regardless. Blu-Ray was going to be used for sure this generation because it's the standard format. If anything, this is ANOTHER reason for PlayStation users to boast - Microsoft is making the Xbox One into the "Blu-Ray" media center that the PlayStation 3 has already been since 2005. It's also one of the reasons the gaming-focused 360 outperformed the PS3 for gaming. We already saw this last-gen. The PS3 was undoubtedly the all-powerful "media center" compared to the gaming-specific 360. People like me who cared about things past gaming got the PS3 and utilized it for things far past what the 360 was capable. Everyone else (the vast majority) didn't care and bought the 360 for gaming. Strongly disagree here. Sony is laughing right now. There are thousands of comments on IGN about people switching to the PS4 because of the mess the 360 reveal was for the gamer demographic. Sony has not revealed the PS4 yet, and that is absolutely no mistake on their part. They wanted to see what Microsoft was going to do, and smack them right in the areas they were weakest. Sony being vague thus far is no mistake.
  11. Zenimax offers a look and explanation behind the area of Coldharbour.
  12. Zenimax offers a video featuring one of the NPCs of ESO.
  13. Zenimax releases a short video featuring a creature in ESO.
  14. You already named the big ones that came to my mind. Haven't played anything else recently myself. I'm probably retired from MMOs until ESO comes out later this year (hopefully). Nothing else out right now really captivates me.
  15. I spent a good 2 hours SOLELY fixing the lists. Every time I saved it different (and more) sections weren't formatted, even though they displayed correctly in the editor. Got disgusted and figured it was readable enough as-is.
  16. UpdateWe have completed a fantastic skill database containing all known skills and their effects. It contains up-to-date information in an easy format, so please use it! Original ArticleA player from the Elder Scrolls Online beta recently divulged information on the current class skills in the game. These skills will assuredly change as the game comes closer to completion; however, they can provide some interesting insight into the direction Zenimax is taking the combat and classes. Templar Class Skills Aedric SpearUltimate Abilities [*]Radial Sweep - Unlocks rank 12 [*]Instant [*]5m Radius [*]75 Ultimate [*]No Cooldown [*]18 magic damage to nearby enemies Active Abilities [*]Puncturing Strikes - Unlocks rank 1 [*]1.1s channel [*]8m range [*]28 magicka [*]No cooldown [*]Four hit attack for 3, 3, 3, 3 damage to enemies in front of you. [*]Last hit knocks back closest enemy [*]Piercing Javelin -Unlocks Rank 4 [*]instant [*]20m range [*]40 magicka [*]no cooldown [*]hurl a spear causing 22 physical damage [*]knockback target 5m [*]Focused Charge - unlocks rank 24 [*]instant [*]2.5 to 18m range [*]40 magicka [*]no cooldown [*]charge to target enemy and interrupt them [*]deals 11 magic damage [*]Spear Shards - unlocks rank 34 [*]instant [*]25m range [*]48 magicka [*]no cooldown [*]deal 9 magic damage to enemies in a target area [*]disorient 1 target for 6 seconds [*]ally may pick up spear, granting you and them a 15% bonus to damage for 15s [*]Sun Shield - unlocks rank 50 [*]instant – self – 48 magicka – no cooldown [*]create damage shield for 6 seconds that absorbs up to 24% of your max health [*]deals 6 magic damage to nearby enemies on activation [*]each enemy hit increases shield strength by 4% max health [*]you no longer regenerate magicka while the shield holds Passive Abilities [*]Piercing Spear - unlocks rank 8 [*]passive – self [*]increases critical strike rating by 10% with spear abilities [*]increase damage with spear abilities vs blocking targets by 10% [*]Spear Wall - unlocks rank 19 [*]passive – self [*]increase block amount vs melee attacks by 15% while you have a spear ability slotted [*]Burning Light - unlocks rank 29 [*]passive – self [*]25% chance on hit with spear ability to deal 10 magic damage [*]Balanced Warrior - unlocks rank 39 [*]passive – self [*]increase weapon power by 4% [*]increased spell resistance by 40 Dawn’s WrathUltimate Abilities [*]Nova – unlocks rank 12 [*]instant – 28m range – 300 ultimate – no cooldown [*]For 8s [*]enemies deal 70% less damage [*]enemies take 11 magic damage every 1 second [*]ally may activate the super nova synergy, dealing damage and stunning all enemies in the area Active Abilities [*]Sun Fire – unlocks rank 1 [*]instant – 28m range – 40 magicka – no cooldown [*]deals 11 magic damage and an additional 9 fire damage over 5s [*]snares 40% for 5s [*]Solar Flare – unlocks rank 4 [*]1.5s cast – 28m range – 48 magicka – no cooldown [*]deals 14 magic damage to target and nearby enemies [*]affected targets take 40% additional damage from the next attack [*]Backlash – unlocks rank 24 [*]instant – 28m range – 80 magicka – no cooldown [*]For 6 seconds [*]stores up damage, when effect ends nearby enemies take an additional 30% of damage suffered [*]Eclipse – unlocks rank 34 [*]instant – 28m range – 60 magicka – no cooldown [*]target reflects negative single target spells back at themselves for 5 seconds [*]subsequent casts cost additional magicka [*]Blinding Light – unlocks rank 50 [*]instant – 5m radius – 60 magicka – no cooldown [*]For 3.5s [*]enemies miss all attacks [*]50% chance to be set off balance on miss Passive Abilities [*]Enduring Rays – unlocks rank 8 [*]passive – self [*]increase duration of sun abilities by 20% [*]Prism – unlocks rank 19 [*]passive – self [*]gain 2 additional ultimate when activating a sun ability [*]Illuminate – unlocks rank 29 [*]passive – self [*]take 10% less damage from enemies affected by your sun abilities [*]Restoring Spirit – unlocks rank 39 [*]passive – self [*]gain 4% magicka when activating an ability Restoring LightUltimate Abilities [*]Rite of Passage – unlocks rank 12 [*]4s channel – self – 150 ultimate – no cooldown [*]- nearby allies take 80% less damage while channeling (does not affect caster) [*]- heals caster 7% max health every 0.5s [*]- you cannot move while channeling this ability Active Abilities [*]Rushed Ceremony – unlocks rank 1 [*]instant – 28m radius – 68 magicka – no cooldown [*]heal nearby wounded ally for 27 [*]Healing Ritual – unlocks rank 4 [*]2s cast – 12m radius – 44 magicka – no cooldown [*]heals nearby allies for 19 [*]heal self for an additional 30% [*]Restoring Aura – unlocks rank 24 [*]instant – 12m radius – 52 magicka – no cooldown when slotted [*]increases stamina and health regeneration by 15% when activated [*]increases the health and stamina regeneration of nearby allies by an additional 60% for 6s [*]Cleansing Ritual – unlocks rank 34 [*]instant – 12m radius – 56 magicka – no cooldown [*]instantly removes a negative effect from self [*]over 12s, heals allies in area for 2 every 2s [*]allies may activate Purify, removing all negative effects [*]Rune Focus – unlocks rank 50 [*]instant – self – 40 magicka – no cooldown [*]create area of self protection for 12s [*]gain immunity to interrupt effects [*]take 30% less damage [*]deal 25% less damage Passive Abilities [*]Mending – unlocks rank 8 [*]passive – self [*]- increase critical strike chance of restoring light abilities on low health allies by up to 30% [*]Focused Healing – unlocks rank 19 [*]passive – self [*]- increase healing of your restoring light abilities by 100% to allies standing in your areas of protection (rite of passage, cleansing ritual, rune focus) [*]Light Weaver – unlocks rank 29 [*]your restoring light abilities gain the following effects... [*]restoring aura – duration increased by 20% [*]healing ritual – cost reduced 20% [*]rite of passage – take 20% less damage while channeling [*]Master Ritualist – unlocks rank 39 [*]passive – self [*]increase resurrection speed by 50% [*]resurrect players with 100% more health [*]50% chance to gain a soul gem upon successful resurrect Mage Class Skills Dark MagicUltimate Abilities [*]Negate Magic – unlocks rank 12 [*]28m range/ 8m radius – 250 ultimate – no cooldown [*]For 8 seconds... [*]dispel enemy magic effects in area [*]enemies casting in area will be silenced for 5s and take heavy damage Active Abilities [*]Encase – unlocks rank 1 [*]instant – 15m radius – 80 magicka – no cooldown [*]immobilize enemies in front of you for 4.5 seconds [*]Repulse – unlocks rank 4 [*]instant – 5m radius – 52 magicka – no cooldown [*]nearby enemies are knocked back 6m and snared 45% for 4s [*]Rune Prison – unlocks rank 24 [*]1.5s cast – 28m range – 48 magicka – no cooldown [*]disorient enemy for 15s [*]targets have increased health regeneration while affected [*]Dark Exchange – unlocks rank 34 [*]4s channel – self – no cost – no cooldown [*]While channeling [*]restore health and magicka [*]drains 23% stamina per second [*]Daedric Mines – unlocks rank 50 [*]instant – self – 96 magicka – no cooldown [*]Summon 3 mines for 30s [*]mines take 3s to arm, then deal 7 magic damage to nearby enemies [*]enemies damaged by mines are immobilized for 1.5s Passive Abilities [*]Unholy Knowledge – unlocks rank 8 [*]passive – self [*]reduce ability magicka and stamina costs by 5% [*]Blood Magic – unlocks rank 19 [*]passive – self [*]hitting an enemy with one of your dark magic spells heals you for 5% max health [*]Persistence – unlocks rank 29 [*]passive -self [*]increases duration of your dark magic spells by 20% [*]Exploitation – unlocks rank 39 [*]passive – self [*]increase critical strike rating by 15% when attacking targets affected by daedric magic Daedric SummoningUltimate Abilities [*]Summon Storm Atronach – unlocks rank 12 [*]instant – 28m range / 8m radius – 200 ultimate – no cooldown [*]summons an immobile storm atronach to targeted location for 12s [*]enemies in the area are stunned for 3s and take 21 shock damage Active Abilities [*]Unstable Familiar – unlocks rank 1 [*]instant – self – 50 magicka – no cooldown [*]summon a familiar to attack enemies for 1min [*]Daedric Curse – unlocks rank 4 [*]instant – 28m range – 44 magicka – no cooldown [*]enemy cursed for 6s when effect completes all nearby enemies take 18 magic damage [*]only 1 curse may be active at a time [*]Summon Winged Twilight – unlocks rank 24 [*]1.5s cast – self – 100 magicka – no cooldown [*]summon a winged twilight to attack nearby enemies for 1min [*]taunt nearby attackers [*]Bound Armor – unlocks rank 34 [*]instant – self – 80 magicka – no cooldown [*]While toggled on [*]gain 150 armor [*]magicka regeneration decreased by 25% [*]Conjured Ward – unlocks rank 50 [*]instant – 20m radius – 60 magicka – no cooldown [*]create a 24 point damage shield on self and summoned creatures for 20 seconds [*]absorbs 75% of damage taken Passive Abilities [*]Rebate – unlocks rank 8 [*]passive – self [*]receive 12% max magicka when one of your summons is killed [*]Power Stone – unlocks rank 19 [*]passive – self [*]reduce cat of ultimate abilities by 15% [*]Daedric Protection – unlocks rank 29 [*]passive – self [*]increase health regeneration rate by 20% while you have any summoning ability slotted [*]Expert Summoner – unlocks rank 39 [*]passive – self [*]Your summoned creatures fain the following bonuses [*]winged twilight – duration increased 50% [*]familiar + clanfear – movement speed increased 20% [*]atronach – range increased 30% Storm CallingUltimate Abilities [*]Overload – unlocks rank 12 [*]instant – self – 125 ultimate – no cooldown [*]While toggled... [*]light and heavy attacks are replaced with empowered versions that cost ultimate Active Abilities [*]Mages Fury – unlocks rank 1 [*]instant – 28m range – 36 magicka – no cooldown [*]deals 6 shock damage [*]enemies below 20% health take 18 shock damage [*]Bolt Escape – unlocks rank 4 [*]instant – self – 64 magicka – no cooldown [*]stuns nearby enemies for 1.5s [*]teleport forward 15m [*]Lightning Splash – unlocks rank 24 [*]instant – 28m range / 4m radius – 52 magicka [*]leaves a pool of lightning for 5s that deals 5 shock damage every 1s [*]an ally in the area may activate conduit, instantly shocking enemies for 15 shock damage [*]Surge – unlocks rank 34 [*]instant – self – 80 magicka – no cooldown [*]For 17s [*]increase power by 3 [*]Lightning Form – unlocks rank 50 [*]instant – self – 56 magicka – no cooldown [*]For 6s [*]take 40% less damage [*]deal 2 shock damage to nearby enemies every 1s Passive Abilities [*]Capacitor – unlocks rank 8 [*]passive – self [*]increase magicka regeneration by 10% [*]Energized – unlocks rank 19 [*]passive – self [*]increase damage of your lightning magic abilities by 5% [*]Disintegrate – unlocks rank 29 [*]passive – self [*]your lightning spells have a 10% chance to instantly disintegrate low health targets [*]Expert Mage – unlocks rank 39 [*]passive – self [*]reduce the cost of your lightning spells by 10% Armor Skills Light ArmorActive Abilities [*]Annulment – unlocks rank 21 [*]instant – self – 60 magicka – no cooldown [*]absorbs 50% damage from spell attacks, up to a maximum of 36 damage Passive Abilities [*]Evocation – unlocks rank 3 [*]passive – self [*]reduce magicka cost of spells by 3% per piece of light armor equipped [*]Recovery – unlocks rank 10 [*]passive – self [*]increase magicka regeneration by 4% per piece of light armor equipped [*]Spell Warding – unlocks rank 16 [*]passive – self [*]increase spell resistance by 10 per piece of light armor equipped [*]Prodigy – unlocks rank 36 [*]passive – self [*]with a light armor set (5+ pieces) [*]10% chance for spells to cause critical damage [*]Concentration – unlocks rank 50 [*]passive – self [*]increase spell damage by 1% per piece of light armor equipped Medium ArmorActive Abilities [*]Evasion – unlocks rank 21 [*]instant – self – 60 stamina – no cooldown [*]gain 30% dodge chance for 20s Passive Abilities [*]Improved Sneak – unlocks rank 3 [*]passive – self [*]decrease the area where you can be detected by 5% per piece equipped [*]decrease time to become hidden by 5% per piece equipped [*]Wind Walker – unlocks rank 10 [*]passive – self [*]increase stamina regeneration by 4% per piece of medium armor equipped [*]Athletics – unlocks rank 16 [*]passive – self [*]increase sprint move speed by 3% per piece equipped [*]Dexterity – unlocks rank 37 [*]passive – self [*]With a full set of medium armor (5+ pieces) [*]reduce the duration of incoming snares by 25% [*]Acrobatics – unlocks rank 50 [*]passive – self [*]decrease the stamina cost of roll dodge by 4% per piece of medium armor equipped Heavy ArmorActive Abilities [*]Immovable – unlocks rank 21 [*]instant – self – 60 stamina – no cooldown [*]reduce all damage taken by 20% for 8s [*]immune to knockback and disabling effects for the duration Passive Abilities [*]Bracing – unlocks rank 3 [*]passive – self [*]reduce cost of bracing by 3% per piece of heavy armor equipped [*]Juggernaut – unlocks rank 10 [*]passive – self [*]increase power with melee attacks by 1% per piece of heavy armor equipped [*]Rapid Mending – unlocks rank 16 [*]passive – self [*]increase healing received by 1% per piece of heavy armor equipped [*]Resolve – unlocks rank 40 [*]passive – self [*]with a heavy armor set (5+ pieces) [*]reduce all damage taken by 4% [*]Constitution – unlocks rank 50 [*]passive – self [*]increase health regeneration by 3% per piece of heavy armor equipped Weapon Skills Two HandedActive Abilities [*]Cleave – unlocks rank 1 [*]instant – 7m range – 40 stamina – no cooldown [*]deals 6 physical damage to all enemies in front of you [*]inflicts bleed for 10 physical damage over 10s [*]Critical Charge – unlocks rank 5 [*]instant – 19m range – 48 stamina – no cooldown [*]charge to target and attack, dealing 8 physical damage [*]always deals critical damage [*]Uppercut – unlocks rank 20 [*]1s cast – 7m range – 72 stamina – no cooldown [*]21 physical damage to enemy [*]stun for 3.5s [*]knock enemy back 4m [*]Reverse Slash – unlocks rank 30 [*]instant – 5m range – 36 – no cooldown [*]deals 5 physical damage [*]damage increased based on target’s missing health [*]Momentum – unlocks rank 40 [*]instant – self – 56 stamina – no cooldown [*]increase weapon damage by 10% for 20s [*]increase weapon damage by an additional 2% every 2s Passive Abilities [*]Heavy Weapons – unlocks rank 9 [*]passive – self [*]2 Handed weapons grant the following bonuses [*]- Axe: 10% chance to bleed for 5physical damage over 10s [*]- Mace: your attacks ignore 80 armor [*]- Sword: 5% additional damage [*]Balance – unlocks rank 15 [*]passive – self [*]while you have a 2 hand weapon equipped... [*]reduce the cost of 2h feat abilities by 20% [*]Sweeping Strikes – unlocks rank 25 [*]passive – self [*]while you have a 2 hand weapon equipped... [*]light attacks with 2h weapons deal 25% splash damage to 1 nearby enemy [*]Arcane Fighter – unlocks rank 35 [*]passive – self [*]while you have a 2h weapon equipped... [*]increase chance of procing status effects (burning, chill, etc) by 100% [*]Battle Rush – unlocks rank 49 [*]passive – self [*]while you have a 2 hand weapon equipped... [*]killing an enemy increases stamina regeneration by 50% for 6s One Hand and ShieldActive Abilities [*]Puncture – unlocks rank 1 [*]instant – 5m range – 40 stamina – no cooldown [*]deals 12 physical damage [*]reduce target’s armor by 100 for 12s [*]taunt target for 5s [*]Low Slash – unlocks rank 5 [*]instant – 5m range – 48 stamina – no cooldown [*]deals 8 physical damage [*]snares target 60% for 10s [*]reduce target’s damage by 20% for 10s [*]Defensive Posture – unlocks rank 20 [*]instant – self – 36 stamina – no cooldown [*]while slotted, increase armor and spell resistance by 80 and decrease damage by 8% [*]Shield Charge – unlocks rank 30 [*]instant – 15m range – 48 stamina – no cooldown [*]charge to target and attack, dealing 4 physical damage [*]stun target for 2s [*]Power Bash – unlocks rank 40 [*]1.2s cast – 7m range – 48 stamina – no cooldown [*]deals 4 physical damage to enemy [*]disorient target for 12s Passive Abilities [*]Sword and Board – unlocks rank 9 [*]passive – self [*]while you have a one hand weapon and shield equipped [*]increase damage by 5% [*]increase armor by 50 [*]Deadly Bash – unlocks rank 15 [*]passive – self [*]while you have a one hand weapon and shield equipped [*]bash deals 100% additional damage [*]costs 20% less stamina [*]Fortress – unlocks rank 25 [*]passive – self [*]while you have a one hand weapon and shield equipped [*]reduce cost of blocking 25% [*]Deflect Bolts – unlocks rank 35 [*]Deflect Bolts – unlocks rank 35 [*]while you have a one hand weapon and shield equipped [*]block 15% additional damage from projectiles and ranged attacks [*]Battlefield Mobility – unlocks rank 49 [*]passive – self [*]while you have a one hand weapon and shield equipped [*]movement speed while blocking increased by 50% Dual WieldActive Abilities [*]Twin Slashes – unlocks rank 1 [*]instant – 5m range – 20 stamina – no cooldown [*]two hits for 2 physical damage [*]bleed target for 15 physical damage over 6s [*]Flurry – unlocks rank 5 [*]1.3s channel – 7m range – 60 stamina – no cooldown [*]six hit attack for (3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 11) damage [*]Whirlwind – unlocks rank 20 [*]instant – 6m radius – 40 stamina – no cooldown [*]deals 5 physical damage to all enemies around you [*]damage increased vs low health enemies [*]Sparks – unlocks rank 30 [*]instant – 7m range – 52 stamina – no cooldown [*]blind target for 4s [*]Hidden Blade – unlocks rank 40 [*]instant – 20m range – 36 stamina – no cooldown [*]throw a dagger that deals 4 physical damage and interrupts the target [*]snares 50% for 6s Passive Abilities [*]Death Stroke – unlocks rank 9 [*]while dual wielding [*]increase damage 20% vs targets under 25% health [*]Dual Wield Expert – unlocks rank 15 [*]passive – self [*]increases off-hand weapon damage by 25% [*]you can wield a mace, axe, or sword in your off-hand [*]Controlled Fury – unlocks rank 25 [*]passive – self [*]reduces the cost of dual wield feat abilities by 20% [*]Ruffian – unlocks rank 35 [*]passive – self [*]while dual wielding [*]deal 15% more damage when attacking disabled targets (stunned, immobilized, disoriented, silenced) [*]Twin Blade and Blunt – unlocks rank 49 [*]passive – self [*]dual wielding weapons grant the following bonuses per weapon equipped [*]Axe: 5% chance to bleed for 5 physical damage over 10s [*]Mace: deal up to 5% bonus damage to heavily armored enemies [*]Sword: deal 2.5% additional damage [*]Dagger: increase critical strike by 5% BowActive Abilities [*]Weighted Shot - unlocks rank 1 [*]instant - 28m range - 28 stamina - no cooldown [*]deals 4 physical damage to enemy [*]interrupt target's casting, stunning them for 3s and putting them off balance [*]Volley - unlocks rank 5 [*]instant - 7 to 28m range - 60 stamina - no cooldown [*]repeatedly fire arrows at target location for 1.5s [*]deal 3 physical damage every 0.5s to enemies in area [*]immobalized enemies in area for 1.5s [*]Scatter Shot - unlocks rank 20 [*]instant - 10m range - 40 stamina - no cooldown [*]deals 8 physical damage to target enemy [*]knock enemy back 4m and disorient them for 5s [*]Arrow Spray - unlocks rank 30 [*]instant - 12m radius - 76 stamina - no cooldown [*]deals 13 physical damage to enemy [*]snare target 50% for 5s [*]Snipe - unlocks rank 40 [*]3s cast - 20 to 40m range - 72 stamina - no cooldown [*]deals 17 physical damage to enemy Passive Abilities [*]Hawk Eye - unlocks rank 9 [*]passive - self [*]increase damage of your bow attacks by 15% when striking vulnerable targets [*]Hasty Retreat - unlocks rank 15 [*]passive - self [*]while you have a bow equipped [*]increase move speed 70% for 2s after activating roll dodge [*]Accuracy - unlocks rank 25 [*]passive - self [*]while you have a bow equipped [*]increase critical strike by 5% [*]Long Shots - unlocks rank 35 [*]passive - self [*]while you have a bow equipped [*]gain up to 15% bonus damage vs distant targets [*]Ranger - unlocks rank 49 [*]passive - self [*]while you have a bow equipped [*]reduces the movement speed penalty while channeling bow abilities by 35% Destruction StaffActive Abilities [*]Destructive Touch – unlocks rank 1 [*]instant – 7m range – 60 magicka – no cooldown [*]- deals 4 magic damage to target enemy [*]- fire touch causes knockback [*]- frost touch causes deep freeze [*]- shock touch causes disorient [*]Force Shock – unlocks rank 5 [*]instant – 28m range – 60 magicka – no cooldown [*]- deals 6 magic damage and interrupts casting enemies [*]- enemies you interrupt are stunned for 3s and ser off balance [*]Wall of Elements – unlocks rank 20 [*]instant – self – 60 magicka – no cooldown [*]- create an elemental wall that deals 6 magic damage every 1s to enemies inside [*]- wall lasts for 2.5s [*]Impulse – unlocks rank 30 [*]instant – 8m radius – 40 magicka – no cooldown [*]- deals 5 magic damage to nearby enemies [*]- 100% chance to apply concussion, chilled, burning, based upon element used [*]Weakness to Elements – unlocks rank 40 [*]instant – 28m range – 40 magicka – no cooldown [*]- target takes 20% extra damage from fire, shock, and cold for 15s Passive Abilities [*]Tri Focus – unlocks rank 9 [*]passive – self [*]destruction staff heavy attacks have the following effects [*]- Frost: snare enemy 40% for 3.5s [*]- Shock: deals 10% splash damage to 2 nearby foes [*]- Fire: reduce enemy spell resistance by 80 for 6s [*]Penetrating Magic – unlocks rank 15 [*]passive – self [*]- your destruction spells bypass 50 resistance [*]Elemental Force – unlocks rank 25 [*]passive – self [*]While you have a destruction staff equipped [*]- increase chance to apply fire, shock and cold status effects by 15% [*]Ancient Knowledge – unlocks rank 35 [*]passive – self [*]While you have a destruction staff equipped [*]- your heavy attacks charge 10% faster [*]Destruction Expert – unlocks rank 49 [*]passive – self [*]While you have a destruction staff equipped [*]- restore 40 magicka when killing an enemy with a destruction spell Restoration StaffActive Abilities [*]Regeneration – unlocks rank 1 [*]instance – 15m radius – 40 magicka – no cooldown [*]- heal nearby ally for 5 [*]- heal for an additional 20 over 20s [*]Grand Healing – unlocks rank 5 [*]instance – 28m range – 60 magicka – no cooldown [*]- heal all allies in target area for 6 every 1s for 3s [*]Force Siphon – unlocks rank 20 [*]1.5s cast – 28m range – 36 magicka – no cooldown for 20s [*]- your allies gain 2% health when attacking target [*]- you gain 50% additional health when attacking target [*]Entropy – unlocks rank 30 [*]instant – 28m range – no cost – no cooldown [*]- deals 14 magic damage over 12s [*]- recover 6 magicka every few seconds [*]Guardian Circle – unlocks rank 40 [*]instance – 28m range – 40 magicka – no cooldown [*]- place a circle at target location for 12s [*]- increase allies armor and spell resist by 150 while in the circle [*]- deal 3 magic damage to undead in the circle [*]- allies in the circle may activate the synergy ability rejuvenate to restore health Passive Abilities [*]Essence Drain – unlocks rank 9 [*]passive – self [*]while you have a restoration staff equipped [*]- last hit of heavy attack heals a nearby ally for 30% of damage done [*]Restoration Expert – unlocks rank 15 [*]passive – self [*]while you have a restoration staff equipped [*]- increase healing on targets under 30% health by 15% [*]Cycle of Life – unlocks rank 25 [*]passive – self [*]- gain 1% damage for every 10% health you have [*]Absorb – unlocks rank 35 [*]passive – self [*]while you have a restoration staff equipped [*]- blocking spells restores 6 magicka [*]Restoration Master – unlocks rank 49 [*]passive – self [*]while you have a restoration staff equipped [*]- increase all healing done by 5% Remember that these are just the skills that are available for the current beta build! There's no telling what will be added and changed for the final version. Click here to view the article
  17. My old Droid 3 has serious issues and I can't use it about 60% of the time due to hardware failure. I'm due for an upgrade, so I thought I'd pool the tech knowledge of you guys and seek suggestions. I'm on Verizon, so right now they only have the DNA / Razr Maxx HD available. Those are obviously fairly old and are due to be replaced, so what should I be waiting for? The S4 is arriving soon, and possibly the HTC One. I think I'm leaning towards the latter.
  18. If you're able to drop it / remove it from your inventory it's not a quest item. Probably just some type of decoration.
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