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Everything posted by David

  1. They were removed awhile ago. I felt they cluttered everything up while also not really adding anything useful when viewing threads. Guests also regularly mistook them for member names due to their location. I actually think that you were one of the only people that received a customized name. The system usually just automatically increments the titles based on post count. After hitting a certain number of posts, members can change them themselves. For what it's worth, they're still attached to your profiles - just not displayed in threads. If there was demand to do so I could bring them back easily, but as I said they've been gone for months and no one has noticed or said anything until today.
  2. David

    Eggs And Pea Tendril

    I think it represents infinity and how insignificant we are compared to the emptiness of the universe.
  3. Heh, I watched for about 5 minutes last night and they're still at the same place today. It looks like they've met their match in those directional traps.
  4. esohead has quite a few issues, especially with the costs not making sense. They clearly data-mined the client, so maybe they did it on an old build or had a bug. Our data is made up of people that were in the stress tests. Some of it is from a couple betas back but overall it's more accurate in my opinion. Update I have updated all of the descriptions / values that were sent to me from the latest stress test. If you have a correction that was not added as of this posting, please post it again. I have added (?) next to everything that we couldn't confirm.
  5. On the "Review and Submit Order" page there is an input for the code. I just verified; it's still working.At the top, you should see some navigation breadcrumb like...Log In > Billing Info > Review & Submit OrderIt sounds like you're at billing info. The coupon entry is the next step. (the above describes ordering on GameFly, not GMG)
  6. As of February 15th, ZeniMax has officially ended the beta's non-disclosure agreement via an announcement from the official site... Welp, it looks like it's time to officially start getting your builds in order!ZOS also announced that there will be an additional upcoming beta event. As the NDA is now abolished, players will be able to stream, record, and share screenshots! Click here to view the article
  7. As of February 15th, ZeniMax has officially ended the beta's non-disclosure agreement via an announcement from the official site... Welp, it looks like it's time to officially start getting your builds in order! ZOS also announced that there will be an additional upcoming beta event. As the NDA is now abolished, players will be able to stream, record, and share screenshots!
  8. Lycanthropy and Vampirism skills and morphs added to the database!

  9. Amazon has Crysis 3 for $4.99 after a savings from the $59.99 MSRP of 92%.
  10. Item: Crysis 3 Price: $4.99 Amazon has Crysis 3 for $4.99 after a savings from the $59.99 MSRP of 92%. System: PC Retailer: Amazon Deal Link: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00CRN8WUI/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B00CRN8WUI&linkCode=as2&tag=therebecomm-20 Click here to view the deal
  11. Making this thread to coordinate corrections to the skills. Those of you with the correct information can scan a section and list everything that needs to be updated. Once done, I will update the following list. Corrected Sections Everything. (?) indicates we can't confirm something. Post here to add information.
  12. At least you got a free cookie. I won't even get that.
  13. Deal is live again! Caveat: 20% instead of 25%, unfortunately. Still the best available though.
  14. Finished adding morphs; every category should be almost completely filled.

  15. Updated racial skills and added morphs for Sorcerer (others on the way).

    1. Musclemagic


      You are the best! Just saying.

  16. You probably weren't on during peak times when it got bad. Generally it was extremely cyclical... Receive tons of traffic. Get a resource restriction. Restriction annoys traffic and they leave. Restriction lifted 1-2 hours after traffic is down. Traffic returns.Basically what we'd end up with is ~2 hours of normal speed, then 2-3 hours of restriction, and on and on. I generally give Premium to those that donate lump sums as well unless there's a request otherwise. So far the server doesn't seem particularly fast at all, but it also doesn't slow to a crawl during peak hours. Hopefully we'll be able to test high traffic this weekend again.
  17. It appears that it's expired, but it was definitely live early this morning. They must have had a limit on the number of redemptions or something. It's also already gone out once and came back, so we'll see.
  18. And the first miraculous issue with the new server has appeared! Posts on mobile don't appear on desktop and vice versa.

    1. Musclemagic


      David, you were firing blanks; the community was concerned for your fortitude. I wondered what was up!

  19. Many of you probably noticed that the site has been consistently slow over the past two weeks. To make a long story short, our (former) host was placing near-constant resource restrictions on my account due to overages that resulted from a large increase in traffic. A good problem to have, I suppose. After having battled the resource restrictions for weeks-on-end while members complained to me about how slow everything was going, I decided it was time for a change. At 1:00PM on Sunday I impulse purchased a VPS and spent the rest of the day attempting to configure everything. A LOT of things went wrong, and I ended up working on it for what's now ~13 hours (it's 2:10AM as I'm writing this). I'm pretty sure the site was only completely down for about 3 hours... So we had that going for us, which was nice. Things are mostly working now, but expect possible issues in the coming days as final details are resolved. I would like feedback on performance (i.e. how fast things respond) - and don't try to spare my feelings! I want the truth so we don't get stuck in the poor situation of the last few weeks. I would like to personally thank Crazier for putting up with one of my sad server rants in the chat and then donating towards our new host. The rest of the Premium Members deserve our thanks as well. Everything we receive goes a long way and it is always appreciated! If anyone else is interested in helping out with our increasing costs, you can either purchase a Premium subscription or donate any amount you wish via the client area.
  20. Deals active again! Added a new coupon.
  21. GMG has LA Noire: Complete (contains all DLC) on sale for 75% off as part of their Rockstar sale / promotion. Using the following code nets an additional 25% off, bringing the final price to $5.62. Code: YOGCST-BESTYT-EVERRR The code actually works on all of their digital PC games site-wide until February 14th.
  22. Item: LA Noire: The Complete Edition Price: $5.62 GMG has LA Noire: Complete (contains all DLC) on sale for 75% off as part of their Rockstar sale / promotion. Using the following code nets an additional 25% off, bringing the final price to $5.62. Code: YOGCST-BESTYT-EVERRR The code actually works on all of their digital PC games site-wide until February 14th. System: PC Retailer: GMG Deal Link: http://www.greenmangaming.com/s/us/en/pc/games/adventure/la-noire-complete-edition/?gmgr=zoqoduca Click here to view the deal
  23. ArtsCow is currently offering custom mouse pads for $0.99. Coupon Code: Z099PLAYA4YKX Steps Click the "Buy Now" link below. Register / create an account at ArtCow. Design your own mouse pad. Enter the coupon code at checkout. This is what I ended up with (generated preview)... Tons of other examples after they've arrived. Use HD images for the best results.
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