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Everything posted by David

  1. Yeah, the 1-2 new apps since the conversion is an absolutely horrible rate (especially considering that we used to get ~3-4 a day), but before the move you guys went literally 2 weeks without getting a new recruit. The conversion hasn't slowed anything down at all, it's still the same. If you want, I can also start working on making the logos and what-not TRR-specific so people don't see all of the Skyrim stuff when they first come here.
  2. Annnnnd with the additions of our most recent members, Storm and Thanator, we've reached our five-hundredth member. Unfortunately most of these accounts aren't active, but it's an impressive milestone nonetheless.
  3. Anything that's not the original Mario should be banned from consideration. I'm not a fan of Nintendo's horrific franchise milking.
  4. Storm makes an excellent point.I'm mostly interested in how Bethesda is going to work the civil war quests into the lore. Since it's apparent that the Empire/Thalmor conflict is going to be center stage either in upcoming DLC or the next TES installment, who controls that region will probably end up having significant outcomes on the rest of the lore. Having multiple options with who you leave in control of Skyrim is going to be hard to explain; they're either going to have to go back and say, "Well, right after Skyrim (the game) ended xxx reclaimed power in Skyrim." in order to keep the story moving forward with a common background.I don't really see how they can't create a situation where at least half of the players come away feeling as if their struggles through the entire Civil War questline ended pointlessly in future DLC/games.
  5. Hello, welcome to ES! Just thought I'd leave you a quick welcome on your profile. Feel free to message me if you ever need anything or have suggestions for us! :)

    1. Death Knight

      Death Knight

      Hey, thanks for welcome, I'll be on relatively often, if i'm not posting, i'll still be hovering around so to speak. You've got a good site here, keep up the good work

  6. David


    Ah, that makes more sense then. Looked it up; it's specifically called myotonia.
  7. Damn, I remember putting a lot of time into the Wind Waker... Those were some good times. I also remember I fell victim to the corporate scam and bought a game link cable just so I could use my gameboy with the game and bomb shit with Tingle at the same time.
  8. Hey man, welcome to the site! Feel free to dive straight into discussion; we're a pretty welcoming community. Let me know if you ever have any suggestions! :)

  9. Oh, I have a story to add that's related to this.So anyways, I'm in college and what-not and I've occassionally texted a few girls I met at ortientation during the summer. One of them made the mistake of getting into a debate about the best/hottest hair color with me, and it continued until I said, "Meh, I don't really even care about hair color. As long as they're in decent shape it's all good."Now, I thought that was a pretty clever thing to say; notice how I didn't mention anything about breasts or asses which is what 99% of guys would say (if they were telling the truth, which I clearly wasn't). I was expecting some type of glowing response about not being shallow. Instead, she exploded on me, and said,"If personality or intelligence isn't on your list I'm not talking to you."She was serious. Since then, no responses and a vengeful glare whenever I pass by irl. Luckily I wasn't invested at all and don't care, but I just think it's funny how petty and insane women can be.My recent cool story bro. Don't expect everyone in college to drop their pants with no effort (although it's mostly the case).
  10. It used to be... Then I logged in one day, saw another clan with the shade colors we have now, and decided to try to get it as close to that as possible because I was bored and was slightly tired of the green. The symbols were Terravilla's idea because he didn't like the ones pictured above since he's a hipster who dislikes mainstream images.
  11. I'm not sure if this is the first MSRP price drop or just a deal, but since it's a popular name I figured I'd post it. If this isn't enough of a deal to warrant a thread let me know. Amazon Link - PS3/360
  12. So our new best keyword (by far) is Skyrim Comics. So... Let's make some? :D

    1. Blake


      This brings us back to the meme comics.

    2. David


      Nah. I was counting on you being a talented Art major with nothing better to do than make us some intricately-drawn comics.

  13. David

    Le Crouch

    Would have to agree with you there. Having an odd number of panels is BLASPHEMY.
  14. Nah, it's not stupid; we NEED more people making threads. I just wasn't familiar with the songs since I never pay close attention.
  15. David


    It must have been your imagination.
  16. David

    Dungeon Crawling

    And fruit! And vegetable!
  17. David


    This was my life that day.
  18. David

    Store Thief

    But all I wanted was the dagger...
  19. David

    Get My Bow

    Son, you know what to do.
  20. David

    Arrow To The Heart

    Forever Alone.
  21. Just rediscovered this gem thanks to our google bot. Yay for sexism!
  22. David


    Seriously, someone explain to me how evolution could have let this happen.
  23. Gaaaah, I can't believe that happened to me again. That's pretty scary since I haven't even played RS for a good 3 years.It takes over your soul.
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