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Status Replies posted by David

  1. After half an hour messing with a background image for my profile, i managed to edit a pretty cool one. :D

  2. After half an hour messing with a background image for my profile, i managed to edit a pretty cool one. :D

  3. I've just been killed because I accidentally tried to assassinate a child. It made me realize, the kids in Skyrim are JUST like the cucckos in The Legend of Zelda games. Both are immortal, and summon forth infinate streams of powerful enemys.

  4. Played Oblivion for the first time today. Why do people say it's so good? Terrible graphics and feel of the game compared to Skyrim.

  5. Played Oblivion for the first time today. Why do people say it's so good? Terrible graphics and feel of the game compared to Skyrim.

  6. Played Oblivion for the first time today. Why do people say it's so good? Terrible graphics and feel of the game compared to Skyrim.

  7. Hey, brogalor here again, am i able to get the new patch for xbox360 or does it automaticaly update for me?

  8. Arch Mage Savos Aren just hired Thugs to teach me a lesson. Wtf.

  9. Just accidentally erased my Skyrim save file...

  10. Two guides on the way. I'll try to do as good a job as David did D:

  11. Two guides on the way. I'll try to do as good a job as David did D:

  12. Level 7 on Skyrim this morning. Actually properly played for a few hours. Level 30+. >:D

  13. We should bring back achievement of the week!

  14. David has beaten my amounts of posts on the forums. I'm sad

  15. New domain will cost us about $10.00.

  16. New domain will cost us about $10.00.

  17. Money over bitches.



  20. I've called an emergency press conference over allegations that I've sexually harrassed women while they were under my employment. These allegations are completely true. I would like to publically apologize to Blexun for being a sexually harrassable woman. That is all.

  21. I'd like to thank all of the support I've recieved over the years, it's gone far in helping me attain my current position. To think mere weeks ago I was nothing more than a passion-filled drunken romance, climaxing with a broken condom, it's amazing that I'm nearly TRR's 2011 MotY. January, 2012, my friends! RSN Bot uber alles!

  22. I'd like to thank all of the support I've recieved over the years, it's gone far in helping me attain my current position. To think mere weeks ago I was nothing more than a passion-filled drunken romance, climaxing with a broken condom, it's amazing that I'm nearly TRR's 2011 MotY. January, 2012, my friends! RSN Bot uber alles!

  23. Skyrim is gonna deplete my monthly cash. Worth it?

  24. Posting like a whore for new forum awardz

  25. ¡TRR über alles!

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