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Everything posted by David

  1. David

    Valentines Day Cards

    Now at your local Hallmark.
  2. I intend to make my next character something like this. From what I see initially, I think this is my favorite of your builds so far. I haven't looked at it perk by perk (will do this later as I'm slightly preoccupied right now), but they mostly look good. Don't think I would put anything in Magicka personally (my goal for the next build is to not rely on it), and for the general population 14 may be a bit much.
  3. Just thought you'd like to know I have reclaimed my Reputation lead. Now we can go back to not caring.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. David


      Did you just quote Babe?

    3. David


      Also, I'm a lemur.

    4. Blake


      I approve of your new avatar.

  4. Rocktail are the 4th/5th best method for experience, you'll get 35k-45k exp/hr at 99. They're the best money-maker, so at high levels they're the best overall option, though I;m not sure I would try it until at least 96.Monks > lobsters in all circumstances. They're the best money/experience combo for all levels capable of fishing them up until higher levels when Rocktail are an option. Barbarian fishing (people claim 65k but after extensive testing I'd say it's a few hundred experience better than Shilo, with much more work, AT BEST) and Shilo Village fly fishing (40k-50k) are both better experience wise, but you make next to no money and in my opinion they ~10k experience you gain in speed doesn't make up for the 30m+ you can make with monks.Dungeoneering of course came in and fucked everything with people claiming to get 100k exp/hr. I'm skeptical, though, as in the case of Barb fishing people just blow horribly at tracking stats.
  5. Oh, that reminds me. There are 3-4 threads with people posting about losing their wooden mask and as a result losing access to the Bromjunaar Sanctuary. This is pretty tragic if you left all of the Dragon Priest Masks there, or if you want to return in order to store them in the display. One poster had even used one of the containers to store all of his good items. :pinch:Hold on tight to that Wooden Mask if/when you get it!
  6. But monkfish would be so much faster/profitable/better. >.<
  7. It will be difficult to do because you're going to have to take experience/hour or some related standard measurement of the speed of the method. Since Skyrim doesn't display that information easily, I'm not sure how it can be measured easily.
  8. I'm still confused about what a "russ" is. You seemed to use it several different ways, like a noun, verb, and then the color of their shirts? Informitive and interesting blog though, I really enjoyed the pictures. The parade shot is really good.
  9. Unlike previous TES games I don't think Skyrim is that bad for having limited-time events like that. I don't really know of many myself. Regardless, you should regularly make saves at different points in your journey that you don't save over so you have some place to go back to in case you run into some bug or miss something.
  10. Hello, welcome to the site! Let me know if you ever have any suggestions or anything. :)

  11. And a Like to you my good sir.
  12. I'm just going to issue you a refund. Paypal has fees on each transaction that are more than $0.25, so we'd net $0.00.
  13. No, the game data isn't related to trophies. If it makes you feel better, you can sync them so they're backed up online; they'll be safe then even if your PS3 falls out of a 747. :)Trophies are only lost if the entire system is formatted without first syncing them with a server.
  14. Com. is just the number of comments. The Words of Power guide does have a lot of competition, but it's been coming into its own recently. Some things take longer to move up search rankings than others (this could be due to competition as well). It's also relatively new, so it's likely just now coming into its prime and the growth should be faster from here on out. A few of the guides (last time I checked I think the WoP guide was one) also have the forum topic URL ranked higher in search engines than the one that links to the actual guide page, so that also has a bit to do with it. One thing I didn't add is that my first three guides (the ones before the Marriable characters table) all had pretty significant exposure on Yahoo Answers when I was keeping up with that, so it isn't really fair to compare them with the others (which are mainly search engine traffic).
  15. I'm glad someone appreciated it, I was getting nervous when it was up for 4 hours without a single comment. Also, yeah, you're definitely on the right track with Skyrim abortions. I suggested the following example to Unknown already, but a Skyrim example would be writing an article that sets Ulfric up to be a Thalmor spy based on numerous in-game things that could be interpreted different ways. If someone wanted to do that a decent amount of the information is already in that one thread from a few weeks back. Did any of the article stats above surprise you?
  16. Yeah, but I wanted to do an update so people who submitted guides can see how well they're doing alongside some explanation. There are a few new funny searches, but honestly it's getting harder to write 1,000+ words about different iterations of the word boob.
  17. How would the team work? I agree that it does need to be researched more, specifically for the Smithing/Enchanting Guide.
  18. As the site ages and becomes more established, trends in user activity begin to become more apparent. Certain content can be highlighted as exceptional or below par based on hits and user involvement. So far, 11 of the guides submitted by our community have been published to the beta version of our main page. The software that runs our guide and article database, IP. Content, has basic stat tracking system built into it. This feature can be used to observe the number of hits the guides have gotten from those searching for related answers (often from search engines such as Google, Bing, etc.). To date, this is what our hits have looked like (sorted by date published from newest to oldest)... Article hits not counting forum/thread views. It's important to note these "hit" statistics don't account for views that happen on a thread-level, and many of the guides listed above have hundreds, if not thousands of views on their forum thread. With that said, a few things stand out and can be inferred from the number of hits each article has received. For one, this all-important number certainly does not always have a strong correlation with age. The others? Well... 1. Competition from other sites directly impacts your success. One of the oldest guides, How to Cure/Become a Vampire in Skyrim, has relatively few hits despite being relatively in-depth and involving a commonly requested subject. Low results from such an article can likely be attributed to a high level of competition from competing sites and related search queries. Searching for an answer such as, "How to Cure Vampirism in Skyrim" yields thousands of results from long-established sites such as UESP, IGN, Gamespot, Yahoo Answers, and others. 2. Unique content is king. Blexun's Boosting Armor, Weapon, and Item Stats has achieved success solely due to the nature of the topic. There isn't much out there on boosting item materials that's as in-depth as this guide, and this makes up for other weak areas. Namely, I did a horrifically poor job of naming the article and providing good meta descriptions, which probably hindered its search engine growth. My bad, Blex. 2. Content with well thought-out or unique names can capture its own niche of search traffic, despite superior(?) competition from more established sites. Marriable Characters in Skyrim, features content that is not unique, nor is it limited to a small number of sites. This particular guide features a table filled with information that's widely available on hundreds of other sites throughout the internet. However, the unique title of the guide captures a common Google search query that many other more established sites didn't use. As a result, it receives an oddly high number of hits. 3. Search engines matter. A lot. Our two newest guides, Enchantment Effects and Alchemy Ingredients by Unknown ProbLem have the fewest number of hits, as expected (they're the newest). New content can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks to be indexed by search engines, and as a result will initially have slow growth. In the first few days of publication, neither of these guides eclipsed 30 inbound views. However, as the pages have begun to be indexed by search engines, the number of inbound visitors to these two pages has increased quickly. Blexun's guide, Dragon Priest Mask Locations, was for a long time the most popular article on this site as far as search engine traffic is concerned. The guide had unique phrases that were captured by Google thanks to its "different" format. Competing guides on other sites often used nothing more than brief descriptions and a map. 4. The best articles and guides have content that users will return for. My last guide, The Fastest Ways to Level in Skyrim, features neither an easily searchable name, nor something that isn't offered elsewhere. However, the sheer size and amount of content the guide contains makes it highly unlikely that any user will sit and read everything in one sitting, much less absorb all of the information. People often find the guide by searching for one specific skill, read the related section, and then leave. If they believe the information they saw was good, they will return for more later either by bookmarking the page or searching for it next time specifically. This particular article has relatively little "search juice," and instead gets most of its traffic from returning visitors. 5. Building links on related sites will improve the number of hits a guide receives both directly through in-bound traffic, and indirectly through an improved search ranking on search engines. One of our most popular guides, Master Conjuration, Smithing, and Enchanting is the beneficiary of a rather prolific attempt by me to build a following from other sites. I posted numerous links to it on other Skyrim forums, as well as dozens on questions related to the subject on Yahoo Answers. As a result, the guide had a lot of traffic despite having a horribly generic name, poorly organized (although substantial) content, and a low search engine ranking. 6. Timing matters! Write your guides when the subject is popular. The How to Get Married in Skyrim guide explored a pretty self-explanatory subject. Not many people legitimately had problems, nor needed help, with marriage in Skyrim. However, due to the popularity of the game the guide still had very high returns initially. Though the hits have waned with the popularity of Skyrim, it was still well worth it to write. "Skyrim" as a trending search query on Google. The above graph features Google searches involving the term "Skyrim." As you can see, there's clearly a peak time where content related to that search query is going to be more popular. Timing your articles to match up with peaks in the popularity of an issue is one of the most important steps you can take. You want your articles to be indexed in search engines before there's a surge in traffic; being a day late and a dollar short will yield little in terms of results, even if the quality is there in other areas. Summary Choose a unique or controversial subject. Title your article what you feel you would do a Google search for in-order to find such content. Build your article with unique content that people won't be able to find elsewhere. You can't have success with articles if you don't write articles!
  19. That's precisely why I can't justify playing on the Stormcloak's side anymore. There's simply no reason. The Thalmor are the faction that always has a contingency plan and is playing the Chess game dozens of moves in advance. All of their moves are based on weakening the Empire in the future: see anti-Talos laws to break up Skyrim (why not any of the other Gods? The Thalmor are against all such worship I believe). I'm sure they knew, or at least expected, that the Empire wouldn't agree to their terms. If it was accepted I think they'd just quickly wheel away their cart and skip back to their homeland.99% chance it was just some Bethesda intern trying to win the office creative writing award.
  20. What do you hope gets added to Skyrim though the DLC updates? Make a list! [*]Spell creation such as what we had in Oblivion. [*]Everyone wants Dragon mounts. I think it would be kind of excessive since horses are already pretty pointless, but it would be insteresting to see how it's implemented. [*]Large new places to explore. Shivering Isles big. [*]HOW IS THIS THE 5th ELDER SCROLLS GAME AND WE STILL DON'T HAVE CAPES?
  21. 1. It's a significant block of voters. There's actually a lot of money behind the movement as well.2. Hard to say, since people who are against it are probably Republican regardless.3. It's more to appease his own party and secure money/support. People who are against gay marriage weren't going to lobby for a Democrat anyways.4. There is about a billion times more enthusiasm behind the Gay Marriage movement than there is for the movement opposing it. People have largely come to accept it or written it off as something that's going to happen eventually regardless. There's a loud, vocal minority for sure (see Westboro Baptists), but the majority of people don't care nearly as much.It's all just another pointless issue that the parties drum up themselves to "differentiate" their platform... When it comes right down to it, the Republicans and Democrats are identical when it comes to running the country sans the 3-4 fake problems they debate and run on.
  22. Well, I know the old Xbox's (not sure if the newer versions have the same issue) had problems only when the console was tilted AND the game was running, since the spinning disc would rotate and begin scraping against the edge of the laser. As long as the console wasn't on it shouldn't be an issue, and even if it was - the newer 360's probably have some sort of guard against it. You can manually fix it by just putting some sort of foam guard above the disc reader so that when it tilts it can't do so enough to where it will hit the laser.Oh, and stop posting these in Skyrim Questions, please.
  23. Here's what a player posted on our guide thread today concerning what he's done: So it appears that it still works, though I haven't personally tested it. Hope that helps.
  24. Thanks for your input!It's nice getting a fast response on that issue; I just added that update about it possibly not working yesterday after a player raised questions about it in the support forum. I'll update the guide to reflect your new information.
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