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Everything posted by David

  1. David

    Calvin and Hobbes+Skyrim

    Killing Hobbes would be exponrially less evil than killing Paarthurnax.
  2. 1. Had no idea, but since I haven't made a stealth character yet I've never attempted anything like that either. I always charge in guns a-blazin'.2. Blackreach is one area I hardly explored. The quest for the Oghma Infinium (or maybe it's a different one) is extremeeeeely long, and by the time I reached Blackreach I was so tired of it I did a bee-line to the quest marker/exit. Might have to go back and investigate that.3. Never used them that way. Have never bothered to pay any attention to them really, since they don't do much damage. Just goes to show the level of detail put into the game though.4. I'm sure I found this but didn't remember it.5. Idungetit.6. "Gee, Steve, wasn't there a torch here before?" "Yeah, we'd better not look into the darkness to investigate or go replace the light. There might be ghosties."7. TELL ME WHAT THEY MEAN.8. Had no idea. Never go to jail though, since I have like 70k gold and just pay whatever fine they give me. I'll have to investigate.9. I didn't even know there were stumps.10. My character can't read, you elitist bastard.Good thread.
  3. I don't understand how it can matter. No part of the trophy system rewards you for percentages, it's all about getting as many as you can total... So why delete any of them? The goal is not to achieve 100% trophies in the games you own.
  4. David

    Y Dovahkiin No Share?

    The one with the glazed expression is obviously a dead thrall.
  5. Deal is live for the PS3, but it's just out of stock. You can still get the deal price, though, by following directions in OP.
  6. Why the hell did you do that?What happens when Dawnguard comes out and it's 5 times bigger than Shivering Isles?
  7. It's for the 360 and PC too, didn't you read the title?! I only post one cover since doing any more is redundant. But yeah, I've never played any of the games. I posted this mainly because the PC has it at $20.And AC package? I didn't see it, link?
  8. What? Not a good deal? For a Moderator that's awfully spamtastic.
  9. Unfortunately that was a typo, console commands are only available for the PC. I know because I was the one that answered that question, which makes me feel awful since I'm sure it confused other people as well (I'm unable to go back and edit answers). The reason for the bug is that the Radiant Quest system can sometimes flag him for something quest-related that will prevent users from marrying him. It's a relatively common bug, and as far as I know is still unpatched as of version 1.5.Again, I'm really sorry for the confusion. I was shocked when I saw that it was my answer that had the typo. Let us know if we can help with anything else.
  10. The fact it was hacked, the defacement page, and especially the song (which someone needs to tell me the source) had me laughing for like 15mins straight.Then again it was 3am.
  11. If only I had a 360 anymore. Gears of War 3 for $29.99
  12. Fantastic deal. I was waiting for this price, but unfortunately the deal hasn't (yet?) found its way to the PS3. I'll be paying close attention to this and jumping on it if they price-match. EDIT: This deal IS live for the PS3, Amazon is just out of stock. You can still select Amazon as the retailer from the right side under the Cart button for the deal price of $19.99. The one caveat is that you won't get it until it's back in stock. (2-4 weeks). AC: Revelations for $19.99
  13. In Riften, there is an NPC named From-Deepest-Fathoms who has it. She can be found, generally, either in Haelga's Bunkhouse, Riften Fishery (outside), or tje Hall of the Dead (coffin). Accepting the lexicon from her will launch the Unfathomable Depths quest.
  14. Have any of you visited RS boards recently? It's a pretty isolated RS forum but it's very large.
  15. Good deal since this is $30 elsewhere. Activates on Steam as well. Note: You have to navigate to the "PC Download" option. Borderlands GOTY - $7.49
  16. Is Sheogorath featured?
  17. Do you live in an extremely wealthy neighborhood or is just that one house worth millions? Here in the States the affluent generally live in the same area, although there is the occasional mansion next to a habitat for humanity house (free house built for the impoverished).
  18. Haven't you been reading my blog posts? Traffic has been steadily increasing, and most schools aren't even out yet. We're not doing bad at all considering the forum aspect of the site is only a few months old.
  19. How'd you get my email address?!
  20. I wouldn't do that; you can't remarry even if your spouse dies.
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