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Everything posted by David

  1. Here are what I used for adsense. You don't need to stick strictly to it. Everything is in the hex format, which photoshop/gimp/etc all support.Background: #121212 (used to match the side blocks.)Titles: #FFA500 (orange)Border: #393939Sub-Title: #6295AC (blue)Text: #939393 (silver/light gray; matches the rest of the site)Text2: #FFFFFF (does not match the rest of the site directly, but sticks out a bit more and still goes with it.)When there are two of something use your judgement.
  2. Here's an example of the sizes I listed - http://support.googl...n&answer=185665The large/medium rectangle can go on the guest message where the Elder Souls logo is now (note this only appears when you're logged out as a Guest and on the Elder Souls site, not TRR)... As well as at the end of articles... The medium rectangle can also go on the side-bar blocks on the forum index (like where the recent status updates are). Though they're probably not as flexible as... The Leaderboard. It can go on the header or footer anywhere on the site, kind of like where the gallery used to be. It's also placed after the first post in threads.
  3. David

    Fish Flingers

    Our hero uber alles.
  4. They're completely off right now. It's probably only temporary, but even if I bring them back some can be replaced with the images mentioned here, or they can be rotated with ads automatically.
  5. I wasn't a huge Christian Bale fan in the last two movies. Yeah, he was decent and better than any recent batman (George Clooney), but he was carried by other parts of the movie too. Heath Ledger was great and they don't have a prayer of replicating that again, especially in a role like Catwoman.It took them an entire 2.5 hour movie to make the idea behind dressing up in a batsuit and calling yourself batman realistic. Catwoman is a more ridiculous concept and won't have the luxury of an entire movie dedicated to background story.
  6. Noooo, my previously respectable cape.
  7. I'll just jot down some of my thoughts and you can comment on them as we go, hopefully after a bit we'll have a good idea of perk distribution and everything else for your build. I'm sure others will add comments as well. Here are some skills you may be interested in leveling, you can just reply back with your intentions for each. [*]Lockpicking - general thief skill. [*]Pickpocket - general thief skill. [*]Heavy/Light Armor? - One is inevitable. Since you'll likely be able to max the armor rating on all sets eventually which you choose will largely be up to what you think looks better. [*]Enchanting - This is easily the most powerful skill in the game, and will allow you to enchant your armor/weapons to customize them to your build. However, I'm not sure if investing heavily into it breaks the role-playing aspect of having a thief/assassin in your mind. [*]Smithing - Useful if you want the better armor earlier or want to improve them as much as possible. Same role-playing caveat as Enchanting. [*]Archery - Like you stated, you'll want to max this. As far as point distribution, it really depends on whether or not you want to use magic often. If you're never going to use Destruction, you may be better off not putting any points into it and just dumping them all in stamina/health. If you max enchanting, you can always enchant 1 set of armor to get 0 spell cost in two schools of magic anyway, but that will take awhile and will hinder your magic use in the beginning (again, if you intend to use it).
  8. Hm, yeah, I don't know of any sure-fire fix for that. Have you tried leaving the area, fast traveling, and then coming back? If the general bug fix attemtps like that all fail you may just have to reload a previous save. UESP and the TES Wiki both have some bug fixes that you may want to glance over to see if any match your situation.What console do you play on? One thing with the quest that is common is Esbern's voice dialogue disappearing (it's a problem with the voice file; he's still technically speaking though you can't hear it). You could try waiting a bit and seeing if anything happens when his inaudible speech (if that's the issue) is over.
  9. Welcome. I'll move this to Diplomacy since you don't need to apply. We no longer have a Clan Friend group, though the default member rank acts as the new equivalent of it so you're all set. If you browse our forums a bit you'll probably end up on the Elder Souls index, which is a gaming community we launched some months ago (it's currently described as a Skyrim forum but that can be ignored as it's being converted). Just don't be alarmed, we weren't defaced and you can find the TRR index again by typing in trr.eldersouls.com or clicking "RuneScape" on the main page. Looking forward to working with you.
  10. mpBu.Still a year left. I will not let this fall into obscurity again for another 4 years.
  11. Amber Alert - A Blexun has been missing for two days.

    1. Anarchy
    2. Jamie


      Oh no! We should start a search!

    3. cheekychips


      I have noticed his absence, and weeped profusely.

  12. They're going to replace advertisements
  13. I'd like to request one of the talented artists in the community to submit a few things for the site with the following dimensions... [*]728 x 90 Leaderboard and/or Banner (468 x 60) [*]Large Rectangle (336 x 280) and/or Medium Rectangle (300 x 250) Choose whichever dimension you feel suits you the best from each number. If you can get enough cool looking stuff in there, go with the bigger ones (as long as it doesn't look like it's cluttered/too much). These graphics are going to be enticing members to create and account on the site, so they should match the sites theme as much as possible and display "Create an Account" in text. Possibilities in addition to that are... [*]Elder Souls [*]ElderSouls.com [*]Looking for More? [*]Unlock Other Features You get the idea, but they all MUST indicate "Create an Account" or some variation of it. Other Requirements [*]1-2px border. Black or #393939 [*]Transparent background (so I can easily alter it as they'll have to go different places) IF you go one color only. Some sort of cool design is still preferred otherwise.
  14. It's hard providing assistance when your question is so vague, can you reply with more information? Such as what you're installing, the system, and where specifically you've ran into trouble.You can respond to this thread with more specific details by using the form near the bottom of this page.
  15. I'm assuming you mean the quest "Revealing the Unseen"? I know it's a pretty buggy quest. Can you provide the following details? [*]What, specifically, is the name of the NPC? Gavros Plinius, correct? Just trying to make sure we're on the same page. [*]What console do you use? (360/PS3/PC) [*]Do you have the most recent patch? I believe 1.5 is current. Before anything else I would try leaving and re-entering Mzulft. Sometimes Gravos bugs out like that and re-entering can fix it.
  16. No, DO NOT delete your game saves. This has been covered in the directions on previous pages. There are two folders that keep Skyrim data under the "GAME" category on the XMB that people are confusing... [*]Game Data Utility [*]Saved Data Utility (PS3) "Saved Data Utility" contains your game saves (profile data, characters, etc.); you do NOT touch anything in this folder. "Game Data Utility" is where you need to look. It contains two files: "Skyrim" (file installed off the disc the first time you play) and "Skyrim Update" (patches downloaded from the internet). Neither of these are related to your game saves, and need to be deleted for this fix to work.
  17. Complications from a stroke. Here is the video he was famous for...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Z4m4lnjxkY
  18. Can't complain about a newish $10 360/PS3 game. PS3 Link 360 Link
  19. Good Best Buy deal if you're one of the 10 people that doesn't have Skyrim. Good time to get in on it since Dawnguard is coming out shortly.Skyrim - PS3Skyrim - 360Skyrim - PC
  20. Available for both the PS3 and 360. Final Fantasy XIII-2 Collectors Edition (PS3/360) - $40
  21. I believe If two ingredients can make multiple potions it just crafts the one that has the highest value, though I could be wrong. With that said, I also think that it only does it when the effects that result in the new potion haven't been discovered yet. I'll have to test it a bit later.
  22. Since you can't embed a specific point apparently. Watch what happens AFTER the fight (although the fight itself is hilarious enough as to warrant inclusion).Pretty much says it all. I didn't even think of it at the time but now it just seems ridiculous. With that said, I still believe it's the best game out there in terms of story and writing.
  23. First of all, let me just say I was disappointed. I had read a lot of semi-negative things on the game and actually expected this, so I waited for the price to drop around $20. For $20, I do not regret buying it as Assassins Creed will always have a standard for quality that is above most games even when below that of the series' average. If you haven't played it yet and are following the series, Revelations doesn't add much to the main story but does provide a good deal of background on Altair, and a bit on Ezio. Things I Hated 1. The Hook Blade. This thing is just... awful. It seemed so forced, like the Devs just couldn't think of anything practical to add otherwise. I didn't do a hook and run ONCE on purpose. Not even once. Besides that, the blade is completely rounded on the end and makes no sense as a stabbing weapon. When you factor in the fact it's like 8 inches longer than the hidden blade... It just looks terrible. Please, please bring back the dual hidden blades for AC3. They look badass and would be exponentially more useful in reality. 2. The story was short. There was very, very little story or plot at all. I'm not even talking about the whole over-arching Desmond thing - Ezio's Constantinople story was just downright unsubstantial. I beat the game in 2 days (though in all fairness I did it over a rainy weekend and did little else), and although I didn't try to get 100% synch in most of the memories I did purchase most of the city. 3. The templar influence is horribly broken. Templar's take notice when you buy property now? What? The only way to lower it is to bribe Heralds (which doesn't even make a dent) or to kill Officers (and if you don't do it stealthily you regain all the influence fighting off the responding city guard). Every time I purchased 3-4 buildings my Den would get attacked, which leads me to... 4. Den Defense, the mini-game within AC: Revelations, is horribly forced and less fun than the hundreds of internet flash game of the same concept. If I had a nickel for every time I spent 10+ mins effortlessly defending the tower only to have the Greek fire tank steam-roll every fortification in under 20 seconds at the end, rendering it all pointless. And then... After this 10 minute struggle in the mini-game, I'm forced to recapture the entire thing.... Which takes about 20 seconds max. 5. Design. There are so many simple design problems in this game I'll just make a general category. HOLY SHIT INSTANT FAILS. Many missions give you piss-poor directions and then instant fail you for not following some obscure direction that wasn't given to you. Oh, and the "Dress Up as a Janissary" mission... My god. I failed that a good 30 times for no discernable reason. Oh, and although you'd expect the Night/Day thing to be sweet... It's not. All it does is break immersion when you start a mission during the night and then see it awkwardly become day during the cinematic that follows. There are various other small bugs that just bugged the hell out of me although they didn't affect gameplay. Case in point, on the PS3 version Ezio's eye are always this glow-in-the-dark neon gold color and occasionalyl separate from his skull during cutscenes. 6. Pacing. I made a real effort to level up all of my Assassin underlings before the final few missions. While actively trying (i.e. sending them off on missions every 5mins regularly) I still didn't get over 4 in charge of the Dens (AND YOU HAVE TO PHYSICALLY GO THERE TO PUT THEM IN CHARGE?!) and the others were like level 9. 7. The weapons. It does not matter what "statistics" they have, they are all literally the same thing besides appearance. There is no advantage in something that has 5 stars in every category to your first sword. The game is 100% counter-attacking, and unlike in previous games different weapons don't allow you to counter-attack things like spears or heavy weapons. Speaking of counter-attacking, one of the issues that makes this problem more obvious is the fact that the new counter-attack animations take... FOREVER. Seriously, some of them last all of 5 seconds. This might not sound like much now, but just wait until you're fighting a crowd of 20+ NPC's. Every time you get a counter-kill Ezio will stay in the animation until the next enemy attacks him in the back, making successive kills more more frusturating to achieve. 8. Characterization. Ezio is much lamer than in previous games. Of course, he's 52, but he's not really witty or funny at all. Besides him, there's only TWO other characters of note, and they're just secondary and don't get much development at all. Yes, you read that correctly. Three characters total. I wasn't emotionally attached to any of them. Yusuf is dead, you say? I saw that coming the minute I saw a cheery character in the first sequence. Wait, Suliaman's menacing looking uncle is actually the bad guy? Damn, I actually expected it to be Yusuf because that would have been slightly emotionally unexpected. Seriously, the frowning uncle being the bad guy was so hilariously cliche it wasn't and I expected it to be an ally. Maybe this is a positive? 9. This is the dagger to the heart: There is only one assassination in the entire story. Fucking ONE. In a game called Assassin's Creed. Oh, and spoiler alert, the one guy you assassinate turns out to be a good guy that any actual investigation would have revealed BEFORE you killed him. They really hit the time-limited ruin exploration, redundant roof platforming, and tailing hard, though, if that's your thing. 10. This is more of a series complaint, but I don't like the rifles and advancing technology. It's jumping the shark. I'll play Splinter Cell for modern sneaking. 11. The soundtrack was very weak for an Assassins Creed game. Things I Liked 1. The Altair missions were good. Provided tons of more background and emotion to the character that was much maligned in AC1. 2. Going off Altair, his death/ending was absolutely remarkably well done. Everything from the torches went into it perfectly. 3. Constantinople was less impressive than the AC:2 cities, but it was still exceptionally well done. This will always be a strength of the Assassin Creed series. 4. The cinematics/graphics were much better than in previous games. Frame rate was good. 5. Cross bow isn't hilariously over-powered. This came out being really bitchy and mostly full of things I didn't like, but I must say that the game wasn't that bad. I would recommend it before playing AC3, though I'm glad I didn't buy it for $60. Edit: Am I the only person that played this?
  24. 1. Both, but I still don't know what that has to do with Desmond killing Lucy.2. Probably, yeah. 3. Is this revealed at the end of Revelations or something? I've never heard of that and S16's wiki page doesn't mention it.
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