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Council Promotions Announced!


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After much deliberation, the TRR Council and Leaders have chosen to promote the following people




Both Crazycow and Deus have distinguished themselves within TRR over a long period of time - at this point, Crazy is basically the patron saint of TRR videomaking and Deus just might be one of the coolest guys ever to hang around this clan. Both have worked very hard to get this position and I have high hopes that both of them will be excellent additions to staff.

Congratulations again and good luck with your new jobs!

In a side note, applications for Event Coordinator and Diplomat are STILL OPEN, so if you want to throw in an application for one of those jobs, please feel free to do so.

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I am offended

Well basicly guys forget what I said...I've talked to mono and it's all seted up and chatted so no more prob...And about you T ranger, well you are a great guy you worked alot you work realy hard making events and hjosting them so you deserve all of it, but I will have a great comeback starting next week wen I should already have P2P so I will work realy hard to earn council :P
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