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Weird Food


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Okay have you ever found yourself munching on some really tasty food, and it was really really good but you would never thought you would ever try it?

Or is there some food you like but others go "WTF"

Share your stories/experiences. (if possible add pictures)

One of my favorites is Balot.

Its a Spanish dish brought to the Philippines and became a national delicacy.

Hard boiled 14 day old duck egg, you sip the juice dip in vinegar and top off with salt.

Most people have to be goated in to try it or be a little drunk but after they try it a large majority of people ask for seconds ha.

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Another is Dinuguan(Pork Blood Stew)

Its pork belly and pork blood.

Sounds gross but taste great.

We call it chocolate meat infront of westerners and they love it.

You would never guess its made with blood.

However euorpeans shouldnt find it weird since they have blood pudding/sausages.

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Once I saw in the TV a dish in china that were eggs.The eggs go to houses and they are barried in the ground and stay there for like 2 years and then they are eaten with a realy wierd sauce...Oh and in my country theres a dish were you kill a chicken and then you boil it with the chicken blood and rice. I love it.... lol

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Once I saw in the TV a dish in china that were eggs.The eggs go to houses and they are barried in the ground and stay there for like 2 years and then they are eaten with a realy wierd sauce...Oh and in my country theres a dish were you kill a chicken and then you boil it with the chicken blood and rice. I love it.... lol

Quiet frankly, the chicken blood dish sounds really tasty
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Quiet frankly, the chicken blood dish sounds really tasty

agreed.I've slaughtered a lot of animals before but I've never tried boiling a chicken with the rice and blood.Fresh killed meat is the best.Just make sure if your friend is squeamish, make them stay away from you and the animal.Lol i was in the middle of slaughtering and cleaning a pig when my friend walked by saw what i was doing and threw up and almost hit my other friend with vomit:P
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