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Prepare for the day when we are the last survivors.


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Ever seen those movies where there are only a couple of survivors?

I was watching a great survival thriller called Pandorum. It got me thinking, what If this does happen one day?

We can't be useless if we want to survive so I came up with a list of things I want to accomplish in my lifetime in case this does happen.

We need to survive don't we?

How to fly a plane

Be a Doctor

Learn Kung-Fu,Martial Arts

Fighting Skills etc

Own alot of Weaponry and Ammunition like the father and daughter in Kick-Ass.

Have some all-terrain vehicles.

Have alot of money so if something happens like 2012 where you have to pay to survive.

Know alot about people so you can detect lies.

Hunting Skills.

Added to the Inventory by


map, compass, and air tanks/gas mask


touch up on my Biblical Hebrew (LULZWTF?)

T Ranger101:

burnett with D-cups :3

generator to play Runescape!


a blonde with a c-cup :3

Did I miss anything?

Post your thoughts.


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On an island? How do you plan to get there if it's in the middle of the ocean. You dont live there now do you?Who said it was gonna be zombies. It could be airborne mutant insects.THINK AGAIN!

Think you all, that might not even hapen, hat might happen is just ET's explode earth or some giant atomic bomg kill all of us..... you don't know.....So don't think, Imagine...
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Think you all, that might not even hapen, hat might happen is just ET's explode earth or some giant atomic bomg kill all of us..... you don't know.....

So don't think, Imagine...

Prepare for the day when we are the last survivors

If a bomb killed us all, there would be no survivors

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ever seen those movies where there are only a couple of survivors?

I was watching a great survival thriller called Pandorum. It got me thinking, what If this does happen one day?

We can't be useless if we want to survive so I came up with a list of things I want to accomplish in my lifetime in case this does happen.

We need to survive don't we?

How to fly a plane

Be a Doctor

Learn Kung-Fu,Martial Arts

Fighting Skills etc

Own alot of Weaponry and Ammunition like the father and daughter in Kick-Ass.

Have some all-terrain vehicles.

Have alot of money so if something happens like 2012 where you have to pay to survive.

Know alot about people so you can detect lies.

Hunting Skills.

Added to the Inventory by


map, compass, and air tanks/gas mask


touch up on my Biblical Hebrew (LULZWTF?)

Did I miss anything?

Post your thoughts.


Haha I alrdy got a majority of that list.

I just dont know how to fly a plane and i dont have a lot of money.

oh and my medical skills is purely military survival first aid.

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You guys are thinking to big on the weapons, don't forget there is a large chance you will have to travel with the weapons. and most likely after a while your only source of transportation will be by foot, think smaller, pistols, smaller SMGs. Also, one other thing on guns, don't be so set forth on having massive guns and massive ammo, don't forget, ammo needs to be manufactured, and if manufactures no longer exist, and you don't know how to manufacture your own ammo in massive amounts in little time, then, well your screwed. Go back before guns, swords, knifes, edged weapons, they will work great, especially in a zombie scenario, most well made swords will not break easily at all and if maintained correctly, then they will last a very long time. Also, remember, you don't need ammo when using a sword. Also most swords are lightweight so unless you are planning on carrying around a big two-handed sword (which trust me thy are HEAVY) traveling will be made extremely easy. Oh, and make sure the girls are very loving :)

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You guys are thinking to big on the weapons, don't forget there is a large chance you will have to travel with the weapons. and most likely after a while your only source of transportation will be by foot, think smaller, pistols, smaller SMGs. Also, one other thing on guns, don't be so set forth on having massive guns and massive ammo, don't forget, ammo needs to be manufactured, and if manufactures no longer exist, and you don't know how to manufacture your own ammo in massive amounts in little time, then, well your screwed. Go back before guns, swords, knifes, edged weapons, they will work great, especially in a zombie scenario, most well made swords will not break easily at all and if maintained correctly, then they will last a very long time. Also, remember, you don't need ammo when using a sword. Also most swords are lightweight so unless you are planning on carrying around a big two-handed sword (which trust me thy are HEAVY) traveling will be made extremely easy. Oh, and make sure the girls are very loving :P

I have a 3 sectioned hollow steel spear so i think im good.Im also a chef so i know how to handle maintain and sharpen knives.Also the girl has to be a blondish brunette with 36c cups, 5'3-5'6, 110-130lbs, trained nurse, and knows how to handle a gun...... just described my ex... </3
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