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Things Wrong with Skyrim


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Yes, it's a fantastic game and everything. Definitely one of the best RPG's of all time. But there are still some things wrong with it, and I'll begin the list...1. No spellmaking.2. Limited enchanting ability.3. Storing items in cupboards/dressers/etc has absolutely NO sorting for the items. So much for quickly finding your items amongst a see of four thousand others.4. No blocking with dual-weilding (probably a balancing feature tbh).5. You can only wear one ring.6. Horses are slow and practically the same things as they were in Oblivion (hint: walk backwards Seabiscuit).7. Menu Interface (especially for spells)8. Some dungeons are tediously long. There's the usual boring dungeon and then there's the redundant 2-3 hour adventure. It's probably just because I'm the type that has to explore every nook and look into every barrel, but still.9. Destruction is totally broken and worthless at higher levels. Total 180 from the domination that it caused in Oblivion.10. Can't reset your perks, you have to live with your choices the entire game. Annoying when you can get less than 80/250 and starting a new character and having to get 100's in multiple skills to get the ones you want is nuts. It's not like having the option is even bad; it's a single player game, let people play it how they want. There's no chance for multiplayer abuse.More probably coming...

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The more I play the more I hate the perk system. There's just too much stuff and too few perks. Smithing is especially bad since you literally can't use 99% of it without investing 6+ perks (very significant when most players will only see around 40). I had 100 smithing just on iron daggers, and just now unlocked a few different types up to Daedric.

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One ring is extremely stupid, the perk system isn't all bad and destruction isn't horrible. If you have the double cast and stagger perks along with specialized in one element, you do good damage without being touched. Horses are stupid though, I just sprint the whole time.

That's true, but that ties into the perk system being kind of annoyingly required for destruction. Destruction damage doesn't scale as you level whatsoever (enemies and other types of damage do) so it becomes increasingly worse. You HAVE to use perks just to keep up.Now, you can enchant armor so that all spells cost zero magicka. That renders the low damage moot, but it's kind of broken in and of itself.
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Graphical Glitches1. Ice Spike in the body forever (fixed when I switch to a Werewolf)2. The Archmage and Dragon Priest no face glitch3. Dragons occasionally freeze up animation and casually float by like a tour bus while it attacks you. Also one just randomly fell out of the sky and died in front of me. I got the soul and everything, just thought it was funny.Game Mechanics1. Love/Hate Executions. When I do them, they are awesome. But I have a sliver of health left, I think I can pull a health spell and save myself, but the game things otherwise and the bastard with a 2h weapon rips me a new one. Also no executions for mage or archery.2. Lockpicking isn't as mindlessly easy as it was in Oblivion. Imo, they made lockpicking perfect in Skyrim, but when I go through a dungeon for 2 hours (which I enjoy tbh), and I run out of lockpicks, I feel obliged to get more and come back. Just me complaining.3. The Companion's, The Winterhold College, The Dark Brotherhood, and the Thieve's Guild (to an extent) quest lines are kind of weak. Bethesda gets away with this by allowing putting them in an epic world of freedom, but seeing them improved is always nice. You can choose to Kill the Dark Brotherhood, which is always cool.Anti-ComplaintsTragic on horses-They mention that horses on Skyrim are build for endurance rather than speed, as in they can climb mountains easier than the "spamming the jump button and aiming yourself up the mountain diagonally" method. The horses are still retarded though.Tragic on Destruction-I like it way more Oblivions destruction. Maybe I just wasn't getting it.

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Graphical Glitches1. Ice Spike in the body forever (fixed when I switch to a Werewolf)2. The Archmage and Dragon Priest no face glitch3. Dragons occasionally freeze up animation and casually float by like a tour bus while it attacks you. Also one just randomly fell out of the sky and died in front of me. I got the soul and everything, just thought it was funny.Game Mechanics1. Love/Hate Executions. When I do them, they are awesome. But I have a sliver of health left, I think I can pull a health spell and save myself, but the game things otherwise and the bastard with a 2h weapon rips me a new one. Also no executions for mage or archery.2. Lockpicking isn't as mindlessly easy as it was in Oblivion. Imo, they made lockpicking perfect in Skyrim, but when I go through a dungeon for 2 hours (which I enjoy tbh), and I run out of lockpicks, I feel obliged to get more and come back. Just me complaining.3. The Companion's, The Winterhold College, The Dark Brotherhood, and the Thieve's Guild (to an extent) quest lines are kind of weak. Bethesda gets away with this by allowing putting them in an epic world of freedom, but seeing them improved is always nice. You can choose to Kill the Dark Brotherhood, which is always cool.Anti-ComplaintsTragic on horses-They mention that horses on Skyrim are build for endurance rather than speed, as in they can climb mountains easier than the "spamming the jump button and aiming yourself up the mountain diagonally" method. The horses are still retarded though.Tragic on Destruction-I like it way more Oblivions destruction. Maybe I just wasn't getting it.

Ha, I've had the same thing happen to me with a dragon before. It was weird as hell, because I fast traveled to some random dungeon and there were 2 dragons right in the vicinity capable of attacking me, and a 3rd a bit farther away that was visible and glitching (hovering in one spot). One of the dragons instantly died in front of me and the other circled a few times and then flew away even though I was trying to engage it.@anti-complaint for destruction - Oblivion's destruction combat system was shit but because you could make your own spells you could essentially become a god and wreck everything at will. Skyrim has a better, sexier, more fun/interesting system, but the damage output at high levels is HORRIBLE. It's fine at the beginning, but at my level (40) I will have to spam (zero magicka cost) 5+ fireballs at even weak enemies to do any damage at all - and this is on adept. Meanwhile, with my level 35 one-handed skill, I can kill them in about 3 hits. Note my character is supposed to be a mage build and his destruction is like 65 or something. It doesn't scale as you level.New Complaint1. I'm glad they removed the stamina/acrobatics skills, but man, I wish my character could run faster/longer.... One or the other would be great.
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#10, They don't want people resetting, speccing smithing, making dragon armour, resetting, repeat, with whatever they want.

It doesn't have to be an instant, whenever reset though. Plenty of RPG's, like Dragon Age (and even Demon Souls to an extent) offered the possibility of re-leveling if your made a mistake. In Dragon Age you get 1 tome or something once in the game that allows you to reset all of your skills. Something like that would probably be the best method.
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  • 2 weeks later...

The biggest problem with Skyrim... Definitely random dragon deaths. Usually archery works quite well on dragons but not when the dragons just give up and die. When I was in Solitude, I left the city and started running around mindlessly. Suddenly a dragon shows up and starts attacking. When I readied and released my first arrow, the dragons randomly died. The arrow, however, didn't stop. It flew right into the groin of a random Solitude Guard. Then a swarm of 14-20 guards come out of nowhere and attack. With all my vigor i fought them off, with quite valiant abilities(Scroll of Fire Storm actually) and ran away, throwing caution to the wind. And, of ALL places, I end up back at the Solitude gate. I proceeded to rage quit and lost 3 hour of gaming time.

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I have to totally agree with the horse comment: 6."Horses are slow and practically the same things as they were in Oblivion (hint: walk backwards Seabiscuit)."They are worse than they were in Oblivion. A u-turn on a Skyrim horse is a total fiasco.The game would have been better with no horses whatsoever. I can run as fast as my horse. And what do u really get with Shadowmere?....red eyes.I do like Skyrim a whole lot though. And since I play on the PC, I don't have to put up with some of the stuff that console players are stuck with. Even with as long as it took, I think Bethesda rushed the game a little bit. A lot of bugs. Some sloppy modelling (Climb some mountains and find yourself waist deep in a rock...and various other collision problems). Too much copying of Oblivion and not enough really new stuff.But even with my complaints, compared to other games, it beats them hands down in my opinion.

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Not sure if this is a hicup with the game or with my PC: Sometime I encounter 2 dragons while I roam about Skyrim's wilds.The odd thing is that even though my character & companion together can usuelly defeat both of them. ( as long as the healing potions last anyway.) but when I face 2 dragons I can collect the sould of only one even when I draw the second dragon away from the first body.I am able to collect all other loot from both bodies but not 2 souls, is this a bug or was it planned?

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Not sure if this is a hicup with the game or with my PC: Sometime I encounter 2 dragons while I roam about Skyrim's wilds.The odd thing is that even though my character & companion together can usuelly defeat both of them. ( as long as the healing potions last anyway.) but when I face 2 dragons I can collect the sould of only one even when I draw the second dragon away from the first body.I am able to collect all other loot from both bodies but not 2 souls, is this a bug or was it planned?

I don't believe encountering two dragons is a bug, but not being able to collect both souls probably is. I've ran into two dragons a few times as well; it must just happen when you're on the border area of sight of both creatures. Once, while fighting two dragons, there was a 3rd within my line of sight - it never attacked me though, as it was just frozen in the sky.
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Oblivion and Skyrim are notorious for long loading screens anyway. One thing I miss from Oblivion is the game would pre load the last area you were in. So lets say you left Breezehome and went into Whiterun, the load screen would be like 2 seconds long since it was the last place you were in prior to entering the place you are now.Also, there are only human children. I want to see some Khajiit cubs, damnit.

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