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Officially Closing Down (Probably)


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There hasn't been any RuneScape related discussion that wasn't posted by Captain Falcon (a bot) in weeks. It's going on 2 months with only 1 application. No leadership or member activity to speak of.Seriously, unless someone is going to step up in this thread and take things into their own hands I plan on just closing the application forum.

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I think we should focus on a new game and recruit new members. I really want the community to grow, but right now we are mostly playing different games and just talk about random stuff. I don't really think that's bad, but I don't think we will get more members that way.

I was thinking we could expand into Dragon's Dogma, Dark Souls, and Dust 514. DD and DkS fit with our style and are amazing games with unique online components, and Dust 514 is going to be free.
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I take full responsibility for the lack of applications at the moment, since that's my responsibility and I haven't actually done much recruiting for ages since other things have gotten in the way, when I have though people generally aren't interested in joining our clan, they're either after an active clan with lots of activity or a new one with barely any members that they can start up.Add to that the lack of interest people have for Runescape now, and yeah, maybe it is time to look at expanding into different games.

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I think we should focus on a new game and recruit new members. I really want the community to grow, but right now we are mostly playing different games and just talk about random stuff. I don't really think that's bad, but I don't think we will get more members that way.

The RuneScape clan, TRR, is what we'll close. ES and whatever isn't going anywhere, but at the same time it's not a clan. The site (with the current exception of TRR's part) is just a gaming discussion forum, which will grow to include a wide variety of different gamers (hopefully). I do think we should all try to get together on other common games we all have, though. CoD, Minecraft, etc.

Looks like we are done.We are a forum of people who happen to like to talk to eachother. Nothing more.

Pretty much this. That's all any forum is, after all. The RuneScape clan aspect of it all has been gone for quite awhile in my opinion. I do think it's salvageable and I'm positive that there is more than enough activity in RuneScape to return to whatever former glory we had... It's a matter of finding enough leadership willing to devote the time and resources necessary to get there again. That's the part I'm not seeing happen, hence this thread.
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I'm willing to put work into trying to save TRR, but I need supporting staff behind me. ATM only deathirst is online..which is kind of hard. On top of that most of us have university/college which makes it hard to keep up with runescape stuff. If anything if you do decide to close the forum, keep the clan alive and have admins run it.

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I'm willing to put work into trying to save TRR, but I need supporting staff behind me. ATM only deathirst is online..which is kind of hard. On top of that most of us have university/college which makes it hard to keep up with runescape stuff. If anything if you do decide to close the forum, keep the clan alive and have admins run it.

That's what's wrong though. Yeah, people are in school but if you want the place to continue you have to MAKE time for it. I haven't seen anyone do that, and that's why we're here. I'm also confused about what you mean by keeping the clan alive while closing the forum. There aren't any admins (or anyone, really) that are running it now, so why would they if the forums are closed?You guys need to recruit in-game and offer people positions. It's really not hard to get people interested if they're offered a position. It's just that no one is doing it, and it has snow-balled.
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Pretty much this. That's all any forum is, after all. The RuneScape clan aspect of it all has been gone for quite awhile in my opinion. I do think it's salvageable and I'm positive that there is more than enough activity in RuneScape to return to whatever former glory we had... It's a matter of finding enough leadership willing to devote the time and resources necessary to get there again. That's the part I'm not seeing happen, hence this thread.

Maybe its salvageable. Maybe.Problem is, that the only people who use the forums are the older people, from back when i started, and before i started.I probably recognize around 2 people at most who joined after me and regularly use the forums. When things were good, it didnt matter, because the clan chat would be brimming with people, or at least i would have to use the scrollbar to see who is around.Runescape isn't dying, otherwise there wouldn't be over 100 servers, with 2-5 having permanently full status between peak hours. Anyone who thinks otherwise needs to think a little more.TRR itself has issues, which can only be resolved by a group of people who want TRR to thrive, not one person who says "I b recruit soonz"I wish i could find the energy to help properly within Runescape, but as it stands, its not really a fun game anymore, in fact, i never actually enjoyed Runescape itself i enjoyed it because i could talk to people, friends who i once played RS with, and had AMAZING times chugging around runescape doing events with, and really getting to know you guys. - This ain't there no more, hence why i fucked off to play League of Legends.I do hope its workable to get TRR back and properly active, all it takes is a few new faces who really want it. I mean REALLY want it, who wanna make time to do things for the greater good.
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1. See who's still active and wants to do something.2. Nominate a few eager council members3. Make a really fun clan event for a few days time.4. Recruit through out those few days in-game prior to the event.5. Mention eldersouls now and then and during the event.6. The clan begins to grow.Won't quite be that simple but that's a good way to go :D

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I know that I don't have much to do with TRR, don't play RS, and never will again. And even though I post sometimes now, that'll change once BO2 is out next week, but anyway.You guys have to realise that this is all or nothing. You have the choice of EVERYONE giving it their best, and eventually (but slowly) gaining activity - getting a small bit of activity if the hard bit, after that it gets easier and easier tbh.OR, you could just accept the fact that FaGex ruined RS and a lot less people play the game now than in say, 2012 - so clans have dramatically died since, obviously not fully, but the top 10 clans aren't even overly active. But on that note, it would be an idea to not close it down and never hear about it again, just keep going on more-so as a very laid back community. Because seriously, TRR has such a great history and it would be a shame for it to close.Maybe you guys could make the clan more fun, make events where big amounts of members aren't required, just for fun - hell, even clan wars, recruiting to clan chat and owning other clans ftw.Now yeah yeah, I can't say anything, I'm at least going to admit that I'm not going to help much so maybe me saying this is just a load of bs, but I'm just throwing some ideas out (even though they might have already been said, didn't read other posts).

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