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The Rebelz: Clan History


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-.:: The Original TRR and Heavy Blade ::.-




Im Green121. If you read the History, you have some insight as to who I am. Ill give you my perspective on everything, some more details and such, but you should know. I can vaguely see how some might feel that I was in some way the "creator" of THIS Runescape Rebelz, but you'd have to really read in-between the lines for that. Everything that is 'this' and which is important to you people, is in no way related to me. Its someone elses dream/work/dedication. I dont know your history at all, but this place has obviously done well, has interesting people (to say the least lol), and I must say, I was quite impressed. Still, lets just get it straight. Im not responsible for anything here.

Just wanted to clear up that confusion, becuase I got asked some weird questions. I'm going to tap into my former TRR personality, try not to judge me by my words or actions on the history.

*The Clans Reasoning for why we did the things we did or the truth behind incidents, is on them. Again, this is from my point of view.


I pretty much ripped off the Runescape Rebel name. Are you shocked? Probably not, not if you knew me better. I changed the Rebels to Rebelz, but even this wasn't enough to stop the other Runescape Rebel clan from harrassing my, recrently created, Runescape Rebelz clan. At the time, I had a few friends and my brother under my command. My first clan vs clan confrontation, simplistic it seems, but this was...dare I say, my awakening. Turns out, I can be pretty persuasive when push comes to shove. With hardly any muscle, I put on a cocky attitude and both encouraged and discouraged the other clan to do something about it. Maybe they didn't think we were worth the trouble, or maybe they were already thinking of a better solution, but all I know, was that a few days after they turned away, they changed their clan name. This incident lasted a few days, but it happened right at a recruitment boost (thanks to my over-active little brother) and this established me as a proper Leader. It didn't feel like we just created some random name. We 'became' the Runescape Rebelz, it was something we fought for and earned. None of us wanted to give that up.

This was the stepping stone, what most call the 'foundation'. As great as it was, things happen. I got pwned by my parents and severely restricted from using the computer~lol. I had no one to give the clan to and disbanded my group of 30 to go find new clan homes. Wished them well, apologized and went back to dealing with Real Life issues.

Months pass and Im back on track, but no longer have the desire to recreate TRR. However, when I started getting active on Runescape again, people were asking me to restart it. Excited to see me and so on. It would have melted your heart....but not mine. I refused to restart it. I wasn't in the mood to play Leader, it was an interesting experience, but that was about it to me. I figured fate stepped in last time and if I defied fate again, I'd get the same punishment.

That was, until my friend came to me for advice. His name was Dragonfire17, I met him in clan SeeD. We were good friends. The first time we met was at a SeeD party. He walked up to me and demanded to wear my Green Mask rare, so i gave it to him. He danced and laughed, passed it around the room and then gave it back to me. First time I felt like randomly trusting someone I didn't know and he was prolly thinking it was the first idiot he ever saw to actually trust him with a rare. Anyway, we were good friends, and had similar attitudes. Sharp tongues, semi-serious emo attitudes, and a knack for getting in trouble. The difference between me and him, was that I could leave all my friends at SeeD without a secound hesitation but he was the type to stick around and try and justify his actions or correct incidents. So what exactly was happening at SeeD?

SeeD was going through a stage in its clan-life where the Power within wasn't stable. People abusing their Mod-Powers, breaking their own rules, the IRC was a mess. Banning and Boots for various unpreditable reasons. Dragonfire and I were two victims. I had made a personal enemy with Baseballl, 2nd in command (at the time). He really was gunning for me. I have a resilient attitude, so I took the punches and didn't complain too much. Dragonfire didn't take his harrassment so seriously either, but it must have bugged him when he saw me gettin mistreated and started sticking his nose into my business and Baseballl started messing with him too. I was on the verge of quiting, although SeeD was my first clan and I met some cool people, it didn't feel suitable for me. Thats when Dragonfire got me involved in with The Knights of the Orange Faction, otherwise known as TKOF. TKOF was a newly established SeeD movement that wanted to point out the obvious misuse of powers. Many of us went on AIm for a large-scale meeting. I was surprised to see Baseballl there. He really didn't bother that many people, but he was my personal tormentor and it put me on edge. Some people complained that he was there, but Baseballl calmly explained that he "felt" for us and agreed. He wanted to help and who better then the 2nd in command to have on your side? I couldn't really stomach it and I snapped. I speed-typed a pretty brutal slam that somehow divided the room into two seperate opionions.

Are we here to get revenge on SeeD or trying to fix SeeD?

Those who felt bad wanted to fix, those who were harrassed wanted blood. Up to this point, I had no real hatred for SeeD, but when Dragonfire demanded those who wanted revenge to join his party and I sat, watching one by one as people logged from our room. I thought about how much I had endured for the sake of a Global Mods amsuement. I gave a final warning about trusting Baseballl and followed Dragon. Baseballl ended up taking over the meeting, and lightly threatening everyone into submission. Cspace, SeeD Leader, congragulated on him doing such a superb job and Baseballl was credited for defusing a situation before it got out of hand.~

As for us who left earlier. We all got together and conspired against SeeD. Not one among us stepped forward to manhandle the role of Leader, so we only talked about possibilities and departed. Soon after, one of us, who I can hardly remember now, created the Anti-SeeD Clan. I was asked to join, so I did. It was found out real quick, and its impossible to run a clan successfully with so much pressure from SeeD. It turned into a place to just rant about SeeD, nothing got done. So I quit. Labeled as a SeeD deserter, I decided not to return to SeeD. Dragonfire and I didn't talk so much after I joined Anti-SeeD. Im not the type to poke, if he wanted to talk, he would contact me. So I went solo and he stayed in SeeD.

This is when I created TRR, which I already talked about. I didn't feel like starting with SeeD. So now were where I was. Dragonfire, after I came back, and decided not to revive TRR, suddenly wanted to chat. He told me he was finally at his ropes-end. He was pist at SeeD and wanted to create a clan to rival them. He said he wanted to start the clan with me. I didn't mind, I would be acting Leader, but I was going to let him call all the shots. He said we needed a name and members.

I half-heartedly told him about TRR and he said it was perfect. Gather everyone I could, open the forums back up, and get this thing started. So we did. This was the TRR that most remember. When we hit our prime (as me being Leader). The TRR that was out for SeeD blood...

So how did we do? This is what went down~

Dragonfire was reluctant to leave SeeD, which put me on edge, but I reminded myself I trusted him over and over again and didnt complain too much. We shared responsibilities, although, since our foundation considered me the "True Leader", I ended up putting in all the face time. Handling situations, greeting new members, regular stuff. Guy named Blue, became our technician, handling the site and forums. It was a risk but I couldn't run the clan by myself and Dragonfire seemed to be lost and having trouble adjusting to the role of Leader. I turned to Blue, who seemed highly educated and helpful. We became a Tri-Force. Three Leaders.

No one in the Rebel clan realized the true nature or ambitions of me and Dragonfire. SeeD was nothing to the clan, no one knew of our history or that Dragonfire was multi-clanning. (He said he was a spy).

That all changed...the day Dragonfire invited SeeD members to join us.

Dragonfire told me his plan was to use SeeDs strength to help us grow. Which...sounds resonable from the outskirts but I couldn't see the logic. i was pretty peeved but didn't let it bug me. I welcomed SeeD with opened arms. And they came, in a bigger bulk then I could imagine. They were under the presumption they were just clan friends who would help keep the place active. Of course the Rebels and SeeDlings were meeting each other and starting to get friendly, which was just dandy if me and Dragonfire weren't secrectly plotting against them. I really couldn't have my Rebelz being contaminated by SeeD, making friends would be disastrous.

I guess Dragonfire felt my discomfort or change in attitude. He started avoiding me when I got less submissive and more demanding. Eventually to the point where he didn't log into rs or the forums. To me, it was like the Leader had abandoned the clan. Which meant I had to step up. Sure, I looked like the Leader, acted like the Leader, but I didn't feel like it. In my head, i was just handling business for the Leader. It was Dragonfire who ultimately lead to the recreation of the Rebelz and his idea to go against SeeD. I was just the face...but when he left. It felt like it was just me and that night, I discarded my trust in Dragonfire to properly lead TRR, but held on tightly to what he originally stood for. So I wondered...how would go about handling this type of awkward scenario. What I decided was...

To Destroy my Own Forums. Previously Blue was telling me that he was going to quit. We talked for a little bit, and I simply asked him to leave without saying goodbye. He wanted to leave becuase he didn't feel welcomed and didn't make too many friends here, in other words, the work didn't seem fullfilling. Since this was his reasoning, it didn't take much to get him to agree to my favor.. I tore up the forums using his account, as a precaution and left traces of the haxing as being Dragonfires fault. I'll tell you my intentions and then the conclusion...

My goal was to make it seem like Dragonfire had chosen SeeD over TRR. That he was under SeeDs orders to attack our forum. To reveal the truthe behind the recreation of TRR and publically become SeeDs enemy. This to give the clan proper direction and simply have everyone be on the same page as me. I had proof (using my admin powers) that it was Blues account that had hurt the forums, which I was going to reveal to clear up Dragonfires name. Then me and Dragonfire could continue to run TRR as we rightfully were meant to do.

What really happened....was everything up to the point with Dragonfire. Dragonfire ran straight back to SeeD without even talking to me. I mean, I knew he was innocent, you'd think he'd come to me to clear his name and I could explain the situation to him. By the time I could get in touch with him, he had already returned to SeeD, played dumb to the situation and totally left me out high and dry. As for me, I handled business. I stole the Ips of those SeeDs who had joined. Banned them all. Gave TRR the burning desire to destroy SeeD, set up our objective and asked if everyone would support me.

They did, and so...the conflict between SeeD and TRR started.

Our objective was looked at in different ways and really, you just found the one that worked for you. The point was, if you were in TRR, you were against SeeD. Done deal. I spent lots of time fighting on their boards, our members, sometimes helped, but it was their territory so I would ask that they wouldn't go over there. A clan that size, it was like fighting an army of individuals daily, you could never be right, every squeeze you put on someone would be countered by a tital-wave of complaints/attacks and so forth. It was a stressful environment that I didn't want just anyone going up against. It was hard on me too. I sometimes would have a bad day and just get ripped a new one, other days I could handle people left and right like a pro. The clan was eating it up and very slowly, it was starting to turn SeeD on its self. When you have that many people, its only a matter of time before you break a few people down and get them to see what you mean. Once they do, they say something like "Green has a point" which gets another SeeD to attack that person who is then attacked by someone defending the same person. I liked keeping the fighting on their territory, it was a double-edged sword, either be dominated or struggle till you find that one weak individual. Besides my personal, daily and deadly verbal confrontations with SeeD. I had the Rebelz abuse or tamper with their Cbox, some harrassment on RS. Raiding some of their more one-sided events, like Monk Wars. Where a bunch of Seedlings go into the Wildy with nothing but Monk Robes to fisty-cup each other to death. That was a fun day, running in there and laying them all to waste~

Little things like that. When they continued to refuse to war us, we stepped it up a notch and branched out to other clans. Creating the Anti-SeeD Alliance. Im proud of the Rebelz, we really did everything we could to initiate a war, and came prettty damn close too. To the extent where we had a good portion of them agreeing and pleading to go to war with us. I tried to set up an unofficial war with some people who said they wanted it, it would have been great to only get a portion of their clan to fight us and dominating, but they refused. Dont blame them, by that time, we had a good amount of support for our War.

So, as things progressed, it was apparent everything was going to implode. TRR members were getting pumped up and had nothing to vent on, except each other. Dealing with our members and SeeD members. Ugh, it was depressing. It got to the point where I was pretty fed up with everybody. This guy King...I think it was King. Whatever. He had joined TRR at some point, he called himself a SeeD killer and boasted about tracking down and killing Killerconvct, a particularily strong SeeDling. One of their toughest guys. He had picture as proof.

Now, I might not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but Im not blind. Neither am I much of a Pker but I was on a Bounty-Hunter squad for awhile (back when that was popular) and did my fair share of tracking. I talked to King and didn't buy his story of how he came across Killer and dominated him. Nor did I tell him I didn't. I kept a watchful eye on him when I could, and it was obvious he was shooting for high ranking positions. How...Suprising~

Well, since I was looking for a way out, and this guy seemed like a good meal ticket. I worked him up the ranks and ended up giving him the Clan when I quit out. To me, the guy was prolly SeeD, but I was thinking some idiot who was trying to be a hero. Ya know, run back to his Clan and exclaim he had control of TRR. I really couldn't beleive it was Killerconvct himself (high ranking SeeD) and that he was apart of Gunblade. What is Gunblade? Gunblade is a group within SeeD that was created to handle problematic situations and clans like yours truely, but they were shut down for having unethical methods or something. I felt pretty honoured to have Gunblade after me, but I was once a former SeeDling after all, and Gunblades history sparked my interest back then.

And so, for the Secound time TRR had been shut down and I was ready to forget about it.

I stopped playing RS for, lord knows how long. I popped in from time to time, saw some old faces every so often, the same old question of "when we going to recreate TRR". I wasn't in the mood, besides, the Forums were stolen, with all my stuff. Nothing I could do. At least that exscuse worked for me for awhile. When I started getting active again, I started getting lots of weird private messages.

Apprently the SeeD/Rebelz thing really hit a note in the clan. Over a long period of time, I got apologies from SeeDlings, got to talk to Dragonfire again about how messed up things got, I laughed and healed. Killerconvct gave me the forum back, said "in the end, you were right". Right about what? You got me. I can hardly remember anything I said to those kids, but I know after endless days of fighting, with posts as long as this one, Im sure something must have stuck within several people. SeeD did its thing, and I never really had the urge to go all out on SeeD again, not after all that happened after the Rebelz forum got "robbed".

Dunno who it was, but I had let the info slip that I got the Forum back. Being in a better mood, having people asking me to recreate TRR just ONE MORE TIME, I couldn't really turn them away. I may not be best friends with old TRR members, but we did spend a lot of time together and I figured it'd be nice to get the gang back together just for old times. TRR was, once again...recreated. Yea, you getting tired of reading that? I was truely tired of doing it, but it was what they wanted from me, and so I gave it to them.

TRR didn't have a SeeD hating theme, although this turned out to be very awkward and problematic. Some people were still tripping out over SeeD and I had nothing to really say to those people lol. Its hard to completely hate your first clan, or it was for me. I don't think people ever really understood how much time I actually spent with SeeD, or that it was my first Clan. No matter how long someone was with me in the TRR clan, they couldn't understand the situation from my perspective. I wish Dragonfire had stayed with us, even if he was a lazy leader.

Oh right, well since we had a different theme and it was awkward, I was already planning on leaving TRR before it even got completely back on track. People were coming back and we were getting a few new people, but it just didn't feel right. I secretly created Clan Heavy Blade. Heavy Blade was truely the clan that I had always wanted to create, but things happen. Lets see, at one point I was running both TRR and HB. I vaguely remember working 000_000 into the postion of taking over TRR so I could persue other interests. Im not sure how it happened, but some how I invited Giraffes along with me.

Which was the biggest mistake ever.

Although I realize this now, I never really payed much attention to it back then. Lets call myself paper. Im blank, blank is lonely and no fun, so I decide to put on a bunch of pictures on myself. Lets say the pictures represent clan members. Giraffes was the glue. Maybe I subconciously thought that if I took the glue with me, I could find a whole new assortment of pictures, or maybe I was just greedy. I don't know, but she got invited to come with me. You cant steal the glue people. Because even if you rip the pictures away from the glue, a peice of it is left on the pictures...

Her new identity became Cherry and I became Kian.

We built the clan up a bit, I got a surprising visit from 000_000, who was the new TRR leader. One thing led to another and we set up a war date. Surprise TRR! When they showed up to find me and my new clan, you could say they were a bit shocked, confused and dismayed. Still we fought, it was fun, till we got side-swiped by a third clan. It sucked, specially since I was trying to use the opportunity to really piss off TRR and discourage them from joining HB. Not that I hate those people, but I wanted a fresh start, you cant hate me for that. Well actually you can, and some of the old TRR peeps still do lol.

Well, most joined for Cherry, some were mad at me or still mumbling "wtf just happened?", and I was slightly happy just becuase I had a new playground and managed to make a new "foundation" before the war, with a bunch of people who were true blue HB'ers and not TRR leftovers. Vamp, Runemoongoon, I could name several. Again, not hating on the old TRR people, I should have manned up and broke off all ties with everybody, including Cherry. Anyway, what happened happened and I went with the flow.

HB was at least a year old before it died out, I think. Pretty damn close if it didn't make it. Good times, good memories, with lots of people. Since I wasn't off fighting SeeD every day, I got to be an actual Clan Leader and it was cool. Anyway, I had a IRL issue that was triggered and made one of those indecent emo incidents. As Nob said, I lost all respect after that. Everything was a Pity party or just felt stupid, so I stole our clan bank to ensure everyone understood that I didn't want to be bothered, and left. They got the impression that I was feeding off the attention, which worked out in my favor becuase I actually got left alone for awhile. Well some-what, initially I had to get through the "why would you do that" and the "Omg you betrayed us" speeches that everyone wanted to give me.

From there I did my own thing, venturing out to new clans, finding new experiences and meeting new people. As for my trigger, I ended up getting help finally. Cost me half a year in a mental institution but I found it to be an interesting experience where I got to meet all types of twisted and fun individuals. An dont even ask to play a game of Uno, I could beat you blind-folded.

Trag was nice enough to hit me up on RS and respectfully ask if he could use The Rebelz name and use whatever graphics we had. I said it was cool. He could have claimed to be the Founder for all I cared, but it was nice enough for him to include me. <3

An thats all I gotta say about TRR and HB~

-.:: The Original TRR, Heavy Blade, and Regeneration::.-

2004-2008 Summary

Tragic and Skoal

Introduction - Green121

It all started with the man we called our leader; Green121. Green was an inspirational leader with a knack for speeches and was great at rallying his clan members. Even in our darkest hours he always managed to pull us together. Even though he was a great motivator, he had many downfalls and more often than not lead us into despair because of them.


In the beginning we had one goal; the destruction of the clan known as SeeD. Many called SeeD an open oligarchy, but we saw it for what it truly was: a parasite on the world that needed to be eradicated. SeeD had a plan to gain control over Runescape through sheer numbers. They often absorbed weaker clans into their system, and therefore these clans and it's members were transformed into mindless followers of SeeD. With their leader CSpace and his lackey Star Jedi, they managed to swell their ranks to over one thousand strong. With no reason to stop, they continued to grow becoming a uncontrollable force on Runescape.

Through Green's guidance we all began to realize what a plague SeeD was and our mission became clear. To accomplish our mission we began recruiting and spreading our message to the world. With constant threats and guerrilla style attacks on and off of Runescape we began to grow restless. Even through we had a sizable clan and a legitimate argument for war, the SeeD leadership banned their clan from warring us. Of course, this was all based on their reasoning that "violence solves nothing", even though we are talking about a game.

With this blow to our cause we began to resort to an underground warfare campaign against SeeD, hoping this would back CSpace into a corner with no other resolution other than the inevitable: war. While most were fighting on this front, a select few were working on creating a great alliance involving multitudes of clans throughout Runescape. This group would come to be called the Anti-SeeD Alliance. Many of the great friendships that were created during this period continue today, as strong as ever.

Eventually, members of old TRR began to grow restless and discouraged by SeeD's refusal to war. Because of this, many of Green's followers quit Runescape and moved on. After several high ranking betrayals took place in both TRR and the ASA (Anti-SeeD Alliance), the rebels and the SeeD resistance movement ultimately fell apart. Although the rebellion ultimately failed, significant pressure was put on SeeD, and it eventually weakened into the hollow shell that exists in it's place today.

Heavy Blade - The Final Betrayal

Green had foreseen TRR's potential for disintegration ever since SeeD had originally rejected the idea of a war. After realizing a war would most likely not come, he began quietly building a new clan called Heavy Blade. This new clan was not founded with the intention of taking down SeeD, it was created with the simple intention of creating a fun environment for all players. While Green slowly built up this new clan, TRR continued to lose it's power and influence. After awhile, Green decided to unveil HB to old Rebel members. To say the old Rebels were not happy would be a severe understatement.

Heavy Blade continued to grow peacefully for some time, but it was doomed to the same fate as Green's other clans from the beginning. Not long after HB's "age of prosperity", Green grew bored and suddenly left the clan and Runescape. Never to return. The clan was thrown into a state of chaos, but was held together by a small group of old members that had followed Green over from the original TRR. The members of Heavy Blade finally saw Green for what he was, and what he wasn't.


After the initial confusion, the Heavy Blade Council began making plans for a new clan. The new clan's name would (rather appropriately) be Regeneration. Although it was a completely new start, Regeneration suffered from many of the same problems HB had had from the beginning.

Regen, as it was called, lasted for a very short time. By now, most of the remaining members were all original recruits from old TRR. Their age showed, as most of them had already moved on from RS and only participated in the forums. With no Runescape activity to speak of, Regeneration's place in history was short lived.

The Revival of TRR

After the fall of Regeneration, the few surviving members casually kept in touch. Eventually, the idea of a revival of the once great Rebel clan was proposed. The plan quickly came into effect, and TRR was once again reborn in the form seen here today. The new Rebel clan was founded on the belief that all members are equal, and that there should be no requirements to enjoy a good clan experience. With these beliefs, the new clan grew at an exceptional rate. It's history is being written today, as the story continues...

This will hopefully be updated with dates and more information soon, as well as a more complete version of the current TRR's history.

Additional Details

Nob Cut

There is so much missing, here's a few more details.

When Green left TRR, how his new clan HB was secret from everyone in TRR except Cherry because he wanted to start fresh, then TRR declared war on HB. without knowing it was Green's new clan. as an attempted to get the clan going again because 000__000 was a very inactive leader. THOR jumped the war thanks to a leak by Uknownboy who was a clan friend in TRR and a member of THOR, after this incident HB was revealed and Green allowed for us TRR people to join HB while many disappeared. The clan lasted a while and new cool peoples were in there e.g Ills, Tragic, Tim Oneal. Green then eventually made the mistake of giving mod/council positions to 3 of those from TRR who had similar positions previously in TRR, who were useless to be honest (me, Proud and digs, digs wasn't useless), and by doing that did exactly what he didn't want to happen with HB. Green had a little rage over a Emma Watson thread me and Angelus had made : ) . Willie and Evel were rich motherfucking PKers (NZ represent). One day Green threatened to do something retarded which he didn't go through with. But people ended up leaving because everyone lost respect for him and the clan slowly started going downhill. Green then raided the guild bank and revealed that he was a douche-bag and shut the forums down. Cherry started Regeneration and I soon became co-leader (huge mistake) Ills and Skoal were up there too and everyone who gave half a shit came along but no one really cared anymore, most of the people had stopped playing Runescape and it was more a community, though some still wanted it to be a clan but it never happened due to people being lazy. All I remember from regeneration is the Cherry, Ills, Skoal and I sessions in IRC which were hilarious. Skoal disappeared due to the military or something, I joined another clan, Cherry had quit Runescape completely by then and regeneration started to die because no one could be fucked doing anything, also Proud stole my Santa hat and sold it which wasn't very nice.

Anything I've missed or have changed in my memory of how things went down?

-.:: The Origins of Modern TRR ::.-

- The Mercinaries and The Resistance -

2007 to Late 2008


I would really have to start it in like... 2007? I don't really remember when Regeneration was to be honest. But since the clan was such a stagnant POS, I began experimenting with making my own clans. I had horrible, horrible things like "The Apocalypse Clan" (not named by me), "The Shadow Warriors," and a few others that were essentially nothing more than a 13 year old fucking around with invisionfree and learning HTML. Eventually TM/The Mercenaries was created, which was the first "legit" clan I led. We were pretty bad-ass, not going to lie. At our peak, we pulled ~15 to 3 straight weeks of Wednesday KBD's. I remember a group of 8 or so high levels we had always wore matching Karils outfits and called themselves K-Unit. Oh, and we had a signature events tree that we called the "Spartan Events." We had different branches of it, like "Spartan Fight Pits" and "Spartan Clan Wars," etc. I'm pretty sure it was around the time the movie 300 came out; one of our members created an outfit that looked EXACTLY like the RS version of the 300 armor. We always matched outfits and did lulzy shit in RS while screaming cliche lines from the movie. Fucking hilarious. I think our war pulls were usually high-teens to mid-twenties, but you also have to remember that the clan was 90+/100+ and our combat averages were very high. Sadly our war record totally blew (by this I mean like .500) since we were warring other 100+ clans that were actually serious about it, and none of our leaders at the time (me included obviously) knew jack about warring. Fun fact: AL was created a bit before TM had died, and they were always afraid/refusing to war us because they knew we would pound their asses.

Many of my friends from that time joined the clan at level 80-90, which was about what I was. Now, every single one of them are over level 135. Big Nugget, Koi248, Mithos, Lotal, and Tootall19 were all Council Members we had, and my friends. We had some seriously good times in IRC.

Anyways, the clan went on for like... 1-2 years. I know for a fact I over-lapped some of my earlier attempts at creating a clan with Regeneration, but I'm pretty sure Regen was totally dead before TM.

Eventually, things started to die down as members retired from RuneScape and I lost interest. We merged with our allies, The Shadowed Legion (I think - it might have been The Shadow Legions or something to that effect, it was a really generic name that I get confused). We changed our name to "The Resistance" and created a slogan, "Together as one - we fight." It ended up doing more harm than good since we only gained like 4-5 members from TSL, and none of them were very active. I still have all of the old TR/TM banners, maybe I'll upload them later.

The Resistance forged on for a few months, but I grew bored and promoted Big Nugget to leader, who was the only one motivated enough to try to reach our previous activity. Meanwhile, old folks from Regeneration (Cherry Oak, Skoal, and Illini) started hanging around the old IRC channel again. After talking for a bit, we decided we wanted to start a new RS clan. I pushed for restarting the original TRR simply because I loved the banner, and none of us had the GFX skills necessary to make a new one. They agreed, and a new site was created. Skoal and Cherry were unchanged from their time in Regen, they were essentially there for lulz, or just "for the ride" so to speak. Disinterested in RS and just around for the nostalgia. There's nothing wrong with that, as long as you don't expect to be leading anything.

Anyways, TRR grew slowly to a few members besides us after a week or two. Meanwhile, The Resistance had had a catastrophe - ALL of the user accounts had been deleted. It was a huge controversy, and some members believed I did it. I discovered that Big Nugget's account was the source of the issue, but he swore he didn't and blamed me behind the scenes. I don't really know what happened to this day, besides the fact that it wasn't me. Big had a history of being hacked, so that could have easily been the cause. There was also some bug with invisionfree that resulted in something similar, although I don't know if the time-frames matched up.

So, what did we have then? A new clan project I was working on with a great site and few members, and tons of members without a site. I looked on the bright side of the account deletions and attempted to merge the two clans. Let's just say it didn't go so well. Very few TR members followed us to TRR (probably because going from 100+ to no reqs turned them off), and Cherry/Skoal thought that I created some type of conspiracy and the whole "memberless TRR boards and boardless TR members" was all too convenient. None of the previous two things really mattered two shits to me since the reason I was bored with TR was the member base and Cherry/Skoal didn't do anything in the new clan anyways. What did bother me, was that my friends/Council from TR butted heads with Cherry/Skoal and the whole "no reqs" idea and drifted off to their own clans.

After awhile Cherry/Skoal officially called it quits and went off to get married IRL or w/e. Mithos, who came to TRR from TR to be Council left. It was Illini and I then, and this is what most of you old TRR members remember joining, so I'll stop here.

The Runescape Rebelz, 2009-2012

by MstrMonopoly

What's the greatest story ever told, you ask? Well, I don't know a single epic saga greater than the one The Runescape Rebelz have provided. Now, you might be calling me crazy - this is a world in which the Lord of the Rings exists, after all. But after you read these stories, you'll probably consider the Lord of the Rings to be crappy shit all too obsessed with elves.

I joined this clan in June 2009 - one of three notable members to join on the same day, along with a temperamental British guy named Master_Liono and some rich guy who had 99 RC before RuneSpan, Moghadasian. Both of these guys always showed up to wars, so they're cool in my book. But for the first three months of my TRR tenure, I basically only hung around in the Clan Chat - after three months, I only had 40 posts or so on the forums, almost all of them "gratz" or some stupid spam like that. Some of the more notable members I met at the time were Blexun, back when he was nice to everyone, and Nuggeh, a beloved level 3 skiller, back when he was just three years old instead of four. Together, we formed the epic IRC channel #mindmyskillz, an IRC whose fortunes paralleled those of TRR's, but with a lot more lulz and a lot more Edwin. Later invites to #mindmyskillz included WilsonsWar and Isaiah_T. Seriously, everything fun and noteworthy happened in IRC.

After about three months, I got promoted to events team after being heartily encouraged by David. I still didn't use the forums that much, but that changed after I started posting lots of reflections. It was around this time that major drama started going down. One of the Council members, Lord_Caspen, who everyone hated because he always bragged about his stats despite the fact that his account was given to him, plus he was a roleplaying douchebag, started stirring up some trouble. Caspen never really worked and was more famous for the phrase "Hail and well met, friend [x]," which was parodied mercilessly by the denizens of #mindmyskillz after Caspen's departure. Anyway, Caspen got in a serious feud with Illini, the old leader of TRR that happened when Caspen's even more retarded friend Wil_0rtiz started claiming that all poor people were dumb. When Illini understandably attacked Mr. 0rtiz for this, Caspen appealed to TRR's other founder, Traaginen. Unfortunately, Caspen and David were also in a fight because David had told him that a roleplaying requirement for the clan was retarded. Caspen then quit in a huff. I don't have the picture on me, but Caspen was a ginger also.

Anyway, Caspen's welcome departure from the clan opened up a Council spot for a hard-working Events Team member named MstrMonopoly. I joined Blexun and a southerner fond of using the n-word, Jaker-out, on the Council. Needless to say, I was the only one who was really doing good work on the Council at the time, but we also had two excellent leaders in Jamie and Blue_Speed, both of whom were very charismatic and knew how to inspire a clan. We also had two other extremely important members, Allan, our webmaster, and Henry, our resident troll. Allan, to put things simply, knew his shit. Although he could be a bit of a big spender when it came to web hosting, and always changed his mind on which hosting service the Rebelz should use, he was undeniably a smart guy. Then, there was Henry. To be honest, I could write about Henry more than pretty much anyone else in this clan. Not only was Henry a great council member and probably one of the two best warrers TRR has ever had (the other being Drags, who won war MVP with excellent binding more often than probably anyone else), he was also a masterful troll. I remember one incident with an emo kid named Ninja who basically spammed the clanchat with crummy stuff related to his problems. Basically, Henry flamed him out of the clan chat. While this may have been bad for Ninja's life, it was great for the clanchat and Rebel life and clanchat flourished throughout late 2009 and early 2010.

There was another member of less import to the clan's history but of much greater import to clan culture - Pkth4tn3l50n, or Nelson. Nelson was often ridiculed for his stupidity and constant bragging, but truth be told he was a hilarious guy, despite being banned at least three times from the clan. The first helped lead to the split between Caspen and David, because Caspen hated Nelson and the clan leaders Jamie and David honestly didn't mind his particular brand of marijuana-drenched humor.

And the second incident led in part to the first great schism of TRR. It happened when Nelson got on Jamie's account and kicked people who insulted him from the clan chat for an hour. While this was undeniably a clusterfuck, it further highlighted the differences in leadership style between David, a natural taskmaster, and Jamie, who was far more laidback. In March 2010, discontent between TRR's leader, Jamie, and its founder, David, led directly to the first and at least second most successful TRR breakway clan, Blessed Hunters (BH). BH had strong support from TRR's webmaster, Allan, and a couple of critical members including Jaker-out and Nelson. However, BH ultimately proved to be non-threatening to TRR (its members still hung out frequently in TRR IRCs and the clan-chat) and would often invite TRR members to its events. After a month, BH dissolved because there wasn't really enough to differentiate itself from TRR, although it did run a fair number of events and attract a few high level players. Most BH members, like Nelson, Yailux, and Allan (who never really left) came back to TRR. The others, like Jamie, disappeared for a while. We were running on a one-leader system.

The thing was, though, that leader wasn't Blue. It was me. After Blue joined the army and thus had less time to fake fight dragons, David noticed that we had run out of leaders and promoted me. In addition, David stepped into more of an active role as clan leader.

There was a problem with TRR at the time, though. The usual pre-summer lull hit and suddenly we were left with all of one member doing work, the Councilman RaianTFallen, formerly of the recruitment team. Raian was another emo kid but one who could be counted on to provide a solid job when necessary. It thus must have been a shock to him when, after approximately two weeks, David and I decided to fire pretty much everyone on the staff as part of a clean-up and allow them to reapply for their positions. This move backfired, as Raian got peeved and formed his own clan, Stricken By Fate (SBF). Stricken By Fate had the backing of longtime hilarious member Aliath and his goon, Techy, who was mean to me for no good reason. It's probably because I associated with Blexun and Techy hated Blexun. This goes back to another time when Techy, Blexun, Aliath, and a guy named Shampooninja were best of friends and had a League of Evil that was funny when Shampy was there but unfunny when he wasn't and in general fell apart and it was like Sex and the City only the actors were more bangable. But that's before my time, and it may surprise some of you but for most of my tenure here I pretty much felt like a newbie. Anyway, SBF managed to pull in Morkid, this awesome Israeli guy who I thought would never betray us. However, after pulling in some of the obvious defectors like Starchar, a guy who hung around on ET doing literally nothing for 2 years, SBF fell apart and became Epitaph, a new clan that made Aliath co-leader. As with all Aliath clans, it, too, fell apart, and the members who joined came crawling back to rejoin the Rebelz juggernaut.

Through all this turmoil, TRR was still going strong - hey, it was summer 2010, after all, TRR's never had a bad summer. We had an impressive new ET - led by the infamous Bgs1977. Bgs, better known as Jeremy, was an extremely active Events Team member, probably the best I've ever had as a leader in TRR. We also had a bunch of good recruiters at the time, led by Fergal, a kid who at 12 was more mature than another member, Delroth, will be at 40. The core staff was firing on all cylinders as we barged through the summer. We were averaging 30-40 topics that had been bumped in the past 24 hours, often pulled 30-40 or more to wars, and had consistent events for the first time in TRR's history - many created by BGS, who even on council was creating 3 events a week. It was a renaissance period for TRR, and one of the few times we went basically without major drama. Sure, there was Nelson, and the constant fighting with Ancient Legion (for those of you who don't know, AL is our rival clan. They are obsessed with disqualifying us based on retarded technicalities and then when we try to do it, they laugh and claim they would have won anyway. Seriously, those guys are idiots, and warring them just for the fun of watching their post-war reaction was priceless) but TRR stayed mostly stable throughout the summer.

Sadly, all good things have to come to an end. Despite Jeremy's terrific work ethic and mostly on-point liberal commentary, he had a weakness - a weakness for pornography. Jeremy propositioned pretty much every member of the clan he knew well for nudes, guys and girls alike. He became obsessed with this one girl from the Netherlands, PureUranium, and it was this struggle that ultimately defined Jeremy's tenure as a Council member. Although Jeremy's behavior was tolerated to an extent because of his productivity, he did two things that crossed the line - one, he propositioned nudes from someone he didn't know well and caused them basically to quit the clan, and two, he posted pornography in #rebelz after David and I speciifically told him not to. This led to Jeremy's first firing from Council. However, we did not tell Jeremy that he could never be Council again.

And thus the Lorena saga started. Maybe it was the fact that she had pretty blue eyes. Maybe it was the fact that she was a "lying, scheming bitch." Maybe it was the fact that she had tits and played Runescape. Whatever the reason, TRR fell head over heels for her in October 2010. And when I say TRR, I mean Jeremy, Delly, and IRC stalwart xdan. While Delly's involvement with Lorena was never serious because of his high, girlish Scottish voice and his preoccupation with kilts, the fight between xdan and Jeremy led to a serious rift in clan relations. Jeremy became increasingly depressed, planning to commit suicide multiple times, and listening to Frank Sinatra on repeat for hours. Meanwhile, Lorena continued to lead him on. This only worsened Jeremy's depression. Soon, it was revealed that a fourth player had staked a claim to Lorena's heart - Allan. Somehow, Allan obtained a sexually graphic (but not nude) picture of Lorena and it got reposted endlessly by Jeremy, Dan, Delly, and yeah, a fucking fifth dude, Ozzy_Rules_U. Ozzy, also known as Carter Weinman, was honestly a decent person most of the time, until later, and you'll find out about that. While this was all fine and dandy as long as it was going on in private channels, a fight over Lorena ensued. Allan presented himself as a man above this chaos but he was really interested in her too. The main players, however, were Jeremy and Dan, and Jeremy once again posted nude pictures of girls in #rebelz.

For any other member, this probably would have earned a slap on the wrist. Hell, Allan linked to pornography literally the day before. I realize now that this was a double standard and letting go of things, especially considering Jeremy's precarious mental state at the time, was the best idea. However, the fact stands that David and I had repeatedly warned Jeremy not to get involved with nudes at the time, so we demoted Jeremy back to member. Again, we told him that he could work his way back up to High Council, but this time he was having none of it, and sulked around a few more days before forming what was probably the most successful TRR branchoff and what probably helped kill it temporarly, The Legacy of Legends (TLoL).

Both Fergal and Jeremy were very popular members and when they formed their clan a lot of TRR members joined TLoL. TRR and TLoL were always at odds with each other and we both sort of hated each other. This was because TRR felt that TLoL was actively recruiting from TRR (which they were at some point) and because TLoL thought that this was justified if people were sick of TRR (which some people were). Anyway, Jeremy and Fergal ran the clan starting in October 2010. For a while, the rivalry ignited both clans - activity was high on the forums, and good ol' one-upsmanship kept events and recruitment running. Then, the winter hit. Usually, winter coincides with a decline in activity anyway. However, this time it was even worse than usual due to the TRR player-base being split up between TRR and TLoL. Events basically ceased functioning, and recruitment dried up. In addition, I grew really busy with other commitments and resigned my leadership position in TRR, and the loyal council member Terravilla replaced me as clan leader. I don't know much about the next three months or so but what I do know is that TRR was largely dead when I came back.

The RuneScape Rebelz and The Legacy of Legends

May 2010 to March 2012

By Fergal

I first joined TRR sometime in May 2010, think it was the 23rd or something. Anyway, at that time I was very new to RuneScape, such a noob, only like level 20-30, so I wasn’t very familiar with how clans worked in RuneScape, so it was by pure luck that I found TRR on one of those sites you can vote for a clan to be #1, runescape100.com or something along those lines. So I said I’d give it a shot, I must say, it was really a lot of fun back then – it had much more members than nowadays, extremely active, you get the idea. I think my first ever war with TRR was against the “Forsaken Legends”, always seemed to be warring TRR around that time anyway.

Two months had passed since joining and I got my first MotM award, I was really shocked to be honest, but eh, I guess it shows how much dedication to TRR and RS I had at that time, much more than I could ever have today, no matter how much I tried. The summer of 2010 in TRR was great, there was a few events every day, high attendance, and a great atmosphere, what more could you ask for in a clan?

At first, I was a Diplomat/Recruiter, did a fairly decent job, then I also become an Event Coordinator, made my fair share of events, then I eventually worked my way up to Moderator, Council and finally High Council. It took some 6 months before I made it to H.C., but I had fun, met some great friends along the way – IRC was the highlight of the clan though.

After the summer was over, things began to change for the worse, nothing big, but to me, TRR wasn’t the same – the atmosphere was no longer as great, activity decreased and the clan chat was full of annoying kids who thought they were great because they sat in the CC, mainly causing trouble and not even showing their faces in the IRC or on the forums. A lot of drama was found in the clan up to October, even bgs1977 got “demoted forever” for begging for nudes or something. That’s when I decided to step down from High Council and leave – problem something I regret doing right now in some ways, but I did anyway. I made my leaving post and ended up being begged to stay by some people and even had two topics dedicated to me by Liono and StarTrip56, good times.

BGS was gone from TRR, so was I, so he had this idea about making a new clan, I went with his idea and we did it, the clan was called “Legacy of Legends”. The clan was slow enough starting, hell, even Lorena had joined in as a third founder before it started, she was the one who came up the name, I liked it. She didn't last long in the clan though, shortly after joining she was banned for causing nothing but trouble and that was the end of her, well, she did pop up a few times, mainly to cause more trouble, don't know why we ever let her in our IRC after we banned her in the first place. So anyway, the only IRC channel I could find for the clan was "#TLoL" which is probably why everyone calls the clan tLoL as opposed to LoL. Shortly after, I set up some free forums with ZetaBoards - although I had little to no experience with running forums, I did fine, then again, I devoted a lot of time into those forums. Very early on in the clan, Lorena managed to get a TRR Council member known as Judobreaker to join LoL, this was before she left/was banned. Judobreaker promised us proper forums and a proper domain, which never happened, he sorta disappeared, but did make us a cool recruiting advertisment before that, he was a cool guy. Before we knew it, people were actually joining, another person worth mentioning was Aliath, a TRR veteran I believe - stayed with us for ages as Council, really helped out. Gradually we were tearing away members from TRR, some actually were of value to them, Ozzeh, Jackwootten, and StarTrip56 for example, the list could go on forever, seriously, I will admit that LoL was made up of TRR members mainly, the only reason it lasted so long.

After I originally left TRR, I never really stopped hanging around their clan forums, IRC and CC, which some people didn't like, because I was accused of stealing members etc. All this lead to me being banned, which was fair because I did steal some minor things like HTML codes and ideas off their forums, but who could blame me, all I wanted was to have a successful clan. I never directly "stole" any members, more like people from TRR just joined when they heard about LoL because I hung around so much. All of this caused a lot of clan drama between LoL and TRR - constant flame wars etc. Whoa, there was a lot of flame wars - even BGS saved numerous logs of fights between clan leaders of LoL and TRR, although I'll have to admit, it was more exciting than anything, certainly wasn't boring. Something around then Ozzeh did get banned too, he said it was something to do with him complimenting TRR as a clan, but saying LoL was better, although I guess he was sitting in their channel trolling a lot.

Once a few months had elapsed since LoL was founded, we began to settle down, moving away from TRR and our clan had more recruits coming in that weren't TRR. Our admin, PR0J3CT_B0RN, set up numerous forums for us, and I have to hand it to the guy, rich or not, he spent a LOT of money in the clan and didn't get much in return - vB boards, IPB etc. Aliath's good friend, Techy, who was also an old TRR member, helped a lot too, especially with graphics and such, funny guy - best intro ever written to a clan had to be made by him. Posted Image Some of our notable non-TRR LoL members were the Team_Sweden guys, mainly Marcus, Wizzy and Bellman, they mainly just hung around LoL, but were a great boost at wars because the most of them were 138s and were in "Brutality", which was a top-10 warring clan in P2P especially. They also hosted a few drop-parties, which made us poor RuneScapers, rich. One of my favourite memories of LoL was our only every P2P war, which had turnouts of only me and the Swedish guys, it was pure ownage. We were all in TeamSpeak, so we had fun, they even made the war into a game of protecting me because I was low-leveled, hell, I got a free barrows set out of it so I'm not complaining! I remember having quite a few other dedicated members, Brabo, Mythic_killz, Davis, 7oxic kyle96, Huygens, MusicalMan00, Lia - just some people worth mentioning, had some good memories with them. Of course, there was bount to be some clan drama besides TRR, this is when Liam_00_7 joined - was nice at first, contributed a lot, but then he started to troll everyone for some reason and ended up threatening to DDoS our forums, never went through with it, but this went on for ages, kept us on edge.

Can't particularly remember when but Allan, the TRR administrator did disappear for ages, leaving TRR with no forums and little activity. He was in a serious car accident I think, that's what I remember anyway. Traggy was no where to be seen either, it was like a clan with no leaders. Delly, one of TRR's really old members did his best to revive TRR though, accessing his account in the REALLY old TRR forums, these were before the clan even moved to IPB forums, so years old. Pretty sure that's about when Blue_speed started turning up again too. Everyone tried to revive it, but didn't have much luck. This was ages after everything between LoL and TRR settled down, but everything began to start up again as TRR members joined LoL when TRR was considerably "dead", Pinoy is one I remember, but must, including Pinoy left again because Traaginen turned up again and set up new forums, something like that. I can't say that TRR was any way as active as before, but they did have a solid number of members to start up again. During this time, people like Kaiden and Terravilla with in leadership of TRR with Traggy as well. It could have been someone else, but I'm pretty sure it was Kaiden that acted as a mole from TRR, leaking information from the TRR council forums to LoL - main thing I remember was this "Things to do." topic made by MstrMonopoly to get TRR back on the road - nothing that concerned me really, basically just a few notes to get active topics, events team etc, but I did notice one point, "Poach some members back from tLoL". All of this mole shit started more drama, it was like going back to when LoL first started - even #TLoL was banned from #Rebelz because of it.

Somewhere down the line, MstrMonopoly's brother apparently deleted all member accounts on our forums as a birthday present, of course, his brother didn't realise that TRR was no longer so hostile with LoL at that time and goodbye forums. How he did it? He logged into Ozzeh's account because Ozzeh was a third leader at that time (BGS was too mentally unstable to run a clan) - it was only a wild guess that it was Mstr who did it because the IP address matched New York, where he is from. Mstr denied it, but once he had found out what happened, he told us, at least we knew he didn't mean for it to happen. Lucky he found out too, Bellman was prepared to DDoS TRR's website and destroy their IRC and Clan Chat or something, apparently he had some hacking friends I believe. But, that was around the time PR0J3CT_B0RN returned, which was an amazing coincidence, saved the clan for a while by providing us with vBulletin forums.

Eventually, everything began to cool down and things were back to normal, however, everyone knew it, both LoL and TRR were dying as much as eachother, seriously lacking numbers. I spent ages working on LoL's forums, but even Traggy complained about it too, vBulletin's ACP is impossible to use, too much options that are required to be set. Making a new forums took like half an hour. PR0J3CT wasn't particularly active during this time, but when he did last pop up, he had IP. Board forums set up for us - he was a legend in all fairness, I mean, who pays that much money for a clan he's barely even active in, this included skins and IP apps etc. But because we were so inactive around September, we decided to call quits and shut down LoL - we had a good run, but there was no point trying so hard, school was here, MW3 and BF3 were due to come out, we couldn't keep going. And besides, PR0J3CT was living in Hawaii but was moving to Texas or somewhere, think it was where he was from anyway, so we never really heard from him and the IPB forums never actually were set up so we were going to have no forums sooner or later when the bill came and we had no one who would pay. This lead to everyone going back to TRR mostly which made TRR stronger, perhaps why it is still here today, but hardly.

After shutting down LoL, I scouted for a new clan, but because I wasn’t some 110+ warring freak, I came crawling back to TRR. This was in late September of 2011. Strangely enough I was welcomed back on a generally good note, was expecting to hear non-stop crap about why I’m coming back if I left and apparently activity recruited from TRR. To be fair, most of the veterans were long gone and TRR was a lot less active than it’s previous days when I was there, but then again, all clans died a lot during that time, because RuneScape itself was dying.

When I came back, I really only planned on returning as a regular clan member who casually played RuneScape while chatting in the IRC and CC; however, knowing me, I had to as active as I could on the forums and stuff, ended up getting promoted several times, really surprised me when I got to Council because I didn’t plan on even attempting to get so high in the ranks when I applied. After a while, TRR was really lacking a Clan Leader, so Traggy decided he’d promote me, made no real difference besides appearance, all I could do now was mess around a little in the Admin CP but I still did pretty much the same work.

The real thing I began to notice was that TRR had changed it’s ways slightly, recruiting from other clans to gain more traffic on the forums as opposed to clan – it had specific forums for outsiders to post on, a bit like a miniature scale of Zybez/RS Community. The only reason we did this was to make the clan look more active, but it didn’t really work since no one was too keen on actually registering. Anyway, just before Christmas, Traaginen got this crazy idea of setting up this gaming community called “Elder Souls”, it was mainly based around “The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim” but any other games were free to be discussed. For a new gaming community, it had fairly decent activity, but the same couldn’t be said about TRR itself, we questioned whether or not to keep TRR open, but we did on the condition that we merged TRR with Elder Souls, because running two forums cost too much, and it made us look more active anyway.

You know, I have never seen so little drama in TRR, seriously, pretty much nothing. Until one day Crazycow73, TRR veteran, burst out at me after inactivity because I tried too hard, was a lickarse or something, lol. The only reason I was around so much is because I didn't want TRR to die off, I was only trying to keep the show running, but I didn't give a crap about him, his attempts to troll me didn't work, I was actually laughing in real life that he was so pissed off. After this I saw little of him, pretty much like he ragequit, he got deranked from High Council to Media Architect (a rank for people who are good with photoshop/recording).

During this time, we had some cool and helpful members, Anarchy, Jamie, Huygens – just to name a few but there were a lot to be fair. We struggled on for months until I called quits and stepped down, nothing to do with activity as such, but to be honest, I didn’t have any time to make sure TRR didn’t end up dead in the ground, not only that, but I was seriously lacking interest in RuneScape, just didn’t like the game anymore, bored me. So in late March, I left, obviously with a less dramatic goodbye because I still hung around for months to come, not activity, but did show my face. After leaving, I noticed TRR was being really quite well with Jamie, Anarchy and Traggy mainly in leadership, better job than I did.

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  • 2 months later...

I'll start it off. With just brief blanks since I'm kinda busy atm. 2009 - Elite 120 deleting abunch of forums topics, met allan moved to new forums, Conflict with Ancient legion2010 - Power struggle. Myself as a leader for a few months before leaving to teh army, Jamie running away when promoted to leader to start off a clan which died in a couple of months. Certain Council members, birth of tlol and what not. The rest is hazy atm. Mstr becoming leader2011 - Death and re-birth. My disappearence again. Rebelz closing down then re-opening :) tlol closing down. Current events.

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I would really have to start it in like... 2007? I don't really remember when Regeneration was to be honest. But since the clan was such a stagnant POS, I began experimenting with making my own clans. I had horrible, horrible things like "The Apocalypse Clan" (not named by me), "The Shadow Warriors," and a few others that were essentially nothing more than a 13 year old fucking around with invisionfree and learning HTML. Eventually TM/The Mercenaries was created, which was the first "legit" clan I led. We were pretty bad-ass, not going to lie. At our peak, we pullled ~15 to 3 straight weeks of Wednesday KBD's. I remember a group of 8 or so high levels we had always wore matching Karils outfits and called themselves K-Unit. Oh, and we had a signature events tree that we called the "Spartan Events." We had different branches of it, like "Spartan Fight Pits" and "Spartan Clan Wars," etc. I'm pretty sure it was around the time the movie 300 came out; one of our members created an outfit that looked EXACTLY like the RS version of the 300 armor. We always matched outfits and did lulzy shit in RS while screaming cliche lines from the movie. Fucking hilarious. I think our war pulls were usually high-teens to mid-twenties, but you also have to remember that the clan was 90+/100+ and our combat averages were very high. Sadly our war record totally blew (by this I mean like .500) since we were warring other 100+ clans that were actually serious about it, and none of our leaders at the time (me included obviously) knew jack about warring. Fun fact: AL was created a bit before TM had died, and they were always afraid/refusing to war us because they knew we would pound their asses.Many of my friends from that time joined the clan at level 80-90, which was about what I was. Now, every single one of them are over level 135. Big Nugget, Koi248, Mithos, Lotal, and Tootall19 were all Council Members we had, and my frans. We had some seriously good times in IRC.Anyways, the clan went on for like... 1-2 years. I know for a fact I over-lapped some of my earlier attempts at creating a clan with Regeneration, but I'm pretty sure Regen was totally dead before TM. Eventually, things started to die down as members retired from RuneScape and I lost interest. We merged with our allies, The Shadowed Legion (I think - it might have been The Shadow Legions or something to that effect, it was a really generic name that I get confuzzled). We changed our name to "The Resistance" and created a slogan, "Together as one - we fight." It ended up doing more harm than good since we only gained like 4-5 members from TSL, and none of them were very active. I still have all of the old TR/TM banners, maybe I'll upload them later.The Resistance forged on for a few months, but I grew bored and promoted Big Nugget to leader, who was the only one motivated enough to try to reach our previous activity. Meanwhile, old folks from Regeneration (Cherry Oak, Skoal, and Illini) started hanging around the old IRC channel again. After talking for a bit, we decided we wanted to start a new RS clan. I pushed for restarting the original TRR simply because I loved the banner, and none of us had the GFX skills necessary to make a new one. They agreed, and a new site was created. Skoal and Cherry were unchanged from their time in Regen, they were essentially there for lulz, or just "for the ride" so to speak. Disinterested in RS and just around for the nostalgia. There's nothing wrong with that, as long as you don't expect to be leading anything. Anyways, TRR grew slowly to a few members besides us after a week or two. Meanwhile, The Resistance had had a catastrophe - ALL of the user accounts had been deleted. It was a huge controversy, and some members believed I did it. I discovered that Big Nugget's account was the source of the issue, but he swore he didn't and blamed me behind the scenes. I don't really know what happened to this day, besides the fact that it wasn't me. Big had a history of being hacked, so that could have easily been the cause. There was also some bug with invisionfree that resulted in something similar, although I don't know if the time-frames matched up.So, what did we have then? A new clan project I was working on with a great site and few members, and tons of members without a site. I looked on the bright side of the account deletions and attempted to merge the two clans. Let's just say it didn't go so well. Very few TR members followed us to TRR (probably because going from 100+ to no reqs turned them off), and Cherry/Skoal thought that I created some type of conspiracy and the whole "memberless TRR boards and boardless TR members" was all too convenient. None of the previous two things really mattered two shits to me since the reason I was bored with TR was the member base and Cherry/Skoal didn't do anything in the new clan anyways. What did bother me, was that my friends/Council from TR butted heads with Cherry/Skoal and the whole "no reqs" idea and drifted off to their own clans.After awhile Cherry/Skoal officially called it quits and went off to get married IRL or w/e. Mithos, who came to TRR from TR to be Council left. It was Illini and I then, and this is what most of you old TRR members remember joining, so I'll stop here.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Holy shit genuinely just read that for real... I remember SeeD being hated when I was in Zdzira, it was like every clan hated them then "/ I don't remember TRR back then though. SeeD still alive?His story's similar to mine apart from I didn't create clans I'm a long term clan member and I'm not a "semi-serious emo" lolThat's the clan spirit that no longer exists though "/ and I miss it. Could say I crave it :/

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  • 2 months later...

Cherry/Skoal thought that I created some type of conspiracy and the whole "memberless TRR boards and boardless TR members" was all too convenient. None of the previous two things really mattered two shits to me since the reason I was bored with TR was the member base and Cherry/Skoal didn't do anything in the new clan anyways. What did bother me, was that my friends/Council from TR butted heads with Cherry/Skoal and the whole "no reqs" idea and drifted off to their own clans.After awhile Cherry/Skoal officially called it quits and went off to get married IRL or w/e. Mithos, who came to TRR from TR to be Council left. It was Illini and I then, and this is what most of you old TRR members remember joining, so I'll stop here.

You mad bro?
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