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August 1st, 2012 - The End of TRR (ed. HYPOTHETICAL)


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I was this morning and for a period of 2 hours no one was in the clan chat besides myself. This can be verified by Brad and others. As I write this, there are 5 people in the clan chat.Am I supposed to be surprised 2-3 people thought closing their clan was stupid? I highly doubt everyone responded to "is closing the clan stupid?" with "Traaginen by far one of the stupidest people ive ever met."Believe it or not this wasn't done just to piss people off. This is a REAL possibility that I'm telling you WILL happen if nothing changes.It's not fake. This is what I'm going to do unless I see a desire for the clan to continue.You don't understand what I said. Recruiting has been horrible all summer besides for 1 week. This does NOT mean you weren't doing your job successfully. The Diplomats have been comprised of like two, MAYBE three people doing something AT MOST recently. In the past we've had 4-6, all working.One person doing a great job is still not going to equal the output of 4 doing it.I'm sorry I don't get the mission statement of the clan I founded.I don't understand why anyone is upset. I made this thread to ruffle some feathers, and now we have more activity and ideas then we've had in weeks. Mission successful?

No all you did is anger people. And i can be the spokesperson for that very thing.Why is activity so important, The entire time i was a member of Trr it was always just talking to people and enjoying rs. not about how many people were recruited daily and worrying about how many people were on at any time.You were on in the morning. Even the people that are usually active daily like to sleep in it is the summer so coincidence no one was on?This mission statement you speak of. As i had said during my time with Trr, friendliness and chatting have been #1 things about trr. As you said you dont go on RS anymore. So how would you know why people are in trr these days? I can say for a fact most just enjoy having people to talk to while they do what they do on RS.I'm sure for a month straight there were 10+ recruited a week.(not all of which stayed i know)No people didnt say you were the stupidest person they've ever met, but back to me being canadian, I have the right to freedom of speech so i said what i thought. I did not say everyone agreed with that statement, but people have said what you did was stupid nonetheless. You've run this clan for 3 years and all you do is post a vid saying the clans done august 1st, Obviously people are going to want an explaination which you failed to provide. Even Constanci0 said himself that was stupid.If your going to End the Clan. Do it. You seem to hold all the power. And know everything about what people want in this clan.Why do ex trr members visit the cc from time to time? because they enjoyed talking, and return to do the very same thing. Kind of weird if you ask me since our Recruiting hasnt been up to "David's standards"

As far as management problems, the only thing you've done since arriving here is complain and cause "petty bullshit". Your first post in this thread was "always easier to point fingers." That's all you've ever done, and unlike others, have never done anything or took any position that gives you any right to claim you know better than those who are actually trying.

He's an Ex Diplomat as well. From the same time period as me. I think he did his part, in fact he helped recruit even before he became a diplomat himself.
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Why is everyone fighting?

From my point of view though admitttedly it may incorrect but it seems that the whole point of this thread was to get some feedback on the clan.

Which you all admirably have given whether it was actually useful or not is a different story.

I like hitting the enter key for fun.



There's a lot of finger pointing and pointless arguing that is getting everyone no where.

Sure there are problems and I won't even bother going over what has already been covered.

Instead of you members bitching and complaining saying there needs to be new blood in leadership or that there isn't enough being done.

Let me ask you this: What is stopping you from stepping up and putting forth effort to get this clan of yours on track to what you all want it to be?

It ISN'T David's job to do everything. Hell I've been there and witnessed it personally. Good for him to retire and entrust the clan onto others. All that means is that he has enough faith in you to keep it going and alive in his place. So it hasn't gone as peachy as everyone would like. It's been slowly declining. How dare he point out everything that's wrong and encourage members to take it upon themselves and step up to plate and show that they are responsible enough to lead the clan onto bigger and better things.

people have no desire to do shit for the clan cause well... its falling apart. shit, its in pieces. it was falling apart back in June.

Seriously? What right do you have to say anything about the clan then? If that's the attitude that you've taken then allow me to ask you this:

Why are you still here? If it has fallen apart and is in pieces since June, why haven't you brought it up with your leaders to share your concerns or better yet try and reverse what you see and think is happening? No one wants to see their clan fall apart and be dragged down. Proof of this is why I'm even bothering to post this despite not even being in the clan. Or as to why David has bothered to create this thread all together.

That aside. So while we're at it why not turn this thread into a giant cluster dump on the clan and let's all just rage quit and call each other names.

Well. Screw you guys. My dad can beat up your dad.

Honestly. Okay, if you are so dissatisfied with the clan then let it out. Share what you think is broken and let's see if there's anything that we can do to address those concerns. Honestly if we all do work together we can fix what is broken.

From what I've gotten from skimming over here are some key issues that are being had.

- There is no major effort being put forth by the clan as a whole to recruit new members.

- Low activity

- Many members are currently on vacation and are unable or unwilling to post on forums/play RS

What else?

Instead of bickering among yourselves let's all get this shit together and fix it.

Honestly. What are you accomplishing by going back and forth.

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aside from the comic relief, i do believe something could be accomplished with henry in here.everytime i made an effort to IMPROVE[...or 'change' ] anything, it got shit all over. the fact i got grilled on an application for being a diplomat- after i had already recruited 5+ people. now, why bother trying for anything above when such a simple choice was scrutinized. look back on the recruitment tracker. i did my job, and then felt bad for false advertising. its not all traags job, agreed. whos job is it then to get new management? cause apparently, its complete shit.i did my time here, got fed up with how every fucking issue was hushed and swept under the rug. NOTHING was ever accomplished. so i left, simple, right? i like some of the people here, which is why im here.henry. lets sort this out. after school, at the swingset.

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Thanks for your input it was... Bonerific.

I made an attempt?

But really, alright. So even though it's not my position or place to say this.

If you or anyone else got "shit on" or anything of the sort after making an effort whether that was what happened or not.

I'm sorry that, that is what happened.

This here is an eye opener for the clan and truthfully I'm glad this thread happened.

Alright. So there are issues. Let's fix them.

What's holding us back? We have the everything that is needed: Recruitment Ads, Forums, A Great Clan History, etc.... it's all there.

So again I'll ask it. What's holding TRR back?

One word: Laziness.

It's this attitude: "Well fuck, no one else is doing anything or putting any effort into this shit. Why the hell should I bother?"

Let's take a step back and see where that got us.



See what I'm getting at?

On a side note, I'm sorry that you felt like you were being attacked during your application but I'm sure that wasn't the intent. My explanation for the reasoning of that would be because in the past there have been many how to say this... "Rank Chasers" who just want the rank for the rank and don't actually do any of the shit that it entails. Past examples would be ET aka Event Team members who would work hard for about a week or two then once they got the rank they would do honest to god shit all which was absolutely infuriating.

So, how about it?

While this is here let's turn this into a thread of any concerns anyone has about the clan and what we can do to fix it.

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I regret not asking to post here but who would I ask?I worked hard during my time in TRR but the immaturity drove me off more then anything, not the inactivity as there was allways people on but the lack of mature adults.There were some but it got ridicolous.Closing the clan is not a solution, when I was told about the abuse of moderation power done here it seemed the hierarchy was so convoluted that it was nigh impossible to figure out what was going on.Maybe you should delete the in numerous ranks, make a leader, officer, member. Simple.Games wane and grow in popularity, however this one seems to have stayed the course. So let the people who wish to remain remain in TRR.And for those like the leader who quit? Then quit.You gave up, others apparently have not. Do not punish them becuase you no longer have the will.

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Thanks for your feedback AlmaWade,

I worked hard during my time in TRR but the immaturity drove me off more then anything, not the inactivity as there was allways people on but the lack of mature adults.

To be frank. Immaturity is a a common issue in most clans these days most of which is just trolling which at times is hilarious and at other extremely inappropriate.

Example: Hey guise, did you watch TDKR? I hear it's to die for.

That will just need a little bit more moderation from staff and clan members. If we allow it to happen or encourage it then we ourselves are also at fault.

Closing the clan is not a solution, when I was told about the abuse of moderation power done here it seemed the hierarchy was so convoluted that it was nigh impossible to figure out what was going on.

That's being addressed by more rigid application reviews.

We wouldn't want to be putting individuals who aren't mature in a position of power.

If you have any could you please give an example of when said power abuse happened?

Just for my own personal curiosity.

While we're on the topic of super hero movies.

"With great power, comes great responsibility."

Uncle Ben says it best.

Maybe you should delete the in numerous ranks, make a leader, officer, member. Simple.

As far as the current ranks and or positions.

EC's main focus is to create events

RT's Recruit and focus on LFC posts and bump our threads on various forums and communities.

Mod's be moderating.

Council members do all of the above while being the living the values of the clan.

Leaders manage and lead the clan on an active basis.

It's all very simple and straight forward. If there's any confusion could please elaborate that'd be great because I would very much like to know.

Games wane and grow in popularity, however this one seems to have stayed the course. So let the people who wish to remain remain in TRR.

I honestly just don't understand where you were going with that or what you mean could you also please elaborate on it.

And for those like the leader who quit? Then quit.

You gave up, others apparently have not. Do not punish them becuase you no longer have the will.

What leader quit? Also, David hasn't given up. If he had this thread wouldn't be in existence. If there was no will to keep going the entire Runescape section would just be a simple community forum not a clan forum. We're here because we want to find the issues plaguing the clan. And we are to address them.

Sadly it's hard to address issues that aren't brought up. =(

As far as closing the clan, yes the thread naming is a bit in bad taste but it was needed to grab the attention of everyone.

Look. The thread was created two whole days ago and how many people have actually read it and bothered to reply?

The answer is 10 people. Ten. Out of the ENTIRE clan.

I'm quite sure there are more then 10 people in TRR.

Clearly there is a problem. Something is broken.

Here's my closing question:

What do you think it is?

Side note:

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i must say that it is the clans responsibility as a whole that we are inactive, not any single person. sure diplomats are supposed to recruit but what keeps everyone else from recruiting. like henry said, everyone is just lazy and not stepping up, like what i have done for 3 years and running. i see nothing that's keeping us from coming back again like we have before. in other words dont be me i guess... i encourage all to apply for staff positions and would never tell someone that it's stupidoh and thanks for clearing up that you are Canadian Carroll i must have missed that you were Canadian in your first post about it.i respect everyone who voiced their opinions with the exception of carroll. you, instead of taking up the problem in a better manner decided to use verbal attacks and rage. you also failed to listen what anyone had to say which makes you ignorant, and quite frankly look like a jack ass. (pardon the language but i felt it was neccessary)

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As by my elevation to Diplomat for Forbidden Retribution I wish to state this. There is some issues between my clan and yours. Issues that will elevate to disagreements and bad blood between friends for indescrepencies of the past.Your clan needs to sit down with the members and discussion your issues in a rational and calm manner. If need be set a single member as Liason and have your members contact said person with there issues so said person can record them. Referance the lists and see if certain issues come up more then once. Focus on those issues first to be resolved.Many will not wish to openly state there issues on fear of ridicule or trolling. So you need to go threw a liason system.My issues, despite them being moot now include -- The naming guidelines including openly offensive names- The trolls who have played and are bitter or disillusioned with the game and disbarage the newer wide eyed players.- The confusion over the administration- The pressure to spend more time on forums and irc then the game said forums and irc are based for.- Finally, the fact that do to bad blood I was put in a position of tension between groups of friends.This is only my views, it means little as I have left. However if there is issues with FR, seek me out either on irc AlmaWade, game AlmaWade, or yahoo messenger joyeuxsci

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I wasn't really serious about it. It's more or less to motivate people into... You know, actually doing something. There were 0 people in the CC today for hours. No one is even trying, and it's pathetic.Just seeing the responses here, though, I don't think anyone cares. Like 3 responses in 24 hours?@Carroll and Huygens: Seriously? A "stupid way"? Please let me know of any good methods of shutting down a clan. :/

I guess I misunderstood the message this time, I took it seriously, as if there are no other options anymore.
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Hm, this is a stupid way to shut down the clan, in my oppinion. It's sad, I'm totally done with Runescape, but I still liked TRR. Well, I will stay on the forums for other games and mainly off-topic shit, anyways.

Im in the same boat at Huygens, I loved TRR I had ALOT of good memories in here like getting 99 cooking and going for wars with you guys, I even got help on an English essay from huy and got 82%. How many others clans would do this? If we do shut down imma be very sad :'(

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its apparent you did not read ANYTHING beyond the title..and maybe the first post.perhaps its actions of this nature by everyone thats piledriving TRR thru the tables and chairs and then into the groundand i assume english is a second language in the nethlands...so unless youre a canadian frog, id be embarassed to admit he helped me write a paper on anything other than quantum physics... if french is your primary language, obviously this negates the prior.just calling what i see.but i still dislike the french.

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So let's put all the negative things that were said behind us and focus on a brighter tomorrow.

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Don't pretend you weren't moved.

*Sniffle* That was the most beautiful thing I ever read. Thank you, Blexun. You are a paladin among us, and someone to look up to.

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