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The Search for Blexun's Treasure


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The Search for Blexun's Treasure

Date: Join on July 3rd. Search and clues begin on July 5th.

Location: Anywhere and Everywhere

Notes: Fun event I hope to do more of. Free swag as well


With the completion of Carnillean Rising, I've come across a chest that I can store any item in and let other people find. So naturally, I've hidden it somewhere in the wide world of Runescape. Your job is simple, solve the clues to figured out the 5 digit pin number, then solve the last clue to find out where the treasure is buried. You need the pin number to unlock it, so rushing to the end will do you no good, unless you wanna guess numbers from 00001-99999.


  • [*]The chest is on world 64. Digging on other worlds won't help [*]You can only search for the chest when I'm logged in. This is Jagex's rule, not mine, so I'll try to be idling as soon as I relsease the clues [*]BRING A SPADE! [*]You can help others if you really want to, just know there is only one prize [*]I'll do my very best only have clues and the chest in non-quest related areas or quest related areas I assume we have all done already. Also, the chest will only be hidden in areas on the world map. In other words, no dungeons or buildings. [*]YOU MUST ASK ME FOR A KEY! You need both the pin number and a key to unlock the chest once you find it. Once I bury the chests you can request keys from me in game [*]The pin numbers aren't in the order that you solve them in. Once you have the pin numbers, pm me them in game and I'll tell you the order they are in. [*]If you pm me the supposed pin numbers and they are wrong, I won't let you guess again for another 10 minutes. [*]I'll give you a hint as to the general location of the chest ahead of time, but I'll only tell you the directions to the exact location when you pm me the pin numbers.


Now it wouldn't be fun if I told you what you were playing for. I will say it is a pricier costume from my personal collection. And honestly, I came up with this off of the top of my head. I just hope you appreciate the item and you aren't blind sighted when you get it.


I woke up in the Party Room bar, regretting the night I had with the random stranger who challenged me to the drinking contest. After pulling myself together and getting back to the bank, I noticed one of my most prized posessions missing from my bank. In its place, I see a note with 6 clues on it. Thus, I begin following the clues on the note, on what I assume is a retracing of my forgotten, drunken, night.

Clue #1

Just a short walk from Falador and I find the supposed last stop of my drunken journey. A group of four people greet me, all dressed in rather high-end equipment. Between the troll slaying, they tell me of my attempts to join in on the mayhem last night, which explains the bruises across my chest. Just like the note said, I took a peek at the number of arrows the ranger carried, added up the digits, and wrote it down. I said good bye to the mercenaries and went on my way

Clue #2

Next, I walked west, past a bunch of refugees from a Troll torn town and through a popular fishing community. Kept following the path and I found myself outside an impressive castle, supposedly filled with knights. Even though I was a tad hung over and didn't remember if I offended them in anyway, I had enough chivalry to leave them alone just in case. Instead, I pressed myself against the fence and took note of the fountains outside and inside the castle. And, just like the note said, I subtracted the fountains on the outside from the fountains on the inside. Again, I wrote this number down and continued on my journey.

Clue #3

Continued retracing my notes, down a road through a town of psychics and mages and ended up at a junction: A bustling city to the south-west, a top-notch fishing spot to the west, a guild for the nimble fighters to the east, and an old man in a shack to the north. I visited Jack, who told me how he found me chasing the chickens and stealing their eggs. After a quick apology for the commotion I caused, I took note of the number of chairs and stools in his entire house, wrote it down with the rest of the numbers, and asked Jack where exactly did I come from before messing with the chickens. He just handed me a teleport I must of dropped. Before I know it, I was somewhere a lot different.
*ATTENTION: The NPC described in this clue won't actually give you a teleport leading to the next area. This was just a plot device I made up to exit the scene and go to a different area. I deserve a little Dues Ex Machina every now and then, okay?

Clue #4

As I came out of the teleport, I notice the immediate change in weather. It was hot, dry heat, not helped at all by the jungle and the near by volcano. After surveying my surroundings and figuring out where I was, I walked west to the nearest town. Upon entering the biggest bar there, I was stared upon by a large number of pirates; who were either looking angrily at me or laughing like they were remembering a hilarious occurence. After apologizing to quite a few pirates for making an arse out of myself, I ordered a Grog, taking note of the price of one. I then added the price of the Grog and the number of big windows together, wrote down the number, and went on my way. Afterwards, I hopped through a house portal, shuddered at the destruction I've caused, and took one of my portals to another town.

Clue #5

As I exited the portal, the smell suddently hit me; a horrible mixture of dog, swamp, and death. After asking around the bar, a certain vampire told me that he saw me engaging in a drinking contest with a red demon in green clothes. Finally, I found the source of my forgetful night. After thanking the vampire, I made my way to the demon, who was only a short walk away. He was very intimidating, and maybe a bit angry that I beat him, but he told me what he knew about last night. Despite the full details, I was still confused as he told me I was wearing my prized posessesion at the bar. After bringing this up, the demon looked a bit guilty and confessed he stole and hid it before sending me on my way. He admitted that even he forgot where he hid it, but wrote a note just in case he had to remember. After taking the note, I visited the local food shop, took note of the number of kinds of fish he sold, even though he was out of stock, and read the demon's note on the location of the chest.


Hid human's hat at desert place. Don't let palace guards see when dig it up. Stand on top of hot metal burner's stairs. Then step like this: You will get these directions upon correctly pming me all the numbers you found. Take glider for celebration gnome dinner.

Wrap Up

I dug up the treasure, and saw my prized posession at last. I was going to reclaim, but I hesitated. It means a lot to me and has been with me for years. But our time together is nearing it's end and I'm not the person I used to be. So I reburied it, leaving it for another adventurer to claim for his or her own, that is if they can retrace my drunken night as well.

Time Chart

Daylight Saving Time

[th] Time Zone [/th] [th] UTC/GMT Relative [/th] [th] Event Time [/th]
10:00 P.M. [/td]
9:00 P.M. [/td]
5:00 P.M. [/td]
4:00 P.M. [/td]
3:00 P.M. [/td]
2:00 P.M. [/td]

If your time zone is not included in the chart, a time zone converter may be of help.
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last time I did one of these the clues were so friggen harddddd, an hour to work them all and get to the locs and what not like 2 out of 30 got to the last clue...Dear Mr.Blexun. Could you please be ever so kind as to make the clues so hard my balls ache. as that would be bad for everyone, but mainly me.Regards(Imagine my signature here)BradBut tbf I probably wont be there to take part anyway!

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last time I did one of these the clues were so friggen harddddd, an hour to work them all and get to the locs and what not like 2 out of 30 got to the last clue...

I'm in the process of creating them now, but they aren't hard. Like I said, you won't be hella rich from this event, but you'll bank one of my personal items. Also this is mainly a test to see how I could use the chest for future events. In the future, I may hide large amounts of cash or some high end items. Just seeing what works and what doesn't.
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The answer is the bar North of Varrok; the one right on the edge of the old wildy line. It's really quite obvious if you make a code out of all of his capitalized letters and take into account his intro story.Thanks for playing, losers.

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The answer is the bar North of Varrok; the one right on the edge of the old wildy line. It's really quite obvious if you make a code out of all of his capitalized letters and take into account his intro story.Thanks for playing, losers.

I gave you a like, but I refuse to give you anymore until I get those cool buttons you have.
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I gave you a like, but I refuse to give you anymore until I get those cool buttons you have.

The ones in my signature? They do look pretty sweet, don't they. They even have explanation text when you hover over them without moving the cursor. You jelly?
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The ones in my signature? They do look pretty sweet, don't they. They even have explanation text when you hover over them without moving the cursor. You jelly?

Posted Image

Is the prize your love?

Too rich for my blood

You forgot the props to that sexy bitch Tynisa for helping you test this.

I kind of wish we tested longer periods of time of you being logged out with my key. Not that it matters as I'm pretty sure people will stay on until it's solved.

UPDATE: Added two more rules to the event. These are just to make sure somebody doesn't cheat in one of the following ways.

[*]Solve 4 clues then spam me with answers while guessing the last one.

[*]Solve 4 clues, then solve the location clue, then force guess the pin number.

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