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So today I decided to get onto runesape and start playing to find out I had stuff in my inventory....and I always log out with everything in bank unless I'm hold vexillum....so I check my bank and it was completely ransacked -.- I hate stupid bank pins and now I see it came back to bite me back in the ass. So I officially have no money armour...stupid ass stole half sets of my armour!!!


[*]money (not that much)


[*]half a range set -.-


[*]MY MAPLE LOGS!!!!!!

that's about it... oh well -.-

This gives me reason to raise my first primary goal of fishing to 99 (:



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Brad x

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I literally do not understand how you all get hacked so much. My account is like 8 years old and I've NEVER had it happen. Do you give other people your passwords or what? With the new display names I don't even see how it's possible, granted Cons is the same (as the login) I believe.

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I literally do not understand how you all get hacked so much. My account is like 8 years old and I've NEVER had it happen. Do you give other people your passwords or what? With the new display names I don't even see how it's possible, granted Cons is the same (as the login) I believe.

mine isnt that same :/ If you played when I first joined TRR you'd know it otherwise you wouldn't knowIdk how it happened....might have a hunch other from that :/
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Funny thing I would like to get off my chest. Last November, more or less, Nelson got hacked and lost a lot of his money and stuff, again. Like, if I had to estimate how many times he claimed to of gotten hack over the 3+ years I've been around, it would be in the 20's. Anyway, he joined IRC, said he got hacked, told his login info in public, and quit. Well Isaiah logged into his account and apparently he forgot he like ~40m worth of stuff and we cleaned him out. Nelson joined a couple of minutes later, said he forgot he had a lot more gear left, then was confused when it was all gone. So moral to this story, Nelson isn't smart and not competent enough to raise a child.I've never been hacked before, and I've been playing for 4 years this Easter. Then again, I don't mess with a lot of the potential virus areas on the Internet.

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I used to share accounts lol, well I dont really like questing and this guy did like doing that. His little brother played on the same pc as the guy did on my account. The little brother got keylogged and therefore, I got hacked too :), bankpins dont help :)

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IMO Pins are such a hassle when doing skills where you need to bank ever load... so basically most of the game!

You only enter it once every time you log in. So unless skilling involves you constantly logging in and out, it isn't really a problem.
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Funny thing I would like to get off my chest. Last November, more or less, Nelson got hacked and lost a lot of his money and stuff, again. Like, if I had to estimate how many times he claimed to of gotten hack over the 3+ years I've been around, it would be in the 20's. Anyway, he joined IRC, said he got hacked, told his login info in public, and quit. Well Isaiah logged into his account and apparently he forgot he like ~40m worth of stuff and we cleaned him out. Nelson joined a couple of minutes later, said he forgot he had a lot more gear left, then was confused when it was all gone. So moral to this story, Nelson isn't smart and not competent enough to raise a child.I've never been hacked before, and I've been playing for 4 years this Easter. Then again, I don't mess with a lot of the potential virus areas on the Internet.

Lol, I think that was the time I gave him 10m to rebuild. Surprisingly, he payed back 13m
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Funny thing I would like to get off my chest. Last November, more or less, Nelson got hacked and lost a lot of his money and stuff, again. Like, if I had to estimate how many times he claimed to of gotten hack over the 3+ years I've been around, it would be in the 20's. Anyway, he joined IRC, said he got hacked, told his login info in public, and quit. Well Isaiah logged into his account and apparently he forgot he like ~40m worth of stuff and we cleaned him out. Nelson joined a couple of minutes later, said he forgot he had a lot more gear left, then was confused when it was all gone. So moral to this story, Nelson isn't smart and not competent enough to raise a child.I've never been hacked before, and I've been playing for 4 years this Easter. Then again, I don't mess with a lot of the potential virus areas on the Internet.

Yall owe me money then. Nelson was mah slave, he was indebt to me for 160m,Never been hacked on this account, Had a previous account where I let my friend I met online(never trust em) play on my account since we shared accounts back then(always bad idea), I quit for like a year and came back and found my account has been perm banned for rwt, even tho i changed my pass and pin, he just used my old pass for the recov info since i never set up ne questions(also bad idea). Lost mah phat and santa. Back then they were only worth rnd 330m together tho, still wud be nice if i had em right now.
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  • 1 month later...

So today I decided to get onto runesape and start playing to find out I had stuff in my inventory....and I always log out with everything in bank unless I'm hold vexillum....so I check my bank and it was completely ransacked -.- I hate stupid bank pins and now I see it came back to bite me back in the ass. So I officially have no money armour...stupid ass stole half sets of my armour!!!


[*]money (not that much)


[*]half a range set -.-


[*]MY MAPLE LOGS!!!!!!

that's about it... oh well -.-

You must watch a lot of porn. LOL


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