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Do You "Do" Quests?


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I started my questing life by just using a guide, and nailing through quests as fast as i could. I would never read anything any quest characters said, or take in any of the storyline that was being built up around me.This was mostly because of the fact i quested solely for PKing reasons.However, in the build up to doing the Temple of Sennestien (sp?) i still used a guide, but i would read what people said, and actually take in the storyline. This was a suprise to me, as i actually enjoyed the quests a lot more than i thought i would, and didn't mind the endless quests involved.tl;dr I quested without reading didnt like it, quested with reading, and loved it.--So, how about you guys?

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I followed all of the f2p quest without a guide, which isn't impressive what so ever. Ever since I started being a member and doing quest, I would just read what items I need for the quest, buy all of them, and go solo from there. The only times I read the guide was for the light puzzle in MEP2, the maze in Back to Your Roots, and boss fights. I always read what the characters say. Taking in the story is the best part of quest in my opinion.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yes. As of right now, 3 left. Ritual of the Mahjarrat (currently training for it), A Clockwork syringe, and Nomad's requiem. Why do I do them? Well idk really. When I joined I never got into the pking frenzy my friends were in to. I did quests, and thru a quest met a close friend who was also really in to quests. We both eventually got our quest capes. She quit, and I am working to get mine back :(.

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When I first became a member I made it my goal to get the quest cape, I didn't have a 99 at that moment so I was going to make my frist acheivement cape the quest cape, I was doing 3-6 quests a day, flying through them making great progress but sadly I burned myself out, and now I don't do quests. I honestly love them, but certain things turn me off when it comes to rs quests, it just seems you have to have so many items and bank several times and some quests make it hard to get back to where you was, now with summoning you can carry more and I'm sure that wouldn't be as much of a pain, and I have thought about working on quests but haven't decided yet.As for the guides, yes I do use guides, now some people say it ruins the quest, and in a sese it does, but I don't want to spend hours and hours and hours on 1 quest. Now I still do quests from time to time, but usually only if I can get something out of it, not just for kicks and giggles.

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